Welcome to the 8th issue of the Quarterly... 05/23/99 08:42 PM

Yet another wonderful installment of the newsletter, I hope this is working for people, I would like some feed back on what u see on the clan pages, I want to make sure that I have a little something for everyone, so if you could e-mail me with your comments or suggestions I would appreciate it:) thanx Master Sinj....

WEll, this is what is going on this week...

I just posted today, on the discussion board, the full ruling of the Emblem of Dishonor, there was apparent confusion by a few of you as to how it actually worked, I hope the posting helps you out, if you still have any questions about it, or any other Law, feel free to get in touch with me and I'll explain for you.

We have a new ally...CotT, Clan of the Trinity, an honorable clan with honorable members, their link is on the allies page.

Update on the CSP (Clan Skins Pack) it is now due out July 15th, due to the number of Clans that submitted skins the time had to be extended to accomodate them all, no word on our skin yet, but it is supposed to be part of the first package to be released on the 15th, i'll keep you posted.

The members page has been updated, I have now added a sound to each HC members page, JC members page and Guardians page, I don't have enough space yet to put one on everyones page, however soon I will be upgrading the server size to accomodate the ever growing Clan pages, so don't feel left out if you have no sounds on your page, it's only temporary.

WE had our first Clan battle 4th of July weekend.... WE WON..yeahh....congrats go out to those who represented the Clan in this battle, each one of you has recieved an Emblem of honor, Check out the new Battles page to see who fought and see some pics of the battle scores......Look for more of these in the future.

CotH, Clan of the Hunter has expressed an interest in becoming allies with us, I have spoken to their leader and he is a nice guy, but we are still in the negotiating stage, a fight will be forth coming in the near future, both sabers nf and gunz, with 3 members from each clan, as to when this will happen, that is yet undeterimined, if you would like to represent the clan in this battle, e-mail me.

Well that's about it for this week, till next time..................Sinj

This is for the fun stuff, if you have something send it to the Record Keeper.......I will be posting some pics of swan diving here soon, just have to get some more space first...next issue....


Hope you enjoy, if you have any info you want to send for the newsletter or any questions please refer them to the

Record Keeper......thank you..