Every Jedi Order is based on Justice and Honor. Many of these Jedi clans excel in their endeavors, but it is clear that a defined code of conduct is necessary to ensure the survival and unity of the clan. Thus, The Iron Knights follow these Virtues, which are not rules, but guidelines on how our Knights interact with each other as well as those around them. When followed, our Knights can be looked up to as Pillars of Justice in this chaotic galaxy.


"My Honor is my life"

Honor is the backbone of the Knighthood, and every member will live by it. Those that make it into our order are already seen to be honorable warriors, thus they know what is expected of them. Fair-play and good sportsmanship are traits that all Iron Knights have. We have also adopted a Fighting Warrior code, the Zellbringen. , which ensures our Honor in combat.


Whichever clan you belong to, one should be loyal. A member who leaves his/her long time clan, for reasons such as gaining entry into a stronger clan deems no respect from us. Everyone in IRN is loyal to IRN. We hope others are loyal to their respective orders as well. The Knighthood is a commitment. If a meeting is called and a member is asked to attend, this person will plan ahead and make certain he can make the time and date. When a member cannot make an event, he will give his reasons to the host of the event. It is common courtesy to the organizer. One will do his/her best to practice, participate and keep the IRN presence in the Zone as well.


Our Knights should all be friends with each other, and thus we treat each other like brothers would. Regular conversation, via ICQ, Zone, or any other means should be a very common event. We must never close our minds to new ideas, and the ideal Knight is active, and aids in the management of the clan in any way he can. Everyone in the order regards each other as family as well as friends. This is what makes a clan great, and keeps it unified.


IRN members should always strive to build upon their base skills in the various arts of combat, and in dealing with others. We define our weaknesses, and do our best to eliminate them. If a particular warrior has a good skill with the Saber, and doesn't know how to use other weapons effectively, he should practice hard, learn from the Darths, Thanes, other members, or even outsiders to better himself, and to better the clan's skill level. A Knight also shall showcase his skills on the Zone, to keep our image of high quality up. We must never gloat. Be strong, yet be humble. When seen from another's eyes, an Iron Knight appears formidable, yet friendly, and also respectable. In the end, it is every Knight's goal to be self sufficient in every aspect of combat.


The Chain of Command shall be respected in times of need and when given an order, but most of the time ranks should have no meaning. The IRN is no longer a military. It is a brotherhood. Everyone is equal. The Emperor should give the same respect to a low ranking Apprentice, that the Apprentice would give to his Emperor. This also applies to those outside of the IRN family, our allies, and even the people not so known to the Iron Empire. Respect goes two ways. You give respect, you gain respect.


When a fight occurs between a member of the order, and an outsider, the Knight is expected to be the one to solve the conflict. We do not walk around causing anger and mistrust, we are guardians of peace. There comes a time where one must defend his clan's name of course, but small and simple fights are usually useless. It is a good thing sometimes to just let the other person have his way, it would save a lot of problems, and keep friendships going, and mutual respect would not be harmed. The most important thing when dealing with disputes is not to be moody, or have a short temper. A Knight should not let himself be hurt by insults or harmful comments, and should not strike back only because someone has attacked you. Let things pass, and if the person does not stop, it is okay to defend yourself. Swearing and pointless insults are not the way. They are counter-productive. Use good points that will cause the offender to think about his actions. Fights between IRN members should not happen, and Knights are expected to resolve their differences rather than be immature. This type of fight can only harm the Knighthood.

No sentient being is perfect, Jedi or not. And it is not possible for even one in the Knighthood to be the icon of virtue. These virtues are remembered by the Knights during their everyday, and it is known that they will attempt to follow the virtues and the Zellbringen. . No corrupt Jedi is allowed into the Iron Knights, and so these virtues are not enforced. If a warrior strays from this path, he will be reminded and nothing more. We are a clan of Honor, and Integrity.

Written by PestControl