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Jedi Knight Zekk

Zekk was one of the best friends of the Solo Twins, as well as the primary love-interest of Jaina Solo throughout the whole of the Young Jedi Knight book series by Kevin J. Anderson.  Zekk was introduced in the third book, The Lost Ones.  He is later abducted by the Dark Master, Brakiss.  Brakiss trained Zekk very well, and he earned the title of Darkest Knight at Brakiss' training facility called the Shadow Academy.  After his return from the Dark Side, Zekk becomes a bounty hunter, then later takes up Jedi training on Yavin 4 with Jacen and Jaina Solo, becoming yet another Jedi of the Light Side.

Mick from Xyber 9 [head]; Naboo Obi-wan Kenobi [torso, legs]; Jedi Duel Qui-Gon [arms]; Jedi Luke Cloak; any lightsaber

I think this figure is my favorite idea, whether or not it is my favorite figure.  After Zekk built his new lightsaber in the last book of the Young Jedi Knights series, I thought of making this figure.  I put all the pieces together, then got to painting.  I flesh-washed the head, then repainted all the details on he would look original.  He has charcoal pants, and a charcoal under-tunic.  I painted his tunic, tabards, and sash Quaker gray.  I gave his belt a going over, too...then redid all those details.  The buckle and food capsules were done in silver, and the pouches were done in raw sienna.  His boots were painted dark brown.

For the cloak, I did the same thing to this one as I did to the one on the Dark Jedi Zekk one, only this time I didn't paint the inside red.