[an error occurred while processing this directive] Scaling NPCs

Author: DeTRiTiC-iQ ([email protected])

Included: Tavion.pk3 -- http://files.massassi.net/tutorials/jk2_scaling.zip (has JumboTavion from the tutorial and a few other funny resizes)

In Jedi Outcast it is possible to easily create and modify npcs for use in your own levels or just for comedy value, this tutorial will look at how to copy an old npc to a new one and change their size attributes.

  1. Extact npcs.cfg from assets0.pk3, it's in the ext_data subdirectory of the pk3

  2. Copy the file to a seperate directory and remove its read-only attributes if it has them, then open the file in a text editor such as Notepad. In this example I will be using Tavion, so look for the Tavion reference in the file.

    playerModel tavion
    rank commander
    saberColor red
    reactions 3
    aim 3
    move 5
    aggression 3
    evasion 4
    intelligence 5
    hfov 160
    vfov 160
    playerTeam enemy
    enemyTeam player
    // race human
    class tavion
    snd tavion
    sndcombat tavion
    sndjedi tavion
    yawSpeed 120
    walkSpeed 55
    runSpeed 200
    health 300
    dismemberProbHead 10
    dismemberProbArms 35
    dismemberProbLegs 10
    dismemberProbHands 50
    dismemberProbWaist 10

    From this it should be pretty obvious what most of these do, changing the dismember values to between 0 and 100 will change the percentage probability of that limb being dismembered, health is health etc.

  3. Add the following values to the npc details (don't create a new npc, because at this stage new npcs will always use the stormie rifle. This tutorial will be updated once a method to avoid this has been found):

    scaleX 300
    scaleY 300
    scaleZ 300

    This will scale each of the axis by 300%. Alternatively you could use:

    scale 300

    to scale all axis by 300%

    You should end up with something like this:

    playerModel tavion
    rank commander
    saberColor red
    reactions 3
    aim 3
    move 5
    aggression 3
    evasion 4
    intelligence 5
    hfov 160
    vfov 160
    playerTeam enemy
    enemyTeam player
    // race human
    class tavion
    snd tavion
    sndcombat tavion
    sndjedi tavion
    yawSpeed 120
    walkSpeed 55
    runSpeed 200
    health 300
    scaleX 300
    scaleY 300
    scaleZ 300
    dismemberProbHead 10
    dismemberProbArms 35
    dismemberProbLegs 10
    dismemberProbHands 50
    dismemberProbWaist 10
  4. Now save the file, put it in its own pk3 file under the same ext_data subdirectory and put the pk3 in the "Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base" directory, and your ready to go. To test your new NPC, activate cheat codes using /helpusobi 1 in the console and then type:

    npc spawn "npcname"

    so in this case it would be:

    npc spawn "Tavion"

    The new 27x Tavion should appear (3 times in 3 dimensions = 27). Experiment with different aspects of the scaling or other npcs properties to get some interesting results. For example I made a small army of mini-lukes, it's funny to watch.

- End

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