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JKMAG News Archives Section 3:

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Friday December 18, 1998 - What a week I'm having!!!


Too much of a good thing? 

This blows man! After almost two WEEKS of good steady posting, life once again interfered with my duties here at the MAG. From all this Christmas hustle & bustle to a bunch of last minute college tests the Zeusman has REALLY been feeling that old holiday pressure! I finally managed to get it together enough for a quick post though. Sorry about the delay! I'm about out of Manowar 3 pics, but I wanted to keep posting some type of "series" type thing here to keep things fresh. So, I'm gonna start featuring some links to some of Hyperview's best single player missions for JK & Mots. Think of it as a little stocking stuffer from us here at JKMAG. More on this hopefully by Saturday, now on with the news! 

This may be the last in our Manowar 3 pictorial series. Here we have a picture of the cavern from the previous pic from a Mandalorian point of view. Azlon sent this to me to show that the room is full of water & not lava as I had previously assumed. More Manowar 3 updates to come in the following weeks so stay tuned!  
Got an Email from Nimrod Yesterday.... 

Time is short for me guys, so just read Nim's Email & next time I promise I'll do a story! This concerns Jedit's involvement with VOTJ, their status at the MAG, and their need for a few new level editors. 

Hi Zeus.  Sorry, but I haven't gotten around to reading JKMAG news lately, we've all been WAY too busy with the CA TC.  Anyway, here's the deal with the VOTJ 
thing.  We're not really sure WHAT to do with the page.  I'm looking for someone to become the absolute webmaster of it (taking my spot).  They would have many 
hard working html editors working with them (including me, Dak, Superbat, and Nemesis).  But we need someone who can totally change it around and make it suit 
our needs.   
Pretty much I want JEDIT to exist on both sites.  They sort of mirror each other and if you look at the code in the VOTJ mirror site for JEDIT, many of the links to 
pages within JEDIT lead to the JKMAG versions of the page.  We are still the official JKMAG editing site however, and will be ever loyal to the place where we were 
born ;) 
And as for the Cyber Assassins TC, expect some news coming soon.  I plan on sending in a nice report on it, as well as some screen shots.  We are still in need of 
levels for it.  
Zeus, if you could, I would REALLY appreciate it if you could put an add out for all level editors.  We want the best Cyber Assassin levels, so basically maybe make 
a challenge to the level editing community?  Say something like this: "Hey Level Editors!  Got a level that you think would fit in well with the Cyber Assassin TC?  If 
so, send it to Nimrod ((at )), and he will pick the best ones.  If yours wins, it will be included in the upcoming CA TC, and you name will be 
in the credits!  (oh joy!)." 
We also need someone to redo the JEDIT page.  Thanks Zeus and remember, JKMAG will always be our home :) 
- Nim 

DarkStrike gets a Cable modem.... 

 this may not be REAL news, but its news to me! I am insanely jealous DarkStrike! Don't expect my high ping self to play you ANY time soon! ;o) 

Zeus decides to take up theft as a Hobby.... 

I have to admit that I've always had a sick fascination with sneakiness & the possibilities of moving unseen into places I wasn't supposed to be. Normally this sort of behavior results in a run in with the authorities! However, I have found a way to satisfy my craving for criminal tendencies in the form of Looking Glass & Eidos's latest offering, Thief: The Dark Project. This game is a really sweet Single Player experience (no multiplayer alas) with GREAT AI for non player characters.. It includes everything from picking pockets, to hiding the bodies of people you've murdered during the course of your adventures. Face it kiddies, this game is a psychopath's dream! Don't take my word for it though, get the demo at  CNET's or if you can't find it there, click here for an instant download! 

Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat    


Saturday December 12, 1998 - Manowar pic # 5 & the return of green... 


Oooooooh! Textured Green Again! 

Heh heh, yep! I got our classic textured "earthy" green background back up here again! I'd meant to do that months ago, but i just kept forgetting! I remembered when I checked the staff page today (Chyren told me he updated it) & saw the old background in place there. I think it adds a nice aesthetic quality. Plus its easier on the eyes than that plain puke green background. The bummer is if you have Explorer you can't see the textures, but I hope to have that fixed soon. The Archives have also been fixed to use this background as well. Netscape users Enjoy! 

Remember the Logos!!! 

SJust want to remind everyone that i am looking for someone to make me a couple of new logos, both for here & for my archives section. Here is a recap of my original post on the matter that details what I would like: 

Hey all you little Picassos out there! I'm sure you can tell by my first article that I'm REALLY proud of my newly updated archives. There's just one small flaw.... I HATE USING THE NEWS PAGE LOGO FOR MY ARCHIVES SECTION! I'd also like a new logo for the News page as well to tell you the truth. If you'd like a chance to show off your logo creating abilities, please create & send me some cool new logos for my Archives section. I will do a small story on the creator of the the logo/logos I pick & they will receive FULL CREDIT FOR THEIR WORK! Hey, you can't lose! So somebody SEND ME SOME LOGOS! If anyone makes a logo for the News page, please be sure to include the BFP2 DARK SUPERMAN skin holding the lightning bolt lightsaber, because that is my favorite skin. Send in the logos Here.   

I know that there are hundreds of you out there who want your work published on a web page, well, here's your chance! Please help me out here! Somebody click that link & send some logos! 
  Manowar 3 Pic # 5  Light & Shadows     
Manowar 3 Levels will use MotS Colored Light effects... 

Here we have a pic of a part of one of the new levels Azlon & Co. have put together for Manowar 3. I really liked this pic because it shows (in a major way) just how the Manowar 3 team have used the colored light effects that were a featured element of  Mysteries of the Sith to enhance their conversion. here we have one of the Vanguard units standing in a large cavernous room looking out over what appears to be a vast expanse of either lava, or a well lit cave floor. Notice how the light emanates from somewhere above & from the cave in the upper left corner. Spooky! Stay tuned for more level pics!  

Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat    


Thursday December 10, 1998 - Yes!!! Manowar 3 pic # 4 is here! 


Manowar 3 pic # 4  Mandalorian Skin  

More from Mandalore.... 
Yet another Manowar 3 image courtesy of that nifty Spycam Azlon & Co. cooked up! This new Mandalorian skin looks menacing enough to give evan Boba Fett a run for his money. I gotta say I really don't like the idea of staring down the barrel of that big bad gun he's carrying neither, but I'm sure I'll LOVE to shoot it! Heh heh! 

Thanks to 

Our host site Jedi Knight .Net, ran an excerpt from our news page in their Wednesday, December 9th news post under "Manowar 3's New Class." The post included a piece I wrote about some of the exclusive Manowar 3 screen shots we've been posting here & let everyone know we had the pics. I just wanted to thank for helping us promote this upcoming conversion that is sure to be a big hit in the Jedi Knight online community. THANKS GUYS! We'll keep those pics coming!  
Superbat on Temporary Leave of Absence.... 

Superbat Emailed me the other day & wanted me to let everyone know he'll be unavailable here & online in general for a while due to technical problems. Don't worry though, he'll be back soon enough to write more of his wonderfully bitchy features for the MAG! Hope your comp. gets well soon Bat!  

Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat    


Wednesday December 9, 1998 - Manowar 3 screen shot series pic # 3! 


Manowar 3 Pic # 3  The New Boba Fett Skin   

This Guy Needs No Intro! 

As you might have guessed it would be kinda pointless to do a Jedi Knight conversion featuring the Mandalorian people without in SOME way mentioning the most famous Mandalorian of all, Boba Fett. Well, Azlon & the gang have done even better than that, with a brand new Fett skin for Manowar 3. As you can see from this behind-the- back screenshot of the notorious bounty hunter the level of detail is far greater than the mere "Mandalore" skin that comes in Jedi Knight & MOTS. Notice that fierce looking gun he's holding, that's one of the new weapons Manowar 3 will give MOTS owners to annihilate foes with. Ouch young Jedi! Be afraid, be VERY afraid..... 
JKMAG's Saber Section is Open for Business.... 
I recieved this Email yesterday from Element Cuda, the new head of JKMAG's saber section: 

I'm Element Cuda head of the Saber Section for JKMAG. I just wanted to 
let you know that we are now accepting members for our section and hopefully 
you'll post it on the news. Also, to become a Saber Section member, you 
already have to be a regular JKMAG member with your name on the member 

If anyone is interested in joining our Saber Section can contact Element Cuda through the JKMAG saber page wich can be reached via our main page or if you're lazy, just  Click here for the JKMAG - Saber Section!  


Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat    


Teusday December 8, 1998 - Here it is, pic #2 as promised! 


Manowar 3 Pic # 2   The Vanguard class  

Manowar 3's new class.... 

Here is the second in our series of screenshot previews from the highly anticipated soon-to-be released Mysteries of the Sith Total Conversion, Manowar 3. This shot is a picture of a skin from the TC's new featured character class, the Vanguard class. This pic was taken from the perspective of the Spycam, which is a new item players will be able to use in Manowar 3 to spy on & locate opponents. The Vangaurd class was described by Manowar series creator Azlon as being , " The Marines of Mandalore," which is the home planet of the infamous Bounty Hunter, Boba Fett. Stay tuned here for more screenshots!  
Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat    


Monday December 7, 1998 - Have I ever got a treat for you guys! 


JKMAG gets the scoop on Manowar 3 from Azlon himself!!! 

Man I cannot get over this! THREE  posts! Back to back! I just keep getting all these goodies & simply can't keep them to myself! Do I ever have a goody this time! As promised, Azlon has sent me an update concerning MANOWAR 3!!! So comprehensive was that update, I decided to make a full length feature article out of it! Azlon has also provided us with exclusive screen shots of some new skins & levels from Manowar three & they are absolutely stunning! In the interest of load time I plan to post the pics one at a time with a new one each day until all of them are displayed here. The first one should appear at the bottom of this post. If anyone doesn't want it done that way, Email me & I'll post 'em all at once & forget about sparing your modems! Azlon has also asked me to mention that he is also providing The Mos Eisley Spaceport the Mos Eisly Spaceport with some exclusive screens as well. They can be reached at: http://spaceport/   The JKMAG Manowar 3 Exclusive Feature Story:   By Azlon, creator of the Manowar series  of Total Conversions for Jedi Knight   
This month, December 1998 celebrates the Mandalorian Wars "Manowars" one year 
anniversary!  Throughout the year Manowars has developed into a fun action packed fast paced Death Match mod for Jedi Knight and now with the upcoming Manowar 3 it will soon be the same for for Mysteries of the Sith! I just want to say that we could  never have done this without "YOU"  the entire Jedi Knight gaming and editing community and all the wonderful Jedi Knight web sites!  With that in mind, Manowar 3 for MOTS will be released very soon, hopefully sometime this month unless some unforeseen problem pops up :)! Manowar 3's game play has been greatly enhanced from what it was in Manowar 2! 

New to Manowar 3 will be the appearance of a tough new character class called the "VanGuards," which are basically the marines of Mandalor. Other new features that will be in Manowar 3 include 38 new skins of Mandalorians, VanGuards and a few new Jedi skins. The mod will also feature a new Boba Fett skin and a brand new Jedi Luke Skywalker skin! I actually decided to redo most of the original skins from Manowar 2 as well as make some new ones. There are also four new Death Match multiplayer levels from Kurt and BrianL. 

Weapons & gadgets include: the Spycam "which was used to take most of the preview pics" Target Zoom, Targeter, Teleporter for the "VanGuards", New M5B Breathing Unit, IR Scanner, Target Tracker, Improved Jet Pack with new sounds and features, Improved Grapple Hook, New and Improved Lightsaber code. 
Changes to Force Powers include: Force Healing, Force Saber Throw & Force Protection have all been edited and changed to make a better game balance. (Due to all the new weapons and features the other classes have!) 

The "SpyCam" is a controllable portable camera that after launched by itself, can be used to spy through out any given level searching for victims :). It can also be used with the IR Scanner and launched to search out any dark areas for enemies before entering them. The Target Zoom has several possible uses including the ability to Zoom in on a target using its sight, track an enemies movement before the kill, or shut off its sight and use it as a simple Binocular. Last but not least it can also be used as a 3rd person short range Target Tracker :)! The Targeter allows you to use either the default sight for all Blaster Weapons including the "Sniper Scope," or use the sight from the Sniper scope which works best in first person mode! Plus a few more surprises!  

So as you can see Manowar 3 is going to be quite different from what Manowar 2 was or is :), that is unless I decide to upgrade Manowar 2 some day. One more note: You will need to read the readme this time around! I had way too many questions Emailed to me regarding Manowar 2 that were already answered in the readme file. To play Manowar 3 effectively Please read the Readme Txt which will be included with Manowar 3..... You've all been warned, believe me!  :) 


This feature was edited for grammar, line spacing & spelling by Zeus, everything else appears exactly as it did when Azlon Emailed it.  -Zeus 

Descent 3 Demo released... 

The demo for the highly anticipated third game in the Descent series: Descent III, has been released! Like its predecessors, Descent III will feature the same underground corridor shooter/flight sim type game play, with a unique new twist. This time it is possible to leave the underground shafts for some flying & shoot em up action above the surface of the planet you are on! I'm downloading the thing now & will probably have my opinions on it up with my next post. The file size is 39 MB, & a 3-D card is highly recommended! Click here for a list of download sites, or if that doesn't work you can get it from C-net's here.   
Rogue Squadron Reflections.... 

