Playing Mysteries of the Sith
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What is MotS?
Mysteries of the Sith is the official Jedi Knight add-on. Not too many copies were released, so not many people have it.
Which is a shame, because this is definitely a must-have for every Jedi Knight fan.
The game is only one CD, but it features a number of great multiplayer levels, as well as new Force powers, weapons and opponents. In the challenging Single Player story you start out as Kyle Katarn, but continue the better part of the game as the legendary
Mara Jade (see picture above), the famous character that appears in many Star Wars books, first introduced in Timothy Zahn's 'Heir to the Empire'.

What are the differences between Jedi Knight and MotS?

1. New Force Powers
2. Taunts
3. Coloured Lighting
4. New weapons
5, New type of Multiplayer game

1. The following Force powers are NEW:

-Projection (creates a projection of yourself to trick enemies)
-Far Sight (enables your spirit to scan the area while your body remains behind)
-Chain Lightning (lightning that can target multiple enemies)
-Force Defense (grants a certain amount of Force immunity)

The only Force power that has (unfortunately) been
left out in MotS, is Force Throw.

Also, there are some major changes to Force use in MotS, it's like this:
Force Protection and Force Deadly Sight are now officially available in multiplayer games.
You can choose Force powers of both sides (Light and Dark) at any level of Force mastery in MotS (even level 8).
(You can, but in ORJ you have to stick to Light side powers, for more details read the
ORJ & MotS section above)

2. Taunts

You can now make use of taunts in MotS multiplayer games. There are no taunts included in the game, but you will have to put your own .wav's in a
Mysteries of the Sith\Resource\Sound directory. All players in the game need to have the same sounds installed in order to hear the taunts.

A MotS Taunts Pack with 35 taunts is available from the downloads section

You can assign taunts to hotkeys by pressing the TALK-hotkey,
and then assigning a number of 0 - 9 to a .wav in the Sound folder.
Example: Press <TALK-Hotkey> (as assigned) then type: 1=LIGHT01.wav <enter>
To use the taunt, press the <TALK-Hotkey>, then the <number>, then <enter>.
You can also type the name of the .wav file in TALK modus, but of course this will take much longer.

3. MotS features the use of coloured lighting! The result is that the levels tend to be much more atmospheric than the JK levels, including a lot of levels that are available at Massassi.

4. There are some
new weapons, and some weapons have new abilities.

- New weapon:
Blastech DL44 (blaster), which can be charged to fire three shots in one.
       This is the blaster that Han Solo uses, and Luke Skywalker in Bespin.

- New weapon:
Flash bomb, a thermal detonator that blinds opponents.

- New weapon:
Electroscope, a telescope for sniping.

- New weapon:
Seeker Rail Detonator.

- Sequencer Charges (mines) work differently in MotS. They are placed by fire 1 and can be detonated by fire 2.

- New weapon:
Carbonite Gun. Fire 1 freezes opponent in carbonite, fire 2 smashes them to pieces with the back of the gun.

A new type of multiplayer game: Kill the fool with the Ysalamiri. The Ysalamiri is a small creature that pushes away the Force in its vicinity. In other words, it creates a bubble of no force, and if carried by a player, around the player. Very cool to play hide and seek.
Mara Jade
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Playing Mysteries of the Sith

ORJ & Mysteries of the Sith (What are the ORJ rules for MotS?)
This section will discuss the special rules for playing MotS games. This is because MotS works slightly different with Force powers.
If you want to know more about what MotS is, read the section below:
What is MotS?
In MotS, you can choose Force powers of both sides (Light and Dark) at any level of Force mastery (even level 8). Although the game enables you to do this,
you have to stick to Light side and Neutral powers in ORJ. Because the game itself makes no difference between Light and Dark powers, we made a list of Force powers and their 'sides':

Force Protection
Force Absorb
Force Healing
Force Blinding
Force Persuasion

Force Projection
Force Far Sight
Force Push
Force Lightsaber Throw
Force Speed
Force Pull
Force Jump
Force Seeing
Force Defense

Force Chain Lightning
Force Deadly Sight
Force Grip
Force Destruction
As you can see, Dark has one power less than Light. This is because Force Throw was unfortunately left out of MotS. Dark siders get the same amount of Force stars though, so they can spend more on Neutral Force powers, which are very good in MotS. Although Force Defense is not so much a Force power, but more an ability, we put it under Neutral powers for easy reference.
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