Imperial Prison Island

Author(s): Mattias Welander

While still in the middle of dealing with the Dark Trooper threat, the Alliance receives word of a new TIE model with a working cloaking device: the TIE Phantom. There are plans in motion to destroy the base, but a smuggler with knowledge of the planned attempt has been captured by the Imperials. The only option left is to kill him inside the prison.

Review by: Annonymous

Aside from the professional cutscenes and this nice lava flow, the level really winds up pretty mediocre.
First off, let me say that this is by no means a bad level. In fact it's pretty good, but by no means on the level of something like Dark Forces 96, for example. The best thing about this level is the amazingly well done new cutscenes. Unfortunately, the actual level doesn't match the cutscenes' success, and therefore seems rather mediocre.

First off, the cutscenes are magnificent. They are completely new (not taken from Dark Forces or other games), and look like something that would be released in a commercial game. They show the Prison Island, the crow landing on the planet, and then the Crow leaving the planet. All in all, it's probably worth it to download the level just to see the cutscenes, although they do take up an awful lot of room.

Unfortunately, the level just tapers off after there. The level itself is not very long. In fact, the amount of space in the level is so small that you feel restricted. It starts out around the cliffs near the island, but little is done in the cliffs. Apart from crossing over a neat looking lava flow, this part's pretty boring. After that, the only thing remaining is the prison island and a base on the mainland. Of course, that description is ridiculous, because the prison island isn't really an island at all, but just a building surrounded by a three foot wide moat (wow, impressive.), and the mainland base is about two feet from this.

75%Once inside the prison, granted, the level is fairly well done, with some inspired moments (at one point you walk into a corridor that blocks off and traps you, which was pretty exciting). However, I just wasn't prepared for the letdown after seeing those great cutscenes. Download it at your convenience, but unless you really like cutscenes like I do, don't worry if you don't download it for a while.

Tech Specs
Level(s) replaced: SECBASE
Difficulty Settings: No
New BMs: Yes
New FMEs: No
New WAXs: Yes
New 3DOs: No
New VOCs: No
New GMDs: No
New LFDs: Yes
New VUEs: No
Base: New level from scratch
Editor(s) used: DFUSE, BMPDF.
Known Bugs: Some HOMing in certain areas.
Download Imperial Prison Island. (, 2M)

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Last Updated February 13, 2004