<<<<<<<<<<<<< DARK FORCES ADD-ON MISSION >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<< RAVAGER OUPOST >>>>>>> >>>>>>> VERSION 1.5 <<<<<<< This zipfile consists of 3 files - RAVAGE15.GOB (main data file) RAVAGE.BAT (batch file to start the new mission) RAVAGE.TXT (this file) UnZip < RAVAGE15.ZIP > and copy the files to your Dark Forces directory < C:\DARK >. Then switch to that directory and type < RAVAGE >. Although the name of the mission will be < RAVAGER OUPOST >, the Mission Briefing Screen will still have the original < JABSHIP > briefing. ___________________________________________________________ Description: As Kyle Katarn, former Imperial Special Ops, now working for the Rebel Alliance, you have stolen the plans of the new Imperial secret weapon code named DEATHSTAR. On the way back to the Rebels, you are attacked and taken prisoner by the notorious Bounty Hunter, Boba Fett. He has turned you over to the Imperials at Ravager Outpost, a nearby Imperial stronghold located near the Outer Rim. The Commander of the Oupost has sentenced you to death for crimes against the Empire. The manner of execution is digestion inside a Kell Dragon. You must find a way into the Outpost, retreive the plans for the DEATHSTAR, and then find your way back to your ship. Good luck ! ____________________________________________________________ Title - RAVGER OUPOST Filename - RAVAGE15.GOB Author - RICK SCHMIDT Email Address - RICK1397@aol.com Mission Goals - FIND AND RECOVER DEATHSTAR PLANS - GET BACK TO YOUR SHIP Additional Credits - Yves Borckmans - DFUSE 1.0, END.VOC, ALARM.VOC Gary Belisle "Keemosabi" - SLAVE1 Don Sielke "DSielke" - R2 DROID Joe Schmidt "JCSchmidt" - Beta testing and advice All the guys on AOL who helped beta test it. THANKS TO EVERYONE !! And Thanks to LucasArts for a GREAT game. ___________________________________________________________________ - Play Information - Level replaced - JABSHIP Difficulty Settings - 3 (Easy, Medium and Hard) New BMs - No New FMEs - No New WAXs - No New 3DOs - Yes New VOCs - Yes New GMDs - No New VUEs - No - Construction - Base - New level from scratch Editor(s) used - DFUSE v 1.00 Known Bugs - some occasional mirroring effects and sounds heard where they should not be. _________________________________________________________________ What is new in ver.1.5- - Replaced files *.cmp and *.pal that were missing from ver.1.3 - Fixed some wall texture problems - Fixed some misplaced objects - Added several new rooms, including 2nd Hanger and an Armory. - Added additional *.voc's and *.3do's (Slave1) - Changed the *.bat file to echo txt during loadup _________________________________________________________________ - Copyright / Permissions - You MAY distribute this GOB, provided it is FREE, and you include this file, with no modifications. Dark Forces (c) 1994 LucasArts Entertainment Company - Where to get this GOB - WWW Sites - http://deepthought.armory.com:80/~tdalton/DarkForces/ Other - AOL SciFi _____________________________________________ Look for other levels coming in the near future!