After Fortress Quadrigon and a "creative pause", I (Fish) am back to Dark Forces editing. Although I never really thought I would make another level after Quadrigon (I felt like all my good ideas have been used there), I got some inspiration for a new mission and even collected enough will to start drawing the first sketches of a new level, which is now already under construction, and firstly I'll let you take a look at the plot on which it's currently based.

The Imperial Freighter Flame 2 was recently attacked by the Nami space pirates during its scheduled route through the Solgend system, despite the extremely heavy fighter escort the freighter has had. The Imperial Navy has successfully defended the starship and the attacking party was quickly completely destroyed, however Flame 2 received critical damage by two advanced proton torpedoes that managed to reach its hull, and was forced to do an emergency crash-landing on Quinoor, a nearby planet.
   Quinoor is a highly volcanic and unstable world, lifeless and uninhabitable; its only known structure is a minor Imperial mining and ore refinement facility, equipped with a small proprietary spaceport and a power plant. But after the crash of Flame, the Empire has immediately sent a staggering amount of reinforcements and now keeps the whole planet under maximum security.
   It is very unusual for any sort of pirates to attack the Imperial starships, especially the ones
with a very heavy escort - they would never do such a risky action without a good reason. Combining these facts with the prompt and extreme reaction of the Empire, the conclusion is obvious: there was something very important aboard the cruiser.
   Anything of such an obvious importance is also of a big interest for the Rebel Alliance. However, nobody knows what might the mysterious cargo be, as the Rebel Intelligence is not so active in that sector. The only remaining option is to investigate personally, what looks like a perfectly suitable job for Kyle Katarn. But, due to the high security measures currently in the Solgend system, the first task at all is to find a way to reach the planet Quinoor...

Project development
As you have maybe concluded from the storyline, my basic idea is to build a level where the player does not even know all the specific mission objectives at the beginning, but they get revealed as the story unfolds. The storyline described here is still maybe not final (if I get a slightly different idea in between), but don't expect big changes either, possibly just the details.
   Maybe you expected a mission objective more glorious than an investigation, but I think we all in the Dark Forces world are already sick of rescuing Jan from every existing detention facility, planting sequencer charges everywhere in the galaxy where possible and making a huge collection of Death Star plans.
   Since the idea of introducing the original VOC background music was generally appreciated in Fortress Quadrigon, I decided to apply it also to the Lava Planet. However, this time there will be more tracks and they will be implemented better. Just like in the Quadrigon case, the music is composed, performed and recorded by my band Dioxide for this purpose. (I play drums.)
   In beginnings I was working only on the architecture, but I managed to force myself to learn some cutscene development, so count with them in the final mission. However, it is not going to be anything deeply spectacular, so do not expect too much. Two cutscenes are already finished and several are still planned. The software tools I use for the project are WDFUSE 2.5, BMPDF, Corel Photo-Paint 11 and Steinberg Wavelab.
   Although some will notice similarities between Lava Planet and Fortress Quadrigon, the Lava Planet will have more different environments and will be significantly larger. In fact, it is already now larger than Quadrigon although it is still far from finished. It will also feature some new puzzles and challenges that are (I think) yet unseen the Dark Forces world.

(Oton Ribic)
oton.ribic @



An officer and a commando admiring the speeder bike (This must be the rare IM Anniversary Edition bike)

The spaceport lounge/cocktail bar is the first place to visit on a sightseeing tour. And the last...

Plexiglass was already invented long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

"Parts made on Coruscant; assembled on Endor" - One typical Imperial capitalistic factory

All the engineers are skeptic about the computers under their control. "We've recently installed Service Pack 2, you know..."

Greetings. I am a representative of ISTA™ (Imperial Septic Tank Association)

The high-class stormtroopers, ready even to sacrifice their life to save the dignity of the Imperial toothbrush factory

Your good ol' typical power reactor. Kyle says: "Aah, I wish I had some sequencer charges with myself..."

Are you for a swim? We guarantee you won't have any rheuma problems after you take a dip in here. Side effects? Minimal - ignore them.

This mysterious dark tunnel leads to... nothing. Yet.

Someone nasty is waiting for you behind that column. Only I don't remember whether is it a remote or a mousebot...


