Structure :::

: Areios de Pherô is a No Force Sabers Clan - on the MSN gaming Zone.
Based on a ranking system consisting of two parts:
Administrative members & the General members
AP is structured to have a small amount of members (mainly a group of friends that can get along well.)

.....:::::: AP is currently an invite only establishment. We do not give tryouts. In order to get into AP
The entire clan has to accept a person. If a person would like to join AP, they would have to be a friend.
It is best to hang around a while, and get to know AP. AP will decide when to let that person in.

Once a member has been accepted. They will be given a test to define their ability by skill.
The results of the test will show where to start this member off in training if needed, or if to
go ahead and promote the member to General Member status.

Member types:

Administrative :
> The legislature partition of the clan, consist of a Council involving 5 positions. The Council makes the decisions regarding recruitments, alliances, any extreme course of action, consequences/rewards for distinguishing behavior, etc.
:: type = none
> There is no achieving council status
:: type = Advanced
> The council Get their training from other council members and with
> Designated trainers. (also including the General members who want help
> in their training
General :
> Rank of members, that reflect the clan through his/her actions.
:: type = invite/test
> After an individual has been accepted in, they are tested to see if he/she
> is ready to be a general member or an iT member.
:: type = Advanced
> General members are trained together as a group. Every member helps out
> another member by giving tips or techniques.
> The Council or Designated trainers can help so long as the help is wanted.
iT - in Training :
> Rank of members that do not have the standard skill abilities to become a general member. They will be given training until they are promoted.

- iT members hold the alias of (Name)_iT_AP. When they have been promoted, they will be allowed into the General clan with the alias : (Name)_AP.
:: type = invite/test
> After an individual has been accepted in, they are tested to see if he/she
> is ready to be a general member or an iT member.
:: type = intermeadiate
> iT members may choose their type of training:
> :: Self :: or :: Assisted ::
> iT members have "case-workers" which are Council Members that manage
> the training processes of each iT member.
> Designated trainers and the Council help train iT members who choose to have
> assisted training
:: type = test

> iT members will be evaluated by the council and may choose to schedule
> their promotion test at anytime. The Council will decide through the test if an
> iT member is ready to promote to Advanced (General) training or to stay
> in iT for another term.

  Rules / Policy :::
No Hacks or Cheats
> Hacking is not permitted in AP.
> Cheating is not permitted in AP.
No Secondary Clans
> Members must have AP as their primary clan, Members cannot be in
AP and another clan while they are still part of the AP community.
Respect of other
> As an AP, members will be required to respect all other members of AP.
Respect of other
> Members will be required to respect others. (zoners) We expect our members to realize that they reflect the clan no matter what their actions may be. With all elements taken, members are expected to keep their cool under all circumstances. Any conflicts or ill clan images, created by a member (those that could not have been helped) is against our policy.

- This also includes the language. We expect our members to keep the bad
mouthing, and/or profanity to a minimum, Especially around other clans/zoners.
  Behavior :::

AP Goal:
We are shooting for a clan that can get along well with everybody, even the people that tend
to be complete ass holes. - Everything our members do, reflect the entire clan.

::: Have a good attitude.

:: This does not have to go into explaination. If any complaints occur a member will be
:: dealt with. Members only get so many warmings.

--- About chatting on the zone:

Flooding is not acceptable.
Do not start conflicts with other zoners.
Do not use "bots" in the chatroom.

If these guidelines do not get followed well, the member will be contacted by a council member,
and be reviewed and talked with, to try to fix the problem, if this does not work out, the member
can be kicked from the clan.

  "Lag" :::
Rules Concerning Lag:

Do not whine about lag, it is part of the game, the best thing to do is learn more about it, and
how to utilize your opponent's lag, as well as yours.

Also, if others say you lag, and you know for sure you aren't lagging, Don't get overly offensive
about it, and also do not laugh and call the opponent an idiot monkey spam moron.

If the complaints get too bad, ask the opponent if he/she would like you to leave.

Look for an article about lag soon.
  Overall Summary :::

AP is looking forward to a small group of friends that can get along best with each other, and well
with other people on the zone.

We will not be accepting members who cheat, have a bad attitude, have an ego, or is disliked because
of his/her actions done to other people.

Skill can be changed.