================================================================ Title : Escape from the X-Mansion Filename : XMANSION.GOB Author : Hunter Email Address : pmulnix@aol.com Misc. Author Info : I am a freak Description : Set the mood here. Additional Credits to : Guys at LucasArts! (almost put Id! old habits die hard) Myself! (Couldn't have done it without me) Paul Nemesh (for the Tri-Tie in the basement) Myself, again (thank you, thank you) Donald C. Sielke (Droids) Gary Belisle (Awesome X-Wing) Commander Krud (just cause I like his levels) Oh, and myself of course! ================================================================ * Play Information * Level(s) replaced : Ol' secbase Difficulty Settings : Not implemented (basically hard) New BMs : No New FMEs : No New WAXs : No New 3DOs : Yes New VOCs : Yes New GMDs : Yes * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Dfuse v1.00 of course! Known Bugs : Problems with really big rooms, like the hangar. certain angles will show you HOM. The basement HOM's you too, I think there's too many lines. I cut as many out as I could, but certain views will mess up. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this GOB, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this GOB * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: AOL is where I put it. If you put it anywhere else, please list 'em here. Da story: It is night You wake up suddenly to hear the sound of a laser battle somewhere in the rebel base where you and Jan are spending the night. You reach under your pillow for the Pistol you always keep there. The sounds of blaster fire cease, and you fear the worse. Imperials must have invaded the base! Okay, basically this level is my first full level, so your objectives consist of surviving until you get to the end and killing anything that moves.I can do it, so believe me, you can do it. Supplies are a mite thin, so use them wisely. May the Force be with you. Now get outta here! Cool stuff: -X-Wing ready for takeoff! -Save Jan, Crix, and the Ewok! -Take a swim! -Stocked refrigator! -Toliet monsters! -Room for Improvment! -Uh... Stuff! -Okay I'm stretching it. Go play the level!