The Iron Knights, the defenders of the Iron Empire, have adopted the Zellbringen, an honor code created by The famous warrior, Kerensky. All hail to the Warriors of Kerensky who should be an example of honor to us all.

The Rules of Engagement

1. To die in glorious combat is better than to live as a coward; Honorable defeat is desired above a shameful victory.

2. A Warrior is an icon of Honor, not of Death.

3. The second function of mines are discouraged, but are legal, as all things. Mines are an underhanded and indirect means of confrontation Killing with mine traps brings no honor, as no honor lies in murder. As a direct means of attack, mines can bring honor. When one uses these devices, be sure that your opponent does not object. If he or she becomes angered at their use, then the honorable thing to do would be to stop using them, or to cut back on it.

4. NEVER Fire on a warrior with a drawn lightsaber. It is understood that in the fog of war, mistakes can be made, but a drawn lightsaber is an invitation to duel. Nothing is more honorable than a lightsaber fight, and no weapon more elegant. When a warrior confronts you with a saber, you respond in kind. These modern times require modern means for our Knights to dispatch the enemies of our order, thus training in any sort of weaponry is encouraged, as well as the art of saber dueling. One must never close one's mind to new possibilities, thus they be left behind as a memory. It is the Knight's choice to not accept the challenge of a saber duel, but do not simply fire upon the saberist unless he attacks you with fury. Tell the saberist that you wish to fight with weapons if that is your choice, do not disgrace the honorable challenge.

5. NEVER interrupt a lightsaber duel. When a warrior is engaged in combat with another, it is a breach of honor to interfere with the battle.

6. Likewise, Leave combatants alone in combat. It is understood that this is sometimes not possible, and it is often that combat degrades into a frenzied 'furball', but the most honor lies in killing a foe in single combat, so interfering with such a battle takes away from both warriors' honor.

7. An Iron Knight must speak with respect for everything that surrounds him or her, or they will not be given respect in kind. Profanity towards another being that is meant to harm is prohibited. If verbally attacked, one MUST try and resolve the conflict before violence or profanity begins on our part. It is at the discression of the Knight when the line is drawn, and where one must defend oneself's honor. Profanity and Vulgarity are frowned upon, and it is always better to fight back with one's saber or firearm. Act with honor in all things, those who see the dealing that is going on will respect you for it!

8. Extend battlefield courtesey. A few simple words of praise or thanks can turn a humiliating defeat into a honorable loss. Commending your opponent on well executed manouevers and displays of skill and honor will usually allow for the same courtesey to be extended to you. It is never honorable to insult, and even a battle in which nothing is said and no recognition is given can turn into a sour experience.

9. As dictated by the Zellbringen, overkill brings no honor. The Iron Knight's version of the Zellbringen allows the use of superior firepower, but when confronting someone of considerable low skill with weaponry, one must be courteous to not frustrate him. A various range of weaponry when encountering such opponents is encouraged.

10. A Warrior must always strive to better oneself, continually work to home in on one's weaknesses and to defeat them. No human, Jedi or not is perfect. It is the Iron Knight's responsibility to enlighten and strenthen oneself!

11. The Zellbringen is a guideline for the Iron Knights, not to be taken word for word. This is a sure fire way to honor and respect, but there is always the more serious times where one must do what is necesary to defend Imperial Honor. Keep all in context, moderation is the key. Honor is life, but one must sometimes sacrifice perfection for the good of the Knighthood and the Empire.