Load Up Oasis

The Massassi Temple » Files » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level


This is a completely different kind of Oasis mod. You start off in a circular room and load up so you have full armour, bacta, and ammo. Once you are done loading you teleport into the game. Every time you die you are sent back to a room where you can quickly load up and rejoin the game again at full health. The only problem is that there is no shields or health in the Oasis part of the level. There is plenty of ammo in the level, though. Think of this as a different style of Ji Oasis.

Level Info:

Download: Load Up Oasis
File Size: 70k
Date: 06/02/00
Author: NJO_BaT_mAn
Downloads: 500


Score (0-10): 7
# of Ratings: 3
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