Current status  
Number of sectors 1091
Number of vertices 7167
Objects 1147
Textures 360
Cutscenes 2
New VOC music tracks 2
Completed (approx.) 44%

Sep 7, 2005
After the battle with the palettes that has delayed the project for a week or two, I have continued the work on the level. No special tricks or INF programming at the moment, I'm just busy with the good old architecture - finally have started expanding the area around the freighter as well as improving its interior.
   It's such a pity that the gravity constant can not be changed in Dark Forces. (Or, better said, it can not be changed without much trouble.) It would be a nice feature to have a bit stronger gravity on the surface of the Lava Planet.
   Noticing how little publicity did the Cloudspear and the freshly released Imperial Station B-24 receive, and many members have not even played it yet, I must admit that it makes an impact on my motivation. I somehow have the feeling that, when the level will be released, within the following five months three members will post that they "finally have to set up their old computers and play it through", what eventually never happens.

Aug 16, 2005
Back from the holidays - it was far too rainy, thanks for asking - and I have some new ideas worthy of implementation into the project. I have just yesterday re-opened the level in WDFUSE and laid a few sketches.
   To design the level as planned, I had to play around with the palettes and colormaps a bit. It's a bit tedious job, but I don't want to make too many compromises. Perhaps I will make a utility for that as a side-project?
   And, fortunately, I am getting along better with drawing. I didn't yet get brave enough to make spectacular WAXes, but the textures seem all right.
   And I got one idea for an interesting, but tough puzzle. However, I will still decide whether is it easy enough to be required to finish the level, or will it just lead to the secret/bonus area.

Jul 8, 2005
Through the last two weeks since the last update I have done some further level development. Not much new architecture, but lots of details, texture alignment, etc. It looks better and better all the time, but I have a slight opinion that the endless rocky outdoor areas soon become too repetitive. I might have to reduce some exterior sectors therefore.
   Decision to turn the Carrack Cruiser into a standard-issue freighter was good. It's much easier to design it realistically. A typical Star Wars gamer raised on Tie Fighter would have no problems recognizing it as one.
   But, the holidays are coming up and, unless there will be unexpectedly much rain, I don't think I will have too much free time I will want to devote to this project. I will take my laptop along, but I guess there will be better things to do on the shores of Croatia.
   I have finally persuaded my girlfriend to be a voice-actor for Jan. She even has a voice quite similar to the "original" Jan from LucasArts levels. So, in case I don't write before I return, I wish you all pleasant holidays.   

Jun 24, 2005
As expected, the soundtrack production is currently in the standby, but there was a significant improvement to the architecture alone. I am developing the interior of the mentioned freighter. It's quite a difficult job to construct a believable starcraft interior, especially when it has a pre-defined design and dimensions. I developed a new door that will be used in the freighter, and a few other controls.
   It's especially difficult to create a good-looking cockpit. If I add just a few details, it just looks too simple for a cockpit. With too many details, it's a combination of a circus and a carnival in Rio - too many colors and flickers like the floor in Mines. I'd better play again some legendary levels to take one more look on how to make it look well.

Jun 13, 2005
The work is proceeding quite well. I have designed several new sectors and drew a few new textures, but the most important change is to the storyline (you can check the new, actual storyline in the text column to the left). I've definitely decided to abandon the idea of a Carrack Cruiser and choose a standard Freighter instead. I've given up on making huge 3DO objects or designing sectors with its adjoining curved walls while trying to build a realistic Carrack. A freighter is much easier to design well due to its boxy appearance, and it's also smaller so I now completely avoided the terrible HOMs I encountered while designing the 1100 DFU-long Carrack.
   It keeps on looking better and better, and I guess I might add some screenshots of the new areas soon. However I might first want to furnish them a bit.
   The band-guitarist and I have also some new ideas for the level music. Unfortunately, its performance and recording might wait until the end of the Summer, as all the members will be on vacations away through the following weeks, and it would be almost impossible to organize some serious work. But I can always play around with Cubase, mix, re-mix and mix again the older tracks.

Jun 1, 2005
Hello everyone, today I have finally opened WDFUSE, for the first time after over three months. The architecture now looks to me like an alien world, I almost can't remember I actually edited that when I was younger, oh so much younger than today...
   But I have much motivation to continue, especially with the ideas I have in mind and the fantasy a little bit boosted after I've seen the Revenge of the Sith. So the show goes on!
   The problem is, now as I played the Lava Planet (that is, what's already done of it), I got a completely different opinion, much more independent and objective due to the long pause in between - and I might first spend some time correcting the errors and flaws I have noticed in the current design, architecture, etc. Anyway, I'm looking forward to working on this level again.

