Boba Fett's Storage Facility By David Arandle Notes: This is my very first level for Dark Forces. It's not huge but I hope you find it a little challenging. ---------------------------------------------------------- Background: As R2D2 begins a desperate mission to find Obi-wan Jan Oars receives word on Tattooine that the Imperial forces have been instructed to locate the droid. The Rebel Alliance, unsure of the droids location, can only hope that it finds Obi-wan. Jan is ordered to monitor the Imperials progress and attempt to recover the R2 unit should the Empire retrieve it. Unfortunately her cover is blown by the ever alert Boba Fett who ambushes her during a routine survailance operation. Not one to miss out on an oportunity to earn some credit, Fett transports Jan back to his storage facility in the remote canyons of Tattooine, where he contacts the Empire to negotiate a bounty. The Mission: Kyle hears of Jan's capture and rushes to Tattooine. Following an Imperial transport to the storage facility in a landspeeder Kyle sets out to infiltrate its defences and free Jan. Mission objectives: * Free Jan. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This file is to be distributed at NO charge. Included in this .zip file are 4 items: 1. Storage.bat 2. Storage.gob 3. Storage.txt 4. * original textures used to create the outdoor areas in this level. Feel free to use them if you like them. Work best with Jabship.pal --------------------------------------------------------- How to play this level: - Copy the Storage.gob and Storage.bat files to your Dark Forces directory (usually c:\dark). - Make sure your system is configured correctly to run Dark Forces. - Get to the Dark Forces directory. - Type "Storage.bat". - Note that the in-mission briefing has not been changed. - Also, the following files must NOT be in your Dark Forces directory: SECBASE.INF SECBASE.LEV SECBASE.GOL SECBASE.CMP SECBASE.O SECBASE.PAL JEDI.LVL If any of the above files are in your Dark Forces directory, this level may not function properly. ------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Credits: Thanks to the following people for their creations: - Whiteof.wax * used as general personel and technitions in this level. Donald C. Sielke ( / - TATOINDR.3DO - EVAP.3DO Troy Benge ( - IG88VER1.WAX Matt Neuman ( - JAWA1.WAX Gary Belisle ( - SLAVE1.3DO - LARS.3DO BosskTrandoshan - Mercnary.wax * used as higher ranking personnel this level. --------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions, suggestions, improvements, or comments, please E-mail me at