================================================================ Title : Faust Filename : FAUST.ZIP Author : Michael Conner Email Address : rmconner@osprey.smcm.edu Misc. Author Info : This email expires May 97 Description : A TIGHTLY SECURED Imperial base lies in the center of the trade port city, Faust. Once housed in this base were valuable data tapes detailing future directions of Imperial tactics and weaponry. If recovered, these tapes could have proved a small victory for the Rebellion, and save many lives. The data tapes were recently stolen from the Empire by an undercover rebel operative. Unfortunately, he was soon discovered by the Empire, but not before he managed to hide the tapes somewhere in the base. His whereabouts are currently unknown, meanwhile the Empire scours the base for the tapes. Our only information is that the tapes seem to have been hidden in a part of the base undergoing construction/expansion. Your mission is to negotiate safe passage through the filth-ridden city, infiltrate the gaurded barrier wall of the Imperial base, and recover the data tapes. Beware of bounty hunters in the city; watch yourself once in the base. You're gonna have to use your head on this one. Additional Credits to : FIRST George Lucas for the epic STAR WARS story LUCASARTS/DF team for an unbelievably detailed first person portrayal of the STAR WARS universe YVES BROCKMAN for WDFUSE 2.0, an incredible (and FREE) program DAVID LOVEJOY for a killer DF homepage All those awesome home-made levels I downloaded that inspired me. ANDY CONNER for letting me use his computer. Beta-testers ERICK GIBSON AND MOLLY RAUSCH ================================================================ * Play Information * Level replaced : SECBASE Difficulty Settings : Yes (should provide good challenge at HARD setting) New BMs : no New FMEs : nope New WAXs : no sir New 3DOs : no New VOCs : nope New GMDs : nope New VUEs : nope New Briefings : no New Cutscenes : no sir * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WDFUSE 2.00 Known Bugs : Unexplained ceiling texture clipping?!?? * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Just please let me know at my email rmconner@osprey.smcm. You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this level * David Lovejoy's "Ackbar's Dark Forces Homepage" Possibly elsewhere...? * Furthermore... * I sincerely thank Yves Brockman and anyone connected with the WDFUSE package, such as Alexei Novikov and Jereth Kok. This level is pretty basic, I couldn't figure out how to patch-in new WAXes, etc. It is also perhaps a little mosaic in the textures, but oh well... This is also my first attempt at level building, so forgive my sins... The whole thing took me about 25 days, over 100 hrs, to learn the WDFUSE program and then build the level. It was worth it. I could spend many more hours perfecting it, but I got to go back to school. The level is not very hard in terms of enemies encountered; rather it holds puzzles and other things of the sort. Keep your eyes open for secret passages, and play the HARD setting if you want to shoot a lot. If you haven't tried level building, I encourage you to try. FAUSTCITY grew out of my enjoyment of the NARSHADDA level, with its scummy urban textures and bounty hunter filth. I tried to remain conservative and closely duplicate the high quality mood, texture, and INF use one experiences in the excellent, original, LucasArts levels. Well, that's about it... Happy gaming. Comments? Bugs? email me at rmconner@osprey.smcm.edu, till May of 97 when I graduate.