   Yee-haw! Finally I am back home from the endless weeks sniffing antiseptics and winking at nurses. Still far from healthy, but at least now I have access to my computer, meaning that the Lava Planet project will be resumed also quite soon. The good thing is at least that I have now accumulated a few ideas and will try to implement them. Unfortunately I could not have edited through my ill time, but I hope I am excused... Thanks also for support I got from some of you during that time. And, no, I am not in life danger anymore.
   So, there isn't much specific to report about the level, I'm looking forward to editing awful WAXes soon again! I'll keep posting the updates here, of course. Stay tuned.

Apr 8, 2005 - PROJECT FROZEN
   Sorry, that there were no life signs from me recently here. Reason? I am very seriously ill, and there is no clue how long I might still be or what will be the consequences. However I am still in chance to occasionally access the net and weakly check out what is going on. In case I die, I was lucky (?) enough to have found someone who will take over the Lava Planet post mortem.
   You can guess what that means for the Lava Planet; the project has not seen one single improvement for several weeks, and who knows when will it be open again. Sorry for that, but I guess you all will believe I could have not planned this...

Feb 17, 2005
A minor redesign of this website. Its only regular visitor (me) has got tired of a typically uninventive background, so I made this "barbecue" theme.

Feb 16, 2005
Is the DF-21 slowly coming to its hibernation phase? Sometimes there are no posts on the forum for days. I have the feeling that, once Lava Planet will be released, it will be played by two people: Scape Goat and me.
   I haven't done much new architecture, but improved the existing one a lot, and I spent a lot of time improving the background sky textures. It's really difficult to make something that looks good.
   And I am playing these days with my new iPaq. It's a sweet toy that cures boredom sometimes. It's just a pity there's no Pocket PC version of Dark Forces. Hmmm... and even if there was one, how would one play it? With a combination of stylus and the clumsy navigation keys? Well, maybe... human beings can adapt to almost anything.   

Jan 31, 2005
Whee! I've done absolutely nothing on the project during the last 10 days. But I do have a half-useable alibi: I am moving to a new flat what took most of my human resources.
   But I have a few architectural ideas that will be tried out when I catch some free time. I am also working on a quite complicated INF script that controls the final scene at the end of the level, when the mountain... (*cough* *cough*) err, nevermind.

Jan 21, 2005
Time for another update. Finally past week I've had some more time to devote to DF editing, and I have used it to modify and enhance some outdoor areas of the Quinoor.
   I'm very pleased that Adam Diggins (aka Darth Bane) offered his help with the project. Since I'm really bad at drawing and texture editing, I asked for his assistance in this field and he supplied me with a couple of very good rock textures that will replace my old, boring ones. Thanks again for them, Adam!
   Since it proved to be almost impossible to make a believable Carrack Cruiser in a 2.5D world of Dark Forces, I'm considering some minor plot modifications, though I don't have any concrete plans yet. However I will try to keep as much of what's already done as possible.
   I've also started recording some unique sound effects used in the level: clunks, machines, engines, etc. Just to enhance the level further a bit. If anyone's interested in that segment of editing, all the tricks I use are already described in my Sound Editing article on this site.
   In between, I am anxiously awaiting Cloudspear release. I guess we all are...

Jan 7, 2005
Now as my New Year-party rehabilitation is over, I can get back to Dark Forces editing, and I've made a few new sketches of the Carrack Cruiser interior. They will still need some refinement but one must be happy with small things...
   I've added three new screenshots to the top of the stack. Again nothing spectacular but keep in mind that the level is still well under construction (not even the alpha version yet). Regardless, I hope you will like them.
   This Lava Planet might in the end look more like a music project than a FPS level. I've been working with the band on the new ideas for the soundtracks. Some seem quite good, so I think we will include them once they are finished. That means more practicing awaits me; drumsticks, here I come.

Jan 3, 2005
Happy 2005, everyone. Unfortunately I didn't have too much time during my holidays to work on the Lava Planet, except the usual work with the band - now we're up to make another soundtrack, for the last part of the level.
   But the "creative break" has shown its results: I have some new ideas that could be implemented in the level, and Matt Hallaron meanwhile also suggested one great visual improvement for the level. Thanks again, Matt!
   I'll try to add some more screenshots soon, so stay tuned. My ego is currently high enough as one of the current screenshots has won the Screenshot of the week contest. (Although there were no other competitors.)

