Title : Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Skin Pack for MotS 1.2 Filename : e1spmots1.2.zip Version : 1.2 (you can now toggle the lightstaff on/off) Date : 6/18/99 Author : MotS version edited by TegSkywalker E-mail : tegskywalker@hotmail.com ICQ : 20162837 (TegSkywalker) URL : Credits : TegSkywalker for converting to MotS, Al McDonald for all of the skins,BoBo Fett and Hideki for the lightstaff cog, and Azlon for the four new lightsabers. Build time : A couple hours for the conversion to MotS. Type of Mod : Multiplayer skin pack ----------- Cog : Yes Dat : Yes Key : No Mat : Yes Snd : No Uni : Yes 3do : Yes Pup : Yes Wav : No Bm : Yes Bugs: : none that I can think of. You can now see DuelMaul's double bladed saber. Hell yeah!! Description of the Modification ------------------------------- This gives you a total of 20 skins from Episode 1. Also, if you choose to be Darth Maul (without Sith robes), you get his double-bladed lightsaber with a longer lightsaber handle. All players in a game using this skin pack MUST have it activated, or you will get a checksum failure. The saber swings twice as fast, but it's a little weaker. The names of the skins are shorter when you select the skins, like Mace Windu is just "MACE". There are also four new lightsabers to select, they're red, green, blue and purple, but I think they look cooler. **Plus you can toggle the lightstaff on and off!! (enable in setup) How To use Lightstaff: To activate the lightstaff for Duel Maul, go into Setup. Next choose Controls, then click on Keyboard. Scroll the list until you get to the very bottom where it will say "Lightstaff on/off toggle" Now assign a key to it. Now inside a multiplayer game with Duel Maul, press the assigned key, and you will be able to switch on/off the lightstaff. Here's a list of the skins: 1. C-3PO 2. Queen Amidala 3. Federation Battle Droid 4. Naboo Foot Soldier 5. Jar Jar 6. Mace Windu 7. Darth Maul (with Double-Saber) 8. Darth Maul (in Sith Robes) 9. N-1 Pilot 10. Theed Palace Guard 11. Obi-Wan Kenobi 12. Obi-Wan Kenobi (in Jedi Robes) 13. Senator Palpatine 14. Captain Panaka 15. Qui-Gon Jinn 16. Qui-Gon Jinn (in "Farmer Clothing") 17. Ric Olie 18. Darth Sidious 19. Chancellor Valorum 20. Wookiee Senator (Name Unknown) How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- Just put the .goo file in JKPATCH of MotS, start Patch Commander, and activate it. Technical Details ----------------- THE LIGHTSTAFF HAS BEEN FIXED FOR DUEL MAUL!!!! you can toggle it on and off!! Author Information ------------------ mmmm...chocolate Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- You can distribute this file how you wish, but you must include this file intact. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS OR STEAL AND CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN. this is the property of TegSkywalker, Al McDonald, Slade, Azlon, and Bobo Fett.