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YJK Master Skywalker

I got this idea while I was reading through the Young Jedi Knights series.  There was a picture of Luke in this outfit on the cover of one of them,  Jedi Under Siege I think.

Jedi Duel Obi-wan Kenobi [body, arms, legs]; Final Jedi Duel Luke [head]; Naboo Obi-wan Kenobi [robes]; Jedi Luke saber.

This was a simple enough custom.  I changed out the heads, then repainted the outfit because I didn't think solid white looked good on Luke.  I painted him solid black, then used some silver to make the vest and the belt, leaving the sash black.  I also painted the inside of his hood silver, thinking it was a nice touch.  I did some creative touching up on the saber to make it more closely resemble his saber.  It's not much, but it really makes the saber look good.