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Jedi Knight Qu Rahn

Rahn was a Jedi friend of Morgan Katarn, Kyle's father.  In Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, we see Rahn die by Jerec's hand before the game begins.

Non-mail away Mace Windu [whole]; Naboo Obi-wan [cloak]

I got the idea for this recipe from the FFURG with a few minor changes, so I thank Jay Parente for inspiration.  I added the back of an Obi-wan robe and painted it medium brown, as well as an extra part to the belt.  I painted Mace's robe crème, while painting his hakama and belt the same color brown as his boots.  Then you just add the goatee and receding hairline, and ta-da, Qu Rahn, deceased Jedi Knight.