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Zekk was one of the best friends of the Solo Twins, as well as the primary love-interest of Jaina Solo throughout the whole of the Young Jedi Knight book series by Kevin J. Anderson.  Zekk was introduced in the third book, The Lost Ones.  He is later abducted by the Dark Master, Brakiss.  Brakiss trained Zekk very well, and he earned the title of Darkest Knight at Brakiss' training facility called the Shadow Academy.  After his return from the Dark Side, Zekk becomes a bounty hunter, then later takes up Jedi training on Yavin 4 with Jacen and Jaina Solo, becoming yet another Jedi of the Light Side.

Mick from Xyber 9 [head]; Darth Vader [Arms, legs]; Dash Rendar [Chest, pelvis, backpack, guns]; Jedi Luke Cape; Red lightsaber.

This custom is very likely my best to date.  I put all the parts together and did a hell of a paintjob on this figure.  First, the hair is black, and the eyes green.  Dash's chest plate, belt, and gun-belt buckle, as well as Vader's shoulder armor and boots, were painted a dark gray.  Everything else was painted a gloss black, because in the book, the Dark Jedi Armor is made of leather, just as Vader's were.  Upon earning the title of Darkest Knight, Zekk was given a crimson-lined black cloak.  Well, I cut the hood and front folds out of Jedi Luke's cloak, so the figure can still be seen.  I also chose Maul's saber because Brakiss said the saber was 'honed for darkness' or something like that, and that was the evilest looking saber I had, but any red lightsaber would do.

When the Shadow Academy attacked Yavin 4, the Dark Jedi came in on repulsopacks, hence Dash's backpack.  And, as he became a bounty hunter, the guns are just part of the job.  Neither are shown here, but I'm sure you can guess what it might look like.

Anything else you might wanna know about Zekk, go read the Young Jedi Knight book series for yourself.