# Jedi Knight Skinners Cog Script # # This script was made by Red (theensers@mindspring.com) # # Drop/Fire any templates (i.e. TDs, Mines, etc.) at the flick of a switch -up to 4 at a time. # Cool Beans! # # ======================================================================================== symbols surface switch desc=switch template proj_tpl=+seqchrg thing tdg1 nolink,desc=tdg1 thing tdg2 nolink,desc=tdg2 thing tdg3 nolink,desc=tdg3 thing tdg4 nolink,desc=tdg4 int rounds=2 desc=rounds flex rate=0.1 desc=rate flex delay=3.0 desc=delay int firing=0 local int cur_round=0 local int dummy local sound on_snd=set_hi2.wav local sound off_snd=lgclick1.wav local message activated end # ======================================================================================== code activated: if(firing == 1) Return; firing = 1; dummy = SetWallCel(switch, 1); dummy = PlaySoundPos(on_snd, SurfaceCenter(switch), 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0); cur_round = 0; while(cur_round < rounds) { dummy = CreateThing(proj_tpl, tdg1); Sleep(rate); dummy = CreateThing(proj_tpl, tdg2); Sleep(rate); dummy = CreateThing(proj_tpl, tdg3); Sleep(rate); dummy = CreateThing(proj_tpl, tdg4); Sleep(rate); cur_round = cur_round + 1; } Sleep(delay); dummy = SetWallCel(switch, 0); dummy = PlaySoundPos(off_snd, SurfaceCenter(switch), 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0); firing = 0; Return; end