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RANK:OLJ Apprentice
FAVORITE WEAPON:Green lightsaber, Repeater Rifle
APPRENTICE:Learning from OLJ_Chip43
INFO: A light jedi to no end, he's a very defensive fighter, which allows him enough time to analyze his enemies faults, and learn how to exploit them in battle.
Loves absorb, especially against sith, so their entire game plan goes out the window. He says "Because it is very rare if they can melee good. And meleeing is slowly becoming my specialty."
As a change of normal lightsaber tactics, he uses the primary attack, because it is faster, and allows you to block faster than the secondary slice. And says straffing while secondary slicing is deadly.

OLJ MrregGamont is on his way to becoming the official skin editior for OLJ, check out these skins he's makin!