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Martial Artist Joshua Gilandro

This figure is based off the same guy as my Jedi Joshua Gilandro figure, but he has drifted from the SW thing, and is a die-hard martial artist.

Cale from Titan AE [head]; Dagobah Luke [arms]; Buff ANH Luke [torso]; Jedi Duel Darth Maul [legs]

I started off giving the Cale head what I like to call a Flesh Wash.  I covered the whole head in a flesh tone, removing all identifying features.  Then, I made his hair black, and reapplied his eyes and eyebrows, also making them black.  I cut some scraps from an extra robe to make the ends of the belt.  I painted all but feet arms and head black.
  I then glued on front of belt, and painted charcoal gray.  The feet and arms, I painted flesh tone.