Team Gallery
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351. Posing @
ORJ_Wes, the new member! As you can see, he's a pilot from Naboo. =)

352. Duelling @ Valley of the Jedi Tower (Dedicated Server)
The duel begins...Wes and Brand, circling eachother, looking for openings...

353. Duelling @
Valley of the Jedi Tower (Dedicated Server)
0_o ... yep, that's another way to evade a saberthrow!

354. Training @ Coruscant Arena 1
Frost & Wes: Master & Padawan =)

355. Co-op @ JK Co-op Beta 18
Jos joined Frost and Wes on a mission.

356. Co-op @ JK Co-op Beta 18
Cooperation: Jos draws the stormtroopers'  fire, so Wes and Frost can take them out from behind! ;-)

357. Co-op @ JK Co-op Beta 18
Frost and Jos drawing the cannon's fire,
so Wes can run for cover after disabling the Forcefield!

358. Duelling @ Duel of the Fates SE
Wes vs. Ghostle!

359. Duelling @ Valley of the Jedi Tower (Dedicated Server)
Wes and JoS, bridge duelling!  (Thanks to Chaz for the screenie =)

360. Posing @ Heart of the Forest
Ladies and gentlemen, the new ORJ member: Chaz Ghostle !

361. Duelling @ The Ocean of RJ-347
Chaz vs. Frost!

362. Duelling @
The Ocean of RJ-347
Frost jumping out of the water!

363. Duelling @
The Ocean of RJ-347
Chaz does a Force Push, sending Frost back into the water!

364. Duelling @
The Ocean of RJ-347
This E-Wing sees a lot of action!

365. Duelling @
The Ocean of RJ-347
Uh-oh, there comes Frost again... Ghostle decides to back up!

366. Posing @ Valley of the Jedi Tower (Dedicated Server)
The Return of Pyro !  =D

367. Fun @ Jedi High School (Dedicated Server)
Pyro having fun with our friends Croman (Skin: ???) and Colt (Skin: ST Field) from JAS!
(Thanks to Colt for the screenie)

368. Duelling @
Jedi High School (Dedicated Server)
Ghostle vs. JoS on the bridge!
(Thanks to Colt for the screenie)

369. Bullet Time Duelling @ ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I
Unconventional Lightsaber Forms: Jos trying a wrestling move on Wes!

370. Bullet Time Duelling @ ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I
2 vs. 1 - Wes throws his lightsaber, Ghostle ducks just in time!

371. Bullet Time Duelling @
ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I
Jos charging Wes as he is about to land on the bridge...

372. Bullet Time Duelling @
ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I
Two versus one chase duels! Wes backing up from Ghostle...

373. Bullet Time Duelling @ ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I
Jos kicking Ghostle's saberhilt !

374. Bullet Time Duelling @ ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I
Wes trying the 'Hawke Attack [TM]'  on Ghostle!

375. Bullet Time Duelling @
ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I
Jos blocks Wes' attack, but he is thrown from the bridge by the Force of the blow!

376. Bullet Time Duelling @ ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I
Ghostle attacking out, Wes!

377. Duelling @ Atlantis (Dedicated Server)
Wes vs. Maximus on the bridge!

378. Duelling @
Atlantis (Dedicated Server)
Maximus vs. JoS

379. Having fun @ Atlantis (Dedicated Server)
Hawke and JoS playing 'Peek-a-boo!'   =D

380. Posing @ Atlantis (Dedicated Server)
Hawke, Frost and JoS

381. Duelling @ Atlantis (Dedicated Server)
Orchaid vs. Frost!

382. Duelling @ Cloud City (MotS)
Brand vs. Jos... JoS pushed Brand out of the window!

383. Duelling @
Cloud City (MotS)
"He survived...  hmmm, Hawke attack then?"       =P

384. Duelling @ Tree Hut Canopy (MotS)
Brand jumping down at JoS!

385. Duelling @
Tree Hut Canopy (MotS)
The hanging bridge is a good place to duel!

386. Duelling @ Reactor (MotS)
Frost vs. Brand!

387. Duelling @ Coruscant Arena 1
Orchaid, Maximus and JoS crossing the sabers!

388. Duelling @ Coruscant Arena 1
Orchaid vs. Maximus!

389. All vs. One Duelling @ Valley of the Jedi Tower (Dedicated Server)
Brand, Ghostle, Frost and JoS vs. VPS_Jason

390. All vs. One Duelling @ Valley of the Jedi Tower (Dedicated Server)
Orchaid, Brand, Ghostle and JoS vs. VPS_Jason...

391. All vs. One Duelling @ Valley of the Jedi Tower (Dedicated Server)
Brand, Frost , Ghostle and JoS vs. Orchaid!

392. Teams (3 vs. 2) Duelling @ Valley of the Jedi Tower (Dedicated Server)
Orchaid, Frost and JoS vs. Brand and Ghostle!

393. Duelling @ Tower (Stories Untold Levelpack)
Pyro vs. JoS!

394. Duelling @ ORJ Secret Temple - Preview I (Dedicated Server)
Frost vs. Kai!

395. Co-op @ Chaos Eternal
Frost and Jos sneaking up on a Royal Guard!

396. Co-op @ Chaos Eternal
Taking on the guards in the hallway...

397. Co-op @
Chaos Eternal
Frost is flying around, kicking a stormie in the stomach here! =D

398. Co-op @ Chaos Eternal
They enter a mysterious complex of subterranean catacombs!

399. Co-op @ Chaos Eternal
Strange creatures are guarding the tombs!

400. Co-op @
Chaos Eternal
Agen and JoS each doing their part!

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