On May 29th, 2001 HeXeN was browsing through the games in

Nar when he came across this guy named Polocus, with a very

nice hot streak in duels. It was pretty late and HeXeN was very

tired but he decided to go ahead and put an end to that streak.

After playing for a short time HeXeN saw this was no newbie and

began to lose miserably. When the game was over Polocus had

crushed HeXeN and this was quite a surprise. It turned out this

excellent player was Zerocool, a former enemy of HeXeN. HeXeN

had been pondering over what he was going to do clan-wise. He

Had just recently left HDK and wanted to try something new. After

chatting the night away; Zerocool and HeXeN decided to form

END, an elite clan for NF saberist. The first to join the clan along

with HeXeN and Zerocool were two elite members by the name of

Virgo and Metalice, but after a dispute Metalice and Virgo soon

left the clan. Today we have a nice line-up including, HeXeN-END,


PhotonFX_END, EcLiPsE-END, Gigas-END. Many

more are soon to join the legacy of END....