Welcome to the 14th issue of the Quarterly... 05/23/99 08:42 PM

Yet another wonderful installment of the newsletter, I hope this is working for people, I would like some feed back on what u see on the clan pages, I want to make sure that I have a little something for everyone, so if you could e-mail me with your comments or suggestions I would appreciate it:) thanx.........I welcome GoZ_TiTo to the news team... he will be acquiring all the clan news that happens over the 2 week period of the newsletter, If there is another member out there who would like to help in gathering infomation about JK, e-mail me we could use the help.

Master Sinj....The Record Keeper

WEll, this is what is going on this Period


Ok here is the 2nd installment of "Tito's column"

TiTo's Column

TiTos' Column
September 13, 1998
Hello again people. Here is the VERY SHORT news article for the past 2 weeks. (Not much has happened) Here are some clan updates... The GoZ skin pack has been updated so go download it if you haven't already. Remember, it is required for ALL GoZ members to download it. In other news, Sinj and Spaceboy are in the process of making a GoZ levels pack. I personally can't wait till it comes out. It's gonna kick @$$. Though it will take a while for them to finish it up. We predict it will be out around November.
Flameboy has come out with the ambassador page. It's pretty cool actually. Check it out. It's the "Diplomacy' link on our
page. Also, I forgot to mention this in the last newsletter, " JK Kicker Helper" came out a while ago. This is an awesome program
for those of you who hate hackers that change their names to for example, IIIII¥£¢ñðØæÅØÿßIIIII. What Kicker Helper does is, while you are in a game and this hacker marches in and ruins it, you minimize the game, open Kicker Helper and click Get Player Names. What this does is when you go back in the game, the hacker's name will be just a bunch of numbers. Then you just click t, tab, type kick (hacker's numbers), and they r GONE. It's hilarious watching them say, "WTF?!" I DEFINITELY recommend Kicker Helper for ALL JK players. I think there are 0 new members, 0 new allies, 0 new enemies, and 0 new ambassadors.
To tell you the truth, I don't think this clan is getting any funner or better. At this rate (I think) you could say it's going no where.
The problem (I think) is that the recruiters don't recruit enough. I mentioned this at the last meeting. I know we have a "Join GoZ" page and all but come on people. How many members do you think we'll be earning that way? We can't wait for the people to come to us, we have to come to them. What I mean is, the recruiters need to actually go on the zone and recruit. For example, starting a game named, "GoZ Recruiting" would be nice. But the problem there is that the recruiters are almost never
online. This is why we need more members. More members = more recruiters and more future GoZ leaders. We can also earn some great GIF artists and some awesome sabreists this way. Believe me they're out there. I see and
play them everyday. So, Sinj and everyone else, take my advice if you want GoZ to survive. Thanx for letting me speak my mind. Message me and tell me what you think. :-)
REMINDER: There is a clan meeting today @ 6:00pm EST. Be there or be... well,just make sure to email Sinj if you can't make it and you won't get an emblem of dishonor.

Well that's about it for this period, till next time..................Sinj

Hope you enjoy, if you have any info you want to send for the newsletter or any questions please refer them to the

Record Keeper......thank you..