Dec 20, 2004
No progress on the level architecture past week unfortunately, but still a big step forward: "The Lava Planet Theme", which will be the title soundtrack for the level, is more or less done now. We have recorded a lot through the past week, I spent afterwards almost the whole weekend mixing and remixing the stuff we made, and now I am really satisfied - this might be the best recording the band has done so far. The only uncomfortable fact is that the final burn-ready 50MB wave file will be reduced to DF format which isn't really suitable for music. However, I will also release the high-quality MP3 versions of the soundtrack separately, if possible. As Nottheking from the DF-21 forums proposed, I might prepare some teaser sound clips that will be released before the level.
   Now, the second soundtrack is ready; we have already earlier finished the short music clip for the introduction cutscene.

Dec 13, 2004
I've added a few screenshots on the page (they are at the bottom, together with their comments). I know most of them don't seem too impressive but the whole level will still have to pass through one grand-scale refinement once the architecture is mosty in place. (Then they will be maybe even less impressive.)
   Unfortunately I didn't use the weekend to further develop the level since I had some partying to do and there's much work these days.
   But the band did some progress, I have mixed the first version of the new soundtrack for the game, and it's not even so disastrous as I expected. If I mask all the musical errors with appropriate effects, once it's converted to the DF format it might even sound one-quarter decent. Or maybe I'm just optimistic.
   Besides, I got some ideas for Easter eggs I am going to implement in the level. Lava Planet will have really many of them. I also got an idea for a really, *really* difficult puzzle, but it is so complicated that it won't be required to finish the level, but will just lead to a grandious weapon warehouse. 

Dec 9, 2004
Bad news? My girlfriend fired me. Good news? Now I will have more time to work on the Lava Planet. One small leap for a man, but large for DF editing...
   I've given up on using huge 3DOs in the level. It simply looks terrible, so I'll have to find a different solution. In the worst case, the Cruiser exterior will be only done using standard sectors, walls and a bit of adjoining textures. The first and immediately the ugliest certified "Cardboard Carrack" in the galaxy. However, I hope I will find some useable solution.
   At least there's some steady progress with the band: we are slowly finalizing the soundtrack for the 2nd part of the level, and soon we can start recording it. If possible, I will offer the high-quality MP3 soundtracks on the net also separately from the level, since in the level it will be reduced to 8-bit mono 11kHz signal. Just in case someone will like them.
   Now as Christmas and New Year holidays are coming up, I hope I will catch some free time (correction: catch some free time when I'm sober) to do some good amount of work on the level. On the other hand, why would I have to be sober for it in the first place? Some levels out there look like they have been done after (or during) a heavy booze destruction.

Nov 29, 2004
Experiments with super-large 3DOs are underway, and don't show really satisfying results. I've got to find another solution to convert an ugly building into a believable Carrack cruiser. If any of you reading this has a suggestion or an idea, feel free to contact me via the DF-21 forums.
   And I'm drawing some new textures. The main problem I'm having is with the lighting; the texture that looks very nice and cool in Corel Photo-Paint looks just awful in DF if it's not well lit. Anyway, the graphic art is not my strong side and I still have a lot to learn.

Nov 26, 2004
Instead of expanding, I have actually reduced a level for a few sectors. There was too much useless empty space around, but now it's better.
   I find it awfully difficult to make a realistically looking starcraft exterior in Dark Forces, even when it's a relatively edgy and ugly ship like a Carrack Cruiser. In original Dark Forces levels one could never really see a starship from outside, and now I know why. I tried to improvise with a voodoo combination of 3DOs and visible adjoined textures. However, instead of a crash-landed cruiser, it still looks rather like an ugly building. A smaller ship could still be completely represented through a large 3DO, but a 3DO of a complete Carrack Cruiser is quite a crazy idea. It's 350 meters long, what would equal 1300 DFU, so it would have more HOMs than the mission Alert Red. Obviously I'll have to find some alternate solution...
   Oh, and I hate WAX editing. I tried to draw some new custom WAXes, but since my graphic talents are measurable in picograms, all the new enemies I drew look like bundles of over-soaked toilet paper. Or even worse.

Nov 23, 2004
The mission today is to get this project page running. If you are reading this, I was obviously successful.
   These days I am working mostly on the exterior volcanic areas of the planet Quinoor. I find it quite difficult to make lots of exterior areas without getting too repetitive. Besides, I am making a third version of the arrangements for the music track to be played in that phase of the level. If everything goes right, it should be finished until December so the track might be mixed and ready even before 2005. One track (for the beginning phase of the game) is already done.
   Sorry for not putting any game screenshots on this page yet. I will still add them.
   Keep checking this place - I will add more or less often the fresh news as the project develops, and maybe refresh the main text on the left hand side.