Welcome to the 6th issue of the Quarterly... 05/23/99 08:42 PM

Yet another wonderful installment of the newsletter, I hope this is working for people, I would like some feed back on what u see on the clan pages, I want to make sure that I have a little something for everyone, so if you could e-mail me with your comments or suggestions I would appreciate it:) thanx Master Sinj....

WEll, some interesting things have come my way this week..

The Clan DD, there may be some confusion to some of you as to what the deal is, allow me to explain. ArchAngel and myself met with one Maj. Kyp Durron of DD (second in command) and on the word of Flameboy our Ambassador, tried to forge an alliance between us. All was going well, we decided we should play each other first, so I started an IP game, A player entered calling himself Major Durron, and low and behold he was a hacker!, Now Maj.Durron and I met the other day and he tried to convince me that he was not the hacker, that he did not even enter our game..! I say look at the names, coincedence? you decide...As a result a lot of wrong things were said between members of this clan and Durron. There will be no alliance with DD, we know who the hackers are..What I am upset about is the way some of you acted...There is no need to stoop to the level of those provoking you, I was courteous and respectful to Durron, but still let him know we do not want an alliance, no swear words were spewed. This kind of behaviour is not honorable, and could damage the respect we are recieving from most. So in the future I wish to see a little more self control, and less bad language....By the way, I beleive it was DD that was spreading the rumors that we are hackers, I have my sources, and more than one Zone name, you hear things hehe(my spying again:) maybe not all members but certainly some, Durron is not to be trusted, he speaks out of 2 mouths...DD are now our Ememies, treat them as such. But BE RESPECTFUL.

I hope that has cleared things up, as always feel free to e-mail if you have any questions.

I Master Sinjuku, have withdrew from the ladder..It is a sad thing, but with all else I have going on, I no longer have the time, the Emblem of the Ladder is therefore passed on to the next highest Ranked, which is Spaceboy, who is ranked 120. So Congratulations go out to Spaceboy, continue to go higher.....

We have some new links, Be sure to check out the Topten Sites link, we are 8th this week...also the Top 50 Sites, the link is near the bottom of the page, we are 21st out of 500..!!

Well that is pretty much it..just one more thing,,,WHERE'S ALL THE FUN STUFF, none of you have sent anything in, come on send some pics in of some funstuff you did, either with clan mates or others, also I'd like to start recieving some war records, so when u whoop somes Ass, we can all see:)



GoZ_Noles.(Sinjuku's creation has been given the Rank of Knight because of the abilities installed by Master Sinj...GoZ_Noles is our first Knight..:)

GoZ_Wookie has been promoted to the rank of Guardian.

GoZ_BloodWolf has been promoted to the Rank of Protector.

GoZ_Predator has been promoted to the Rank of Protector.

Congratulations fellas....very well deserved..!!

This is for the fun stuff, if you have something send it to the Record Keeper.......



Hope you enjoy, if you have any info you want to send for the newsletter or any questions please refer them to the

Record Keeper......thank you..