I finally got the chance to play the Rogue Squadron Demo this morning after waiting till 3 AM for the file to finish downloading. Was the Demo worth the download time? Yes, I think it was. The game showed off some spectacular 3-D graphics on my VooDoo 2 board & control with my Sidewinder precision pro was top notch. The Demo consisted primarily of flying an X-Wing (no other craft was selectable) over Tantooine. It included a trip down beggars canyon to take out imperial probe droids & defending Mos Eisly from Tie Bomber attacks. All in all the game played like (as expected) a really beefed up version of the first stage of Shadows of the Empire, which in my opinion, is a good thing! However, it is not without its flaws. I didn't have any real rudder control, rather the craft would automatically "straighten" itself out when it began to roll. This annoyed me.... My only other complaint is the "cartridge reminiscent" hollow sounding music which I hope is the result of the lack of a CD! For LucasArts to make a PC version of this Nintendo 64 game & not take advantage of CD quality sound would be a big mistake as far as I'm concerned. Get the Rogue Squadron demo here. 
   Manowar 3 Pic # 1:  Jedi Luke Skywalker  

LOOK AT THAT INCREDIBLE DETAIL!!! Man Azlon, you guys really outdid yourselves this time! I've got goosebumps!  ;o) - Zeus  

Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat    


Sunday December 6, 1998 - News Crisis at Hand.... 


Boy, are we on a roll!!!  

Unbelievable! The news posts are practically flowing from JKMAG like water this week! I just received this post from DarkStrike & despite the fact that I worked all night last night I just had to get it posted for you guys! ENJOY!!!  

The Crisis Has Hit....  

Is there anything going on out there??? I just spent forever looking for something more than mere page updates. I was able to find a few things about program editors and updates for them, but I don't see anything else on the move yet. If you get any info at all please feel free to email me here.  


Ron Mercerof the Qtracker mentioned that version 2.2 has been released. Here's what's new in the latest version:  

Blood II Support  
Half-Life Support  
Heretic II Support  
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division Support  
SIN Support  
Server Launching! (Half-Life and Shogo)  
More Server Lists!  
Interface Enhancements and Bug Fixes  
You can use Qtracker to launch your own server now. For more details please visit the Qtracker site. 
The Dirt on X-Wing Alliance....  

Among the many new features planned for X-Wing Alliance, perhaps the most noteworthy is a "customizability" option that has been code named "Skirmish Mode." The feature was shown to the European trade press a few weeks ago -- the press reports are a result of that meeting. While the Skirmish mode is not a full fledged mission editor it will be the closest thing to one that has ever been released by LucasArts. It works to create both single player and multiplayer missions and has an option to save the resulting file. You should be able to fly Imperial and Rebel fighters as well as other selected craft. The interface is a bit like the one for customizing Microprose's European Air War -- click to toggle options with no heavy duty graphics or maps.  

Skirmish mode will allow:   

2, 4 or 8 flight groups  
2, 4 or 8 craft in a flight group (16 craft limit)  
Select all types of objects as targets, only certain ships will be flyable.   
Collision On/Off Toggle  
Set environment: Deep Space, Asteroid Field, etc.  
Set start region: Unique or Same  
Set initial distance  
Set number of regions  
Set goals for each flight group: Destroy, Capture, Identify, etc.   
Set level of Wingman AI  
Set Craft Waves  
Set number of Waves  
Select Armament: Warheads, Beam, Countermeasures, etc.  
Select primary flight group  
Set duty of individual craft: Superiority, Strike, Escort, Recon, etc.   

It creates a very small file to transmit the data to other players for quick multiplayer setup. It is definitely a great step in "officially" extending the playability of the game. 
New Version of JKEdit.... 

Author Ole Thomasen of JKEdithas just released  
JkEdit v1.31 (579Kb). Here's the breakdown of new features, improvements and fixes: 

Version of JkEdit have some new features since version 1.30:  

A new Create Rectangle command  
A new Create Landscape generator  
The Extrude Surface function has been improved  
The Create Pyramid function has been enhanced  
The size of the undo/redo stack has been increased to 20  
Version of JkEdit have some bug fixes since version 1.30:  

When creating a downward elevator, the sub-shaft sector was not always created  
The Create Cylinder command did not always worked correctly   
The Carve Sector/Surface command did not always worked correctly  
The Create Pyramid command did not always worked correctly   
Sometimes the Expand Surface command did not correctly split the opposite surface  
For more details, please check out the JKEdit site. 
Comic Wars....  

This sounded cool so I just had to put it in. I Know there were a few complaints about the Batman and Superman skins in BFP2. (I don't mind them personally!) However, I may have fond the answer...Comic WarzBeta 4 has been released. It includes new skins of Batman and includes new skins like Spiderman and also Robin! Also included is the first level of the mod. New sounds and weapons make up the rest of the mod. It will work with any level and not just the level it comes with though it is optimized for that level. You can download patch using the above link. For further details, visit the Comic Warz site.  

Well, I for one was not pleased with the Superman & Batman skins, and am really glad to hear this! However, I'd like to say that the Dark Superman skin was EXCELLENT & is my current favorite. - Zeus 


1.) Valley of the Jedi has a new site called Darker Forces. Darker Forces is a project founded by DooM and worked on by many, including JOD_Sladeand a few Taraq'Qualim members. Code named DF2, for Dark Forces 2, when it began, it has mostly been worked on in secret. Darker Forces, in itself, is a conversion for Mysteries of the Sith. The object is to replace everything in MotS and bring back the old plot. The Darker Forces team is dedicated to bringing you a sequel to that title, as a conversion utilizing the Mysteries of the Sith engine. Interested in helping out? They are currently looking for additional modelers and level creators to join their development team. If you are interested, Email DooM.  

This next ad was rewritten by Lord Galvatron himself to better convey his needs & describe the nature of his Total Conversion - Zeus 

2.) New Cybertron, hosted by JKMAG, has now begun a new Total Conversion, probably for MOTS. It is currently planned to be called Deep Space 7, and will feature levels and skins from Star Trek . They are short on editors, and as Lord Galvatron said, "Any type of JK editor is welcome" I look forward to seeing this TC, and if you are interested with helping out with skins, levels, sounds, items, weapons or cut scenes please Email Lord Galvatron. 

Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike(DJ)                    - SuperBat    


Saturday December 5, 1998 - Short & sweet.... 


I'm Being Brief.... 

Okay, I really don't have the time for a news post today, but there are a few things i ran across that just will not wait. Or at least that's how I fell about them. So excuse how short the posts are, but hey, something is better than nothing right? 

Rogue Squadron Demo Released!!! 

That's right!! A demo of the highly anticipated Star Wars air combat game, ROGUE SQUADRON has been released by LucasArts! Click here to download from C-net or if the link doesn't work head to GAMECENTER.COM & download it from their main menu. Remember the game is supposed to require the use of a 3-D card, so I wouldn't recommend this to all you software only folks out there!  
Manowar 3 update is Coming.... 

I got an Email from good old Azlon today saying that he has almost completed work on his Manowar 3 Total Conversion for Jedi Knight! For all you newcomers, Azlon's Manowar series of Total Conversions have been the most widely used Jedi Knight TC's offered on the web with the JK Gangstas' Infiltrate conversion being a close second.  Perhaps the most eagerly awaited of the series by the JK online community, Manowar 3 will be the first of these conversions to support the Mysteries of the Sith expansion pack! Like the previous two, Manowar 3 will focus on the race of people that Boba Fett hails from, the now infamous Mandalorians! It will also have new skins & weapons, so trust us when we say that this TC is RED HOT!!! Azlon told me he would be making some screen shots from Manowar 3 available to JKMAG soon, so keep checking back here for further updates.   
Updated version of BFP2 expected to arrive around Christmas.... 

Tazz notified me recently that he has been hard at work on an update/add-on for the premier JKMAG skin & saber pack, the BFP2. I believe he is calling it the BFP2.1, and he is expecting to have it ready (quote) "In time for the holidays." HOWEVER, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF THIS !!! So don't go harassing Tazz about it. Just let the man do his job & the thing will be done when it is done. HOPEFULLY, it will be done in time for Christmas. More updates on this project will be posted here as I receive them.  
I am Your Friend  DarkEagle.... 

Seems that once again, DarkEagle has viewed my mention of his name & past JKMAG work as an attack on his character. LET ME REITERATE: I DO NOT HAVE ANY QUARREL WITH DARKEAGLE, NOR DO I DISLIKE HIM OR HIS WORK IN ANY WAY!!! When I mentioned this in my last post: 

I removed all of DarkEagle's old posts because he simply doesn't work here anymore & SOMETHING had to go!  Don't worry though, I still have all Eagle's old archived posts, & if any of you just HAVE to read them for some utterly STRANGE reason, contact me here & I'll be happy to Email you a copy.  

In no way did I intend it to be an attack on DarkEagle or his work! I merely meant that people are seldom concerned with news posts that are that old, and I would have found it STRANGE if anyone was!!!  In fact, I honestly would be AMAZED if more than five people have visited my updated archives! I just updated it for the sake of this page's history and because I felt it needed to be done! I am, in fact, rather fond of DarkEagle's old posts & that's why I have copies of all his old posts on both my hard Drive & on a Zip disk! Yeah he writes differently from me, but variety is the spice of life!  I just wanted to let people know that I have his old posts, and would be more than happy to make them available to WHOEVER wanted them for whatever reason! That includes you DarkEagle! So please, quit thinking I am out to get you! You couldn't be more wrong. 

Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat    


Thursday Dec. 3, 1998 - Archives & DarkStrike's post for Dec. 2.... 


The News Archives have finally been updated!!! 

WHEW! Man I don't mind telling ANY of you what a task getting those archives fixed was! That was one of the reasons I've been "away" for so long. I am a fanatical perfectionist [as DarkStrike is sure to tell all of you ;o)] so naturally I just HAD to take a little time off to fix all the errors in font style, spacing, background color etc. that resulted from my repeated experiments with new layout formats. Rest assured that everything here now meets with my satisfaction, & I can now resume my job as editor and writer here at the news page. What really sickens me is that none of you will probably even notice all the changes I made & errors I fixed here primarily because the majority of them are cosmetic in nature, but it was just something I felt I had to do. 

The Archives on the other hand are a far different story. I spent about a week & a half getting that section in line. I removed all of DarkEagle's old posts because he simply doesn't work here anymore & SOMETHING had to go!  Don't worry though, I still have all Eagle's old archived posts, & if any of you just HAVE to read them for some utterly STRANGE reason, contact me here & I'll be happy to Email you a copy. Many of you will also remember that for a while I experimented here with a variety of different font styles & backgrounds. Well I opted to adjust the archived news to a continuous series of backgrounds & font styles so it didn't look like a jumble of color & letters, so that took a pretty long time to fix. I made the layout reflect the traditional JKMAG layout from the days of DarkEagle, Blue & green backgrounds with Arial font style. 

As you can imagine, I'm pretty proud of the work I've done on our archives section & hope you will take a little time to head over there & check it out. This section is after all the history of this, the latest incarnation of JKMAG as it now appears here on our current host server  I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we are all proud to have our story available to all of our readers! Click here to check out the updated Archives! 

A Round of Applause for DarkStrike.... 

Once again, DarkStrike has saved my neck! Putting the finishing touches on the Archives & making repairs to the news page prevented me from preparing a news post for Wednesday. Just as I was about to go off-line, I got an Email from our Webmaster Chyren. Included in that Email was a brand spankin new post from DarkStrike for Wednesday! I dated the post for Wednesday Dec. 2 (even though it was actually uploaded today) & it is right below this one, just waiting to be read! Thanks again DS for all your hard work. You are a real inspiration to us all.  
November 4th & 2nd Posts Have Been Recovered.... 

For those of you who read my post for Dec. 1 I just wanted to say that I have recovered all the missing and damaged parts of my posts for the month of November. The posts for November 2nd & 4th have been repaired and they are whole once again.  

New Archives & News Logos Needed.... 

Hey all you little Picassos out there! I'm sure you can tell by my first article that I'm REALLY proud of my newly updated archives. There's just one small flaw.... I HATE USING THE NEWS PAGE LOGO FOR MY ARCHIVES SECTION! I'd also like a new logo for the News page as well to tell you the truth. If you'd like a chance to show off your logo creating abilities, please create & send me some cool new logos for my Archives section. I will do a small story on the creator of the the logo/logos I pick & they will receive FULL CREDIT FOR THEIR WORK! Hey, you can't lose! So somebody SEND ME SOME LOGOS! If anyone makes a logo for the News page, please be sure to include the BFP2 DARK SUPERMAN skin holding the lightning bolt lightsaber, because that is my favorite skin. Send in the logos Here.  

That's all for now.... 

Okay, now that all the hard stuff is out of the way, lets hope things can return to normal around here & I can get back into my routine of posting three days a week. DS & I have spoken on the matter & the two of us may alternate our posts this time around. meaning that instead of making single posts together, he'll post one day then I'll post the next day & so on & so forth. He seemed to like that idea, & so do I, but we're still in the process of negotiating a new arrangement. Stay tuned here for further details & as ever: "May the Force be with you!!!"  
Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat    

Wednesday Dec. 2, 1998 - Darkstrike's still posting away!


The New Rogue Squadron Chat....  

AllGames/ has posted their Rogue Squadron chat. You can either download a video, audio, and a regular download version. Check it out 'cause its probably about Rogue Squadron.....heheheh  

Feedback Galore....  

I am very impressed with our new counter.  I just found out that since Sunday about 40 people read my post. This is good, because either that counter lies to me or I really like it.  =) 

I am now in the process of starting a New Messenger List, which I will use to inform the few who do not read my news of large events that I feel need to be addressed by all of JKMAG. I have volunteered to run this seeing as I know everything in this entire group that moves (at least if they tell me) but should anyone else wish to do this is will allow you to. *Please note this is pending permission from Chyren*.  
I haven't gotten any email, but that's OK too.  

On another front, I just realized that half the old JKMAG members don't even know we have a page!!! If you know an old member who may not know of our new page please feel free to ask him if he knows about it, and if he doesn't send him over. Some of you got my ICQ messages and some of you didn't but I think I got in touch with most of the members.  
What Can I Say? I Think There's a News Monster Stealing It All....  

There is definitely what I would call a news shortage going around right now. This is my second day writing this post and I am still having trouble finding anything new. If you have ANY good news at all please send it tome at Thanks!  
The New Action Figures And More....  

Sirsteve has posted the first wave of Hasbro's Episode I action figures on his web site. If you haven't see the trailer yet, these figures may come across as a spoiler to you. View at your own risk.  

Also on the Episode 1 front, have begun a new section in the Multimedia Section which includes fan made artwork, screen savers, desktop wallpaper, audio files, and more. Your submissions are welcome. Check out the Multimedia Archive for more info. By the way, they also have a terrific Prequels section, check it out.  
The New JKMAG ICQ Messenger!!!  

For those of you who read my last article on a JKMAG News Messenger on ICQ, or have seen it on the message board, Chyren has just given it the go.  I would like all members who would like to receive any messaging from it (which will be only top news points and highlights) to please add the JKMAG News Messenger to your ICQ list. Its UIN is:  

New Cybertron Strikes Back....  

AllGames/ New Cybertron, hosted by JKMAG itself has 2 new things to report:  

1) New Layout!!! I Just looked at it and I love it. I really love it. Good job Lord Galvatron (although it has an unusual similarity to the Zone's layout....hehe)  

2) New Editor - David McHale, maker of the Dark Trooper levels for MotS. Great levels, and good luck at New Cybertron.  

Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below:  -Zeus (ABJ)                            -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat   

Tuesday Dec. 1, 1998 - The JKMAG News page "Special Edition" 


The Triumphant Return of Zeus!!! 

Yeah, its me again & I'm back! Not too much in the way of news from me today though. I just completed the arduous task of fixing all the errors here on the news page & am FINALLY in the process of updating our archived section. Sorry for my recent M.I.A. status, but things have been really hectic lately. I'm pretty sure that business as usual will be resuming shortly. Just wanted to announce my return to active duty, and express a few words of thanks to everyone who supported me through my recent difficult time. 

Huh? Special Edition??? 

I'm calling this the news page "Special Edition" because I edited out all the mistakes & added a few personal comments to the several of the posts that were uploaded during my leave of absence. These comments were written with "light-hearted humor" in mind & that is what they are intended to convey. I hope no one takes any offense at my comments. That goes especially for DarkStrike & SuperBat, to whom I am eternally grateful for the work they did here during my absence. Hope you all enjoy!  
Raiders of the Lost Post.... 

I'd like everyone to take special note of our November 4th post & my editor's note at the bottom of that cell. It seems that a piece of that post is missing. I hope someone out there can assist in its recovery.  
Other Layout Changes.... 

Since DarkStrike rerouted my submissions Email to himself while I was out, I thought it only fair to let him keep his comment/submissions Email link here. I also noted that SuperBat posted his Email in one of his stories, so i took the liberty of setting up a Email contact list for each of us. This will allow YOU, the reader to directly contact each member of my staff without going through my Email first. This will be standard procedure unless one of my staff wants his or her Email link removed from the page. The new links are below, feel free to Email us! 
Message to JKMAG staff & our affiliates.... 

My apologies for taking so long to get back to work. I haven't been able to get online much during my leave & will need a few more days to reorient myself as far as the latest JK news developments. I would greatly appreciate it if all our staff members, editing groups & other members would help me by Emailing me anything that is important or needs to be posted. Also links to any new sites that have sprung up on the net recently would also be appreciated. Thanks once again to Superbat, DarkStrike, Chyren and all the gang for their understanding & support, & May the Force be with you!!!   

Contact our friendly staff by using one of the three Email links below: -Zeus (ABJ)                     -DarkStrike (DJ)                    - SuperBat   


Sunday Nov. 29th, 1998 - Zeus of the job.... 


Our Old Zeus... 

You heard it. As of his post on the message board, old Zeus called it quits for a while. He WILL be returning soon so he can give me crap for all my grammar and spelling mistakes that I missed typing in wordpad, but oh well. The good news is, he thinks he will be back soon, which is just fine and dandy with me (rather have him correct all my stuff than get Emails about it...he he he). Hope you come back soon Zeus.  

Watch it bub! My gratitude only goes so far...... - Zeus 

The Message Board: "What's the Problem???" 

Who actually posts on the once famous JKMAG message board? Well so far only a few select people and the staff. You guys all remember the fun it was with the JKMAg message board, so what's the trouble now? If you get any idea please email myself at We would all really appreciate your feedback.   
The Old Port is Back.... 

The Spaceport has returned, with a brand new format and a new name to go along with it. The tracker section is in the process of being brought up to date, and new applications for trackers are being accepted. Review section has been dropped, for now, and the site will focus on the tracker method of previewing. The site also has a new staff member, fourGOM who will help with the updating.   
New Group!!! 

There is now a new site, AGJK, Alt.Games.Jedi-Knight. This New group seems very friendly, and serves a newbie/resource/news site for the game we all love (or are addicted to), Jedi Knight. It appears to me that they have been open since at least the 18th, but hey, nobody's perfect...  

The Site is run by Igloo, who can be contacted at  
The New Counter.... 

Yes, we have a new counter. This is mainly to see if anyone reads the news more than once a month, and if we need to change anything to perhaps attract some more people here. It will have no more affect on my posts (unless we find out 2 people a week come here) and hopefully nothing will change.  


Your news submission is just a click away! 

Just LOOK at this guy! You've got to admire his ambition! I'm gone a few weeks & he's rerouted my submissions Email to himself! Heh, good call DS! Hope you got some good Emails!  -Zeus


Wednesday Nov. 25th, 1998 - In the dumps.... 


A break, for a good reason....    

So, for those of you who haven't been checking out the message board lately you probably don't know that my ISP has been messed up BEYOND BELIEF. Half the time I cannot even open a web page. AND, if that wasn't enough piled on top of me, Netscape Composer (which is what we use to edit the news page) has not been working! So I have opted to type this in wordpad instead.  

AND, I alone am not the only one who has been out of commission.  Our old friend Zeus has been in hospital for I don't know what. As soon as he got out his employer put him working all night, and he has school in the day. Now I know you are all upset about the lack of posts but these are not our faults, and I do actually enjoy writing here even though many of you don't really care about that. I am sorry for the lack of updates and I must say that the posts on the Message Board were not welcomed very well. Also SuperBat does not write the news.  He writes specific articles about various activities around the JK community.  

I know that many of you get very uptight at a lack of updates and although many of you whom I know were slightly harsh on the message board, but lets move on. 
Did I pick the right guy or what? Defending my integrity all the way! Thanks DS! BTW, I had a severe sinus infection that spread into my eyes causing them to swell & ooze mucus. Besides being a TOTALLY DISGUSTING condition, it really hampered my vision, so typing news posts was out of the question. Sorry guys!  -Zeus 

The Trailer....  

Ok, I know this is old news but I may as well put something about it up.  If you didn't see the Episode 1: The Phantom Menace trailer  you are really missing something. It is now officially available at theaters, but if you cant wait (or don't want to spend 5 bucks to see a trailer) you can also download it!!! Here are 2 links to sites where this download is available:  

Yep, I was one of many people who threw the server into overdrive by downloading the trailer on a Saturday night. Now it's like, every time I turn on my PC, my cursor is irresistably drawn to that shortcut to the trailer I created on my desktop! I keep watching it over & over & over & over..................................  -Zeus 
More Sites on Their Way to Another Home....  

Yes, you heard it. AHQ has moved to They opened last night but the vote on their new layout is still up. Head over there and check it out now!!! and if you have any knowledge of CGI please email SuperBat.  
The New Class Editor....  

Dark Knight has released his Class Creator program. This program has been eagerly awaited by MotS editors, and you won't be disappointed. This program allows you to easily create new Character Classes in Mysteries of the Sith. A great tutorial written by EvanC is included as a help file within the program, so be sure to refer to that when you start. Class Creator has a home page where you can give feedback via a form, be sure to leave your impressions of the program!  

There are a couple of things you need to know as you download this program. It requires a few dll's (system files) to run, and if you do not have them, it will crash the program.  

Here are the steps you need to take to successfully download and install Class Creator:  

1. Download the Class Creator (219k) program only file, extract the files to a directory using WinZip or the like, but before you actually run the program, run version.exe. This handy little program will show you whether you have the required dll files. Green means you have them, red means you do not. If anything OTHER THAN msvbvm50.dll and comcat.dll are RED, then you need to download the following file. If only those are red (or if they are green), you are ready to go!  

2. If files other than msvbvm50.dll and comcat.dll are red, you need to download these dll files (1.74 megs). Once they are downloaded, run the setup.exe file contained in the zip, and it will install the required files for you. Once that is done, you can use the program.  

NOTE: If these files don't download on the first try, you will just need to keep trying. This is due to the fact that they are on the ftp server. The ftp server allows for more reliable downloads, but sometimes it's a pain to get started.   
The New Page of JEDIT or "What is this, 'Move your Site' week?!"  

Yes, that is correct, Valley of the Jedi have become the new host of the official JKMAG editing team, JEDIT. So, look for more news by our very own SuperBat there. And expect some wonderful new JK add-ons from the famous JEDIT.  

The Scoop on Rogue Squadron and X-Wing Alliance....   

Game Spot has a new Star Wars feature that focuses on both Rogue Squadron and X-wing Alliance. Check it out for screen shots, information, and more!   

UCA Staff Needed....   

As I have it, Universal Clan Awards is once more looking for staff.  They need Graphics, HTML, Review and Administrative help. If you are at all interested please Email Emperor JAM.  


Your news submission is just a click away!


Wednesday Nov. 10th, 1998 - Some Slacking here...  


The News Page Slacks....  

Ok, I KNOW that I said I would update as often as possible, but its not ENTIRELY my fault! I did the news Saturday, and I planned to do it again on Monday.  However, much to to my despair, my connection server was completely overloaded, leaving me powerless to do my news page duties. Then, to make a bad situation even worse, I was unable to send the file to Zeus because, again, my connection.  Sorry, and I am really going to try to be sure it doesn't happen again.   
The NEW Star Wars Arcade Game....  

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade, developed by Sega's AM3 Department, is expected to hit Tokyo arcades by the end of this month. The game, which utilizes Sega's Model 3 motherboard, is looking more impressive with each update. The graphics are gorgeous. Many of the trilogy's most exciting and famous scenes have been included in the game. For example, players will be able to pilot an X-Wing on a mission to destroy the Death Star or ride a speeder bike through the forests of Endor. has a short preview of the Star Wars Trilogy arcade game. The preview also includes 3 screen shots from Star Wars Trilogy.   
The Saber Section  

We would all like to welcome Element_Cuda to the ranks of JKMAG.  He has joined as the Saber Section Webmaster, so you can all enjoy looking at his new fancy setup.  So far he has the following pages up:   Main Page News Page Members Page Files Page Join Page Mainframe Frameset I am almost positive there's more there, but my messed up server wont let me open the page without crashing which is why i am not going to try again....    

The Prequels: "Is Lucas Back???"  

George Lucas has let slip that he will probably be directing all three of the upcoming Star Wars movie prequels, rather than just the first film as he originally announced. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Lucas dropped the news during his keynote speech at the annual Screen Producers' Association of Australia conference.   

Lucas, who hasn't gone behind the camera since he directed Star Wars, had planned to bring in outside directors for Episode II and Episode III of his new trilogy. Earlier this month Lucas announced that both of those films will be shot in Australia and not in the United Kingdom, where Episode I was filmed.   
X-Wing Alliance Startup Screens....  
By-DarkStrike has some news concerning two X-Wing Alliance Windows startup screens which were created by Steen Christensen 
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.    

Star Wars Movie Update (what news page would be without it?)  

On Friday, November 20th, Star Wars fans can get a glimpse of the upcoming Star Wars movie, as theaters across the U.S. and Canada will be showing trailers for Episode I The Phantom Menace. The trailer will not be attached to any particular film, but will instead play on a variety of films opening that weekend. To be sure you get a chance to see the trailer, keep checking for more information. With over two minutes of footage from the new movie, which is scheduled to open in the U.S. and Canada on May 21, 1999, this will be an experience fans won't want to miss.   

The Bat is at VOTJ....  

Well, you guessed, our own Superbat is now also found at Valley of the Jedi.  I wouldn't worry too much though, because as his promise says it wont be affecting his work here.  Good luck Bat!!!  

Heh, Hey Superbat! Don't spend too much time over there talking to "Dark Eagle". If you do, we may no longer consider you a reliable source!!! ;o) - Zeus 

Active Clans, the "A" list....  

Guess what? I have found a site that is done by the one and only Dogwelder, a very famous Jedi.  It gives a fairly accurate list of all of the online gaming clans that are actually active, to save you hours of searching through dead clans clan pages. The page has only a few select clans on it and i suggest you visit it as it is very helpful. It can be found here, or at   

Clan Awards Back Up After Hacking Event....  

About 9:30 EST,on November 4th. The UCA site was hacked. It gets worse after that. This hacker tried to hack the UCA site, but somehow messed up the entire server of the web hosting company. This hosting company hosts over 5000 web sites. Not only that, but one of their large companies is Xerox. If it was simply the UCA site, the hacker might have gotten away with it, but, when you mess with a multi-billion dollar company, they don't let go so easy. The hackers IP was recorded. The FCC, RCMP and other agencies were contacted. This hacker will face a huge fine as well as possible prison time. It does seem rather harsh, but, you get what you deserve. I would love to know what the UCA did to deserve such a thing, but I suppose we will all find out during the testimony.   

WOW, My Own ENTIRE News Post...  

Well, here it is, a historical event (or at least in my own little drained out world).  My first ENTIRE news post...(he he he)...that is unless Zeus decides to add something! Thanks for reading and until next time May The Force be With You!!!  

I decided to add something....heh heh!!! Seriously, great work Strikey, I'm proud of you. Now if you'd just use that spell checker...... - Zeus 

-Zeus (ABJ)     

Your news submission is just a click away!


Saturday Nov. 7, 1998 - It's My Time Now....  


Zeus Takes a Breather....  

Well, although i am only Assistant Reporter, I will be generally doing the news for a while. This is mainly because Zeus is overwhelmed with school work. So, now its my time, (oh yeah, and if 4 finals and 2 reports due next week isn't an excuse to take a break i don't know what is...) and my turn to mess things up. Well, feel free to send me any news and of course any new sites or big events so i can check it out.    

The Goodies....  

Now, for some good news! Here some of those editing groups that are the exact opposite of those in my last article. I have found that these groups produce hard work, and most of the time, quality products. Note that the work is not always quality, but I do commend them for the work they put into it.   

JK Gangstas- Hey, these guys are great!! They brought us that wonderful mod called Infiltrate, everyone's favorite game of breaking and entering, and blatant disregard of property. Who else could think up such a great way to play JK!? Then actually make it!?  

Medieval TC- Well, so far, I likes what's I sees! These guys look like they're doing some hard work over there. Although, looking through the screen shots, I've noticed, a bunch of re-paints on old JK 3DO’s… But, hey, its better than nothing!!!!  

The Cyber-Assassin Team- The site can't be found at JEDIT anymore, but I do news for JEDIT, so I've seen some results. Two words “Looking good!” I messed around with some of the skins that only staff members can mess with, and I like it!  

Maw Installation-Starship Troopers TC is pretty cool from what I've seen. I had fun playing the beta, and looking around through the files. The only reason this page hasn't been updated much, the whole site is going through a move. I have seen a lot of progress from all of the JEDIT sites.   

Till next time!- Well, this is SuperBat signing off, be sure to send me your comments, be they death threats, or love letters. My email address is at Remember my ICQ is #20218278.  

A look at LucasArts....  

Whether you're a fan of Jedi Knight or XvT, or any LucasArts game for that matter, this email received from Game Spot's Geoff Keighley will no doubt interest you. It's regarding an inside look at LucasArts, with in-depth interviews and new preview information for such games as Indy and X-Wing Alliance.   

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to work at LucasArts? Game Spot and Geoffrey Keighley take you behind the scenes of LucasArts for an exclusive look at the company culture, the games, and profiles of three legendary designers:   
Larry Holland (X-Wing, Tie Fighter),   
Tim Schafer (Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle), and   
Hal Barwood (Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine).   

Find out how these three visionaries shepherded their creative ideas into an interactive medium. Discover how a hit game is really made. The hurdles, the highlights, and the humor.   

Within Limits: Advancing the Art of Game Design at LucasArts, arriving Friday November 6th, 1998 at 6 PM Pacific. Only from Game Spot.  
Highlights of "Within Limits" include:   

1.) Extensive Interviews with Holland, Schafer, and Barwood.  
2.) Discover what a game designer really does.   
3.) Why design games?   
4.) What's it like to work inside LucasArts?   
5.) How does a game get made?   

Explore the peaks and valleys of game development.  
Learn about:  
1.) The game play habits of Speilberg and Lucas.   
2.) Why Myst-clones destroyed the adventure game genre.   
3.) A Star Wars game that never was.  
And much much more!   

As well as industry praise of LucasArts from the likes of:   
* Peter Molyenux (Populous, Magic Carpet)  
* Al Lowe (Leisure Suit Larry)   
* Ken Williams (Sierra)   
* Louis Castle (Westwood Studios)   
* and Justin Chin (Jedi Knight).   

Previews of:  
* Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine   
* X-Wing: Alliance, with exclusive screen shots   

Bottom line gang, this article should prove to be a great one if we're going to be reading about all the above... so tune your Net signals to Games Spot's LucasArts' Special that has been available since only 9:00 PM EDT last night!!!!  
-Thanks to Geoff for sending us word about this feature.    
Monkey Island Designer....  

Jediknight.Net has learned through industry sources that Jonathan Ackley, project leader/co-designer for the "Curse of Monkey Island" has left LucasArts, joining his wife (and former LucasArts/LucasLearning designer and product manager) Casey Donahue Ackley in the development of their own software entertainment company, rumored to be called 'Stargazy Studios'.    

The pair's past credits include work on most of LucasArts'  acclaimed adventure titles such as Full Throttle, The  Dig, Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, and Grim Fandango, as well as the action adventure titles Rebel Assault and Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion.    

Casey Ackley left the newly formed LucasLearning several months ago, after a 7 year career with the Lucas companies. The Ackleys currently aren't available for comment on the direction their new company will take.  I will try to keep you posted on this front and give only the best.     
More Jobs Avaialable....   

Rancor Productions: Currently needs some people who can make levels for Jedi Knight for a some projects that they will be working on. If anyone is interested, please contact lvlerlin.   

Bespin Technologies: Need many more members who have good experience in editing just about anything in    
Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith.  They currently need more staff due to the start of a new TC, The Rise and Fall of Anakin Skywalker. If there are any questions please email Skywalker.   
New Version of JkEdit (v1.27)  

There is a new version of JkEdit 1.27 available at   

Version 1.27 of JkEdit has added these new features since version 1.26:   

· New Undo and Redo functionality   
· A new Template Manager for creation of new templates for inserted 3do objects   
· The palette selection in the Material dialog now defaults to the one for the current sector   
· The palette selection in the Template dialog now defaults to the one for the current sector   

Version 1.27 of JkEditalso has a few bug fixes since version 1.26:   

· Highly improved generation of templates for the jkl files   
· Under MOTS, the Create Elevator function generated wrong cog   
· When Expanding surfaces, the new side surfaces were not textured properly   
· When writing into a GOB/GOO file, wav files were not placed under sound folder    

Rogue Squadron....  
By-DarkStrike has posted 6, yes that's six, different articles on Rogue Squadron. Visit their web site now! Featuring a contest to win Rogue Squadron, a detailed look at the Ships of Rogue Squadron, the Cast of Rogue Squadron, and 3 galleries with a total of 25+ screen shots, this is one preview you can't miss!   

Rumors of the Prequels in Sydney....  

"Wazzit" of JediNights got this e-mail from Nick, giving information about George Lucas filming the next Episodes in Sydney, Australia . No one really believed it, and Wazzit just ignored the email, but when he (and I for that matter) saw that feature on Entertainment Tonight saying that Episodes II and III are to be filmed in Sydney, he fired it up onto Jedi Nights:   

Star Wars: Lucas to film prequels in Sydney George Lucas, the famed director and creator of the Star Wars trilogy, announced Wednesday he would film the second and third installments of his "prequel series" in Sydney. Star Wars episodes II and III will begin pre-production in October 1999 and filming in 2000. At a cost of $120 million a movie, Lucas said it had long been an ambition of his to work in Australia. Lucas is currently putting the finishing touches to Episode I, which reveals the origins of Darth Vader. It's scheduled for release in May next year. "Sydney is a wonderful location for the film. It's an exciting city with a reputation for highly professional and experienced crews and now great production facilities," he said. "We're looking forward to bringing Star Wars here and working with talented Australians," he said. -- AAP   

ClanAwards Hacked....  

