Title :Jedi of the Sith sabers Filename :MPsabers.zip Version :1.0 Date :1-22-98 Author :JK_Thrawn Email :thrawn1@earthlink.net URL :http://members.xoom.com/JKthrawn/main.htm Credits :Ed Weese for Matedit Read me file Type of Mod This is a gob file that uses mats to replace the original 7 Sabers. Description of the Modification This is a modification to all of the Light Sabers in Jedi Knight. This patch replaces all sabers with a black inner core. These sabers represent what I think a true Dark Jedi's saber would look like. How to Install the Modification This is a brief description of how to used patches for the game by Aristotle of jediknight.net: 1) First off, I personally like to "edit" the default install directory... JK tries to setup in a directory such as C:\ProgramFiles\LucasArts\JediKnight ... I changed that to simply C:\JK (you have the option of choosing your own directory during installation)... you'll see why later. 2) When you get a file (Which really should ALWAYS be in .GOB format) take that file (say it's LostBase from above) and head to your C:\JK directory... then make a folder in jk called "levels"... then extract the lostbase.zip file into that "levels" directory. 3) Now you want to head to your MS-DOS prompt (still within Win95) ... by heading to START and programs and MS-DOS PROMPT... then type CD\JK ... if "jk" is your Jedi knight directory (That's why it's nice to have a short JK directory name... you can head to it quickly). While at the DOS prompt C:\JK> ... type jk.exe -path levels ... it would look exactly like this C:\JK>jk.exe -path levels 4) That will make JK search for .GOB files in that "levels" directory... you will be able to run the .GOB file (Such as a new level) when you hit "host" and TCP/IP. You will see the level name as an option... just try one of the "Coruscant" levels above... it works well. 5) You can run multiple. Gobs in that directory as well... such as a level and a skin for example... they just cannot conflict... 6) You can also create .BAT files (Through Win95) to start off the. Gobs by just customizing the command path. Hope this helped the newbies regarding patch play... -Aristotle Technical Details This patch was made using Adobe PhotoShop and using Ed Weese's mat editor. I just took all the colors from the original sabers and painted them on in a rectangular formation. The sabers are the official sabers of The Council of the Jedi, an order for people who like to play Jedi Knight. You can reach there web page at http://members.xoom.com/JKthrawn/main.htm. Author Information My name is JK_Thrawn. My last patch is the level cheat patch which eliminates all cheaters of there force powers. Hopefully level designers will use it in their levels and Jedi Knight will become cheat free. I have made over six saber patches for Jedi Knight. I am planning to release two more saber patches in the next month. My email address is thrawn1@earthlink.net I am the leader of the Council of the Jedi. I am also a member of the Skinners. If you have any comments or question feel free to email me. Copyright and Distribution Permissions Lucas Arts is not to be held responsible for this patch. Availability This saber patch can be found at http://www.jediknight.net