Saturday July 25, 1998

- Ranks Updated...

Okay, just another update to the ranks, check the new ranks out to see where you now stand, and keep those match results pouring in.

- ObiWan

Wednesday July 22, 1998

- Let's Get Ready To Rumble.........

Okay, the final preliminary rankings are in, and rule #4 is now in effect. So check out the current rankings and start making challenges. Remeber that you can only advance further up the ladder by defeating someone who is ranked higher than you. If you are in the top ten don't forget to play atleast one game every 10 days or your rank will be dropped. Good Luck and have fun.

- In-Active Members

There are still quite a few people who have not played a single game yet and thus have not been ranked. If you do not play a game by next Wednesday you will be dropped from the ladder completely, so if you want to stick around.....start playin.

- Ummmmmmmm......Help!

I am looking for someone to help out with keeping the Ladder Page running and updated can be quite a bit of work for one person, and University is back in a month. So if you wanna help out and know HTML, lemme know.

- ObiWan

Monday July 20, 1998

- No Update Today.....

I will not be updating now until Wednesday night. At that time I will update the rankings one final time before rule 4 comes into effect, so get in as many games as you can before 11:59PM EST on Wednesday night. After that I should be updating every couple of days.

- ObiWan

Sunday July 19, 1998

- Yet Another Quick Update

Just another quick update to the current member ranking, the games just keep on rolling in, and more and more members are starting to play. It looks like the ladder is creating quite a bit of action......let's hope it stays that way. I have also created an old-news page cause the main news page was getting too big. You can access this page via the link at the bottom of the page.

- Reminder

Just a reminder that you have until Wednesday to play games until Rule 4 comes into effect. So take advantage of the current ranking system while you can.

- ObiWan

Friday July 17, 1998

- Quick Update

Just another quick update to the current member ranking, the games just keep on rolling in. Thanks to Vagabond for pointing out a few minor errors, which have now been fixed.

- ObiWan

Wednesday July 15, 1998

- Mailbox Cleared Out.......

Well it's finally empty....after two days of not updating my mailbox was overflowing with results of matches and new member request....looks like the ladder is producing a lot of action. Anyway we got 11 new members, and many matches have taken place, so go take a look at the updated rankings. Again, I'm sorry about the delay in updating the page, in the future I will try to update every day.

- Reminder

Just a reminder that you have one more week to play games until Rule 4 comes into effect. So take advantage of the current ranking system while you can.

- ObiWan

Saturday July 11, 1998

- More Updates

Another day another update....We got three more new members today, as well as the results of 5 more ladder matches. Things seem to be well underway, lets hope this keeps goin. You can see how you are currently ranked by going to the ranking page, or clicking here.

- ObiWan

Wednesday July 10, 1998

- Rule Changes

The rules for the ladder have been modified slightly, so please head on over to the rules section and read the new rules. (only rules 4 and 5 have changed)

On a related note, the ranking rule will start to take effect in 2 weeks. Until that time the ranking will be by the wins losses record and by kills. After these initial two weeks ranking will be done according to rule 4.

- Other Stuff

Today we have had 6 more members join and the results of two matches have been submitted, so head on over to the members page and update your ICQ lists and get the new members on your list.

- Ladder Underway

Well it looks like things are starting to pick up....the first ladder match was played today. =) We also got two new members and two more people submitted their passwords and ICQ numbers. Hopefully this trend will continue and the ladder will be around for a while.

- Ranking Updated

The member rankings have been updated for the first time as a result of the very first ladder match being played. So get playin those games unless you want to stay at the bottom forever. =)


Wednesday July 8, 1998

- Another Update

Just a minor update to fix some of the changes to member information. Everyone please get in your ICQ numbers so that matches can be started up easily. The ranking will start to take place as soon as the match results start pouring in, so lets get this ladder started.


Monday July 6, 1998

- Update

Well, we got another new member, so that brings the total up to 18. So spread the word and hopefully we will get many more members, and there will be more action. Please get in your passwords, so far I only have one password, and you will require a password before you can report the results of a match. Anyway I'm just rambling, so lets get this ladder another member and let the duels begin. =)


Wednesday June 24, 1998

- Welcome

Well the new MotS Ladder is up and running. Take a look through the site and let me know if anything isn't working properly and I'll get to it asap. Currently we have 17 members but here's hoping we get many more. Let everyone know about the ladder so we can find out who is the most skilled....but don't forget to have fun.

Please read up in the rules section and get familiar with the rules and the procedures of the ladder. It will operate in much the same way as JKMAG's ladder.

For those of you who did not join using the join form, please mail me your password asap. Your password is used to prevent others from reporting phony match results, so get them in before you start any games.

So far only 5 people have submitted their ICQ number, so please get them in so everyone can set up their games easily.

- Logo

As you can see the site is in need of a logo, so there will be a contest to create a new logo. The winner will get the satisfaction of having their logo prominently displayed on this site. If you wish to submit an entry for the contest, simple e-mail it to me.


Current News