Midgard - "newest hacking generation in Portugal" (or so he calls himself) has hacked into the famous site  Hw has written a huge article about how hacking will be the next generation for us and for some dumb reason even left his email there, to which the reason is beyond me.  I hope that no more great Jedi Knight sites fall prey to site hackers who are just out to ruin others fun.  

The Universal Clan Tournament....  
The Universal Clan tournament has begun!!! The following clans have entered the competition:  JI, PC, GE, JE, Ancients, TML, Predacons, JKF, EAF, DJ, MAD, JaG, Merc, Phoenix, & BR. 

The Matches are as follows:  Altera- Match 1    Team 1 EAF VS. Team 1 Predacons  Team 1 MERC VS. Team 1 MAD  Team 1 GE VS. Team 1 TML  Team 2 Mad VS. Team 1 PC  Team 1 Ancient VS. Team 1 DJ  Team 1 BR VS. Team 3 PC  Team 1 JE VS. Team 1 JaG.   

So far I only have the results of one battle, which was played by Team 1 of Ancient and Team 1 of DJ, in which DJ won.  Good job!!!   

To all the competing clans: Good Luck and may the Force be with you!!!  


Your news submission is just a click away!


Wednesday Nov. 4, 1998 - Hailing frequencies are once again open!


The Message board & our new logo....   

If your name is on my icq contact list, chances are you've heard the good news! JKMAG once again has a fully functioning message board courtesy of & our webmaster Chyren. There is a bit of registration involved during which you are assigned a password.  Your password will be required to post a message, but once registration is completed you can set it up to remember your password & even change the password if necessary. Once you've taken care of that, posting is a snap. Also you may have noticed that we have a new logo at the top of the paged here! Yep, I'd like to thank The True Hero for designing that for us. I included a little bit of credit blurb in the graphic's html that appears when you hold your cursor on the image, so Hero will be immortalized here on our page! Thanks again Hero! If ya get tired of seein the same logo here, feel free to send in another! I happen to love your work. Anyway, enough butt kissin, on with the news!  

DarkStrike's tidbits.... 

More Jedi Ball....  
 The new and very famous (and addictive game)  now has an update! Jedi Ball Arena (Author: Anthony "RooM 112" Nguyen) is a Arena "soccer style" level for Jedi Ball. The game is played much faster than Jedi Bowl II because the field is much smaller. This version also fixes a bug with the load screen, some "missing" sequencers, and upside down ammo and weapons. Get the update (59 kb) here:  
JED Version 9 Released  
Alexei Novikov, of the Code Alliance (, has just informed us that JED Version 0.9 has been released.  If you don't know what JED is, it's a program that allows you to create your own levels for Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith.  Here's a quick rundown of the new features.  

*Redone 3D preview code for compatibility with DirectX 6.0, lower memory  
 usage and hopefully greater reliability and performance.  
*Added overlapping sector detection in Consistency Checker.  
*Redone lighting calculation - it's about 4 times faster now.  
*Added an option rotate/flip around Grid in F9 Tools window.  
*Added "Join" function for connecting of differently shaped surfaces.  
*Added "Bring to Surface" function for things and lights.  
*And, as always, a bunch of bug fixes and minor additions, see History.txt  
 for complete list.  

The pages haven't been updated as of this post, but you can still download the editor here: Many thanks to Alex and his group for continuing to bring the Star Wars online community high quality editing utilities and documents.  

Position now open at Jedi Nights  
( Someone is needed to take over and manage their ultimate links section. The Ultimate Links site is a hosted sub-site that houses links for all Jedi Knight and MotS related sites. It's a little behind the times and Jedi Nights wants it updated and brought up to speed. They're looikg for someone to "re-energize" the site with new links and maybe even "freshen up" the design. If interested contact Spart here:  
News on CLIFFE and Vandeley!!! (& their new site!!!)   
I am proud to announce that the almost legendary JKMAGer Ultratommy has found another illustrious site made by the famous CLIFFE and Vandeley. It's a source for Quake 2 maps, and, among many other features, has a .cgi board very similar to JKMAG's old message board! The site is titled AQMD, which stands for Action Quake2 Map Depot. For those of you who don't know, CLIFFE is the founder of JKMAG, but has since moved on to other projects. However, his legacy still lives on. Visit AQMD at  

Sick of Typing to Your Opponents?  

Roger Wilco is a stand-alone application that can you and your friends to talk to each other while playing multiplayer online games. It works with most existing games like Quake II, DIABLO, and StarCraft, and nearly every game developed after DIABLO. It is an unobtrusive companion technology that lets you talk to the other players instead of typing messages to them! A second soundcard is unnecessary! All you need is one capable of full-duplex  
audio and a microphone. There's no need for a dedicated server, and a 28.8K modem gets you in the door. In other words, this is voice technology you can use. When you transmit, the other players tuned to the same channel receive your message... as you speak! When other players speak, you hear their transmissions mixed with the game audio. You don't have to fiddle with typing or squint to read incoming messages as the concussion blasts streak toward you!!!  
Version .08 of this software has been released for limited testing at  

*Although Jedi Knight is NOT on the list for compatible games, it is not on the non compatible list and should work because the game meets every   
requirement for the program. Jedi Knight was also made AFTER DIABLO!   

Here are a few things you may want to know:  

*Up to 4 players can talk to each other while playing multiplayer  
  online games.. without a dedicated server!  
*Support for more players on a channel coming soon... still without  
  that dedicated server!  
*Players' voices are mixed in with game audio in real-time  
*Simple to use -- just type in the IP address of the hosting user,  
 and you're connected, just like the games you use it with!  
*Compatible with almost all DirectSound games including Starcraft,  
 Quake II, Age of Empires, DIABLO, Unreal, Jane's F-15 & many many more.  
*Compatible with almost all DirectSound-compatible full-duplex sound  
  cards including Sound Blaster 16/32/Live!, Diamond Monster  
  Sound cards, & many more.  
*Works using 28.8 modems or better  
*Sound quality is equivalent to CB radio  
*Free trial version available at   

From the Editor's Desktop....  

Rogue Squadron Delay a hoax?  
I received numerous emails claiming that Rogue Squadron has NOT been delayed as reported by DarkStrike last post. Kayne Cushman in particular, sent me an announcement from Nintendo (which is the publisher of the console version) saying that the game will be released as scheduled on December 7th. Guess we'll find out in December!  

JEDIT seeking staff members....  
Nimrod, head of JKMAG's official editing team (JEDIT), has informed me that the team is in need of a new webmaster and are looking for a few coggers & skinners. If you'd like to help out, head over to the JKMAG main page & click the link to their site. You can get in touch with them there. Also Nimrod has expressed a desire to have some news coverage of upcoming JEDIT projects like their Cyber Assasins TC. Details haven't been finalized yet, but expect a new ongoing set of features here regarding JEDIT projects. That's all for now! Thanks for tuning in, and as always May the Force be with you!  


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