================================================================ Title : Relics of the Empire Filename : Relic.ZIP Author : John Johnson Email Address : Navenprime@aol.com Misc. Author Info : Author of Ruins of Talos, and designer of Farlanders First Mission, for Dark Forces Description : Ceph Roean, one of the Empires elite, and an expert in the field of espionage, is sent to the Forest Moon of Endor, to search out an abandoned Imperial facility. The facility held numerous Imperial secrets, most of which were either relocated elsewhere, or destroyed by Imperial forces to prevent their capture. The base was unknown to the rebellion, so incompetant officers failed to destroy it, believing that its secrets were gone and the base held no value. Unfortunately base data logs and computer files still contain much of the research data from the facilities glory days. Once the base is located, Ceph must find the Generator room and place charges in each of the three interfaces. The charges will be detonated from orbit, once he is clear of the base. Unfortunately he will need to find his own way off the moon. The rebel presence is to great to risk a second shuttle landing, especially after they are alerted to his presence. Several other agents have attempted this task before. It is unknown what became of these operatives. The rebels may locate the base at any time so it is important that caution be used at all times. Failure means death. In the event that Ceph cannot destroy the facility, a disquised Imperial freighter will attempt a suicide bombing of the area, in an attempt to prevent the facilities capture. Ceph must then kill himself to prevent capture. There are nearly a hundred people on the freighter, and without it their is no way to escape the Endor system. Ceph knows failure is not an option. Additional Credits to : Mart for the voice files of the Ewoks, Mark Hadiker for bm's ================================================================ * Play Information * Level replaced : secbase Difficulty Settings : Yes New BMs : Yes New FMEs : No New WAXs : Yes New 3DOs : Yes New VOCs : Yes New GMDs : No New VUEs : No New Briefings : Yes New Cutscenes : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch/Modified levelname Editor(s) used : WDFUSE 2.00 Known Bugs : * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. (One of the following) You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this level * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: