JK Gangstas Links

The JK Gangstas web site is hardly the end-all of the JK web community; there are lots of other sites around that can help you make the JK gaming experience that much more enjoyable. Here are some of the best.

DarkJedi.com - Home of the Code Alliance, makers of the Jedi Knight editor JED along with numerous other JK utilities and editors for Dark Forces and Outlaws. A great editing info site whose message boards are a great source of information and a good place to look for help with your editing problems.

Jedi Finger - Jedi Finger contains the .plans of the major players in the JK Community: webmasters, level editors, and utility programmers. A few of the JK Gangstas members have .plans there where you can find out the latest on their work and personal lives(if you really, REALLY want to know).

The Jedi Knight Academy - The Academy is(in the extremely biased opinion of Geoff Elliott anyway) the premier Jedi Knight level review page out there. The reviews are full and detailed, covering the various aspects of each offering in an honest, critical fashion. There are some other areas to the site too, but nobody bothers with them.

JediKnight.net - JK.net is host to the large majority of the best Jedi Knight related web pages, this one not excluded. It's also a great source of JK files and the latest Jedi Knight/Star Wars/LucasArts gaming info.

JediLegacy.net - Jedi Knight related news. Lots of it.

Maintained by the JK Gangstas
Design by Geoffrey Elliott
Last Updated June 13, 1998