Other Star Wars Stuff

The Jedi Knight character poll-- Vote for your favorite character from Jedi Knight.

Keep 'Em Respirated-- Check out "Keep 'Em Respirated," the hit song written and performed by me. Think of it as an ode to Darth Vader sung to the tune of the Offspring's "Come Out and Play (Keep 'Em Seperated)."

In case you missed it in the Pictures section, here's a twisted humor picture I found of Kyle on the Net:


10. Negative...it didn't go in.
9. Twisted and evil…
8. Luke, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?
7. It is a Jedi’s weapon…for a more civilized age.
6. She’s the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy!
4. I can't. It's too big.
3. I have felt him.
2. Look at the size of that thing!


1. Hey, point that thing someplace else!

A Random Hutt:

Zutt's Quintessential Star Wars Novel List:

NOTE: These quintessential SW books have been listed in the order that they should be read, not necessarily in the order of good writing.

1. Heir to the Empire
2. Dark Force Rising
3. The Last Command (The quintessential Star Wars book!)
4. X-wing Official Strategy Guide (The stories between mission descriptions are better than some novels.)
5. The Han Solo Adventures
6. The Courtship of Princess Leia
7. The Corellian Trilogy: Ambush At Corellia (And so on...)
8. X-wing Rogue Squadron
9. X-wing Wraith Squadron
10. I, Jedi
11. Jabba the Hutt: The Art of the Deal (A surprisingly good graphic novel.)
12. Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina (The best of the anthologies.)
13. Specter of the Past
14. Vision of the Future
15. Vector Prime

With Honors: The Essential Guide to the Star Wars Universe.

Any of these fine products can be purchased at Amazon.com.

Stuff from:

Dime-A-Dozen-- The Tragic Tale of Vacuum Squadron
       By the Archjedi.

       My favorite Star Wars humor story, straight from Jade Crusades. If you want to view other stories, go to Jade Crusades Miscellaneous Page and check out the Death Marks.

Once the Raven's Daughter
       By the Archjedi.

       Another tidbit from Jade Crusades, this one a poem. Again, to read others, off to Jade Crusades.

Why Kyle Is Better Than Luke Skywalker...

1. Yoda doesn’t rap his knuckles.
2. He knows more than a few "old Jedi mind tricks."
3. He doesn’t whine every time someone mentions his father.
4. He still has his right hand.
5. His ship is named the Moldy Crow.
6. He didn’t kiss his sister.
7. His nicknames don’t include "Wormie."
8. He wasn’t raised on "a grubby sixth-rate farm on a tenth-rate planet."
9. He killed (count ‘em) six Dark Jedi.
10. He doesn't even bother with turning Dark Jedi from the Dark Side.
11. His last name is the same as a predator from Kashyyyk.
12. His novel trilogy includes pictures.
13. Kevin J. Anderson never butchered his character.
14. He doesn't scare his friends away with his omnipotent Jedi powers (well, except for Dark Kyle...)

Star Wars Customizable Card Game

Click here to view SWCCG cards of Kyle, made by Yours Truly.

Jedi Knight Character Poll:

       Tell me who your favorite character from Jedi Knight is. I’ve got the current poll listings below:

1. Dark Kyle = 110
2. Mara Jade = 89
3. Kyle Katarn = 72
4. Yun = 28
5. Pic = 23
6. Sariss = 18
7. Gorc = 15
8. Ka'Pa the Hutt = 8
9. WeeGee = 7
10. Boc = 5
11. Qu Rahn = 5
12. Jan Ors = 3
13. Crix Madine = 2
14. 8t88 = 1

       Take the Jedi Knight character poll.

Star Wars Humor Links:

Club Jade Fan Fiction Page-- Some good humor stories, including Dime-A-Dozen and the top 30 reasons why your child might be Force-sensitive.

Coruscant, Imperial Center-- Chuck-full of Top Ten and Five lists.

Jade Crusades Miscellaneous Page-- For some quality Star Wars humor.

Jedi Knight Humor Page-- Great Jedi Knight humor. Among things to check out: what Kyle said to Jerec when he met him, an interview with Kyle, and the pictures section.

Scott's Unofficial Star Wars Page-- For some more Star Wars stuff.

Sexual Star Wars Lines-- A page that is basically like my Top Ten Turn-On Lines, only it has more quotes. However, it's not as funny (chuckle).

World o' Chewbacca-- A light-hearted page dedicated to Chewbacca. Take the Chewbacca poll!


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