<font size="2"><u>1ST TORONTO VENTURE COMPANY</u></font> First Toronto Venturer Co. Minutes For April 1998

April 7th 1998 : Business Meeting : Present : ( Terry, John, Erik, Adam B, Adam K, Adrian, Craig, Rob)

We planned for the coming month. We had so many great ideas, I'm speechless. We finnaly planned to have Will and Adam C's investiture the follwing week on the 14th. We decided to go to Mike Bullard again or go see a Jays game. Gee….great choices. Let's see we already went to Mike Bullard and Jays games are boring. We'll I guess it'll be another week we had nothing else to do.

April 14th 1998 : Investiture : Present (All)

Well it finally happened, the investiture we've all been waiting for. Well it was a rainy day, so Will and Adam C decided to use their rollerblades or bike to travel around the city. Can we say smart? At first they were working at a quick pace but the lead was decreased at every pit stop. Back at the church every thing wasn't going as planned either. Hey, next time we plan to use a cell phone, how about re-charging the batteries first. What a concept!

It was great to see they had accomplished all their assignments even though they finished more than 1 hour late. The night ended on a low when wax seemed to just pour out of the candles and land on the carpet below. We left a mess but nothing money can't fix, I hope!

April 21st 1998 : Jays Game : Present ( ?????)

I didn't personally go so I have no interessting details to tell. Let's take a break now and discuss the happenings of that great evening. I think I should tell what I did instead, it might be more interessting than a Jays Game. I did hear that there were a few bright spots of the trip like some Super Jays Fan at the game. Other than that I have nothing else to contribute.

April 28th 1998 : ??????? : Present(???)

Once again I have no idea who came, but this week I also have no clue of what happened. well this is craig and i say the venture company were scared only Craig, Adam k and willy went and snecked down to 100's and the rest stayed in 500's heheh

Made By Craig Macrae