  The weapons in Jedi Knight operate and function much like the ones in Dark Forces. Most have the two modes of firing/attacking called primary fire and secondary fire.
The trusty weapon of the Jedi Knight as well as the Dark Side. This is, for the purposes of this game, the most powerful weapon. You cannot defeat the Dark Jedi without it. It can block blaster fire, and some explosions, and do massive damage. If you want to win the game, practice using this weapon.

The Lightsaber is treated like any other weapon. It uses primary and secondary attack modes. The Lightsaber has multiple attacks: down slash and horizontal slash. These are controlled by the character's movement: the player can decide what attack to do, and use the movement keys to make that attack.

Saber Blocks: this is a "mode" that the player can use. The player needs to be pointed in the right direction of the blast area. When the player gets better at this skill he can block increasingly dangerous weapons.
Light Saber Picture
  Weaponless Attack
The primary fire for this uses a punch with the left fist and then rotates to the right fist. The secondary fire is a kick.
  Bryar Pistol
The trusty weapon of Kyle Katarn. This is actually an older, modified rifle  that has been cut down to pistol size. It is a very accurate, but low powered weapon. This weapon has only one type of fire.
Bryar Pistol Picture
  Concussion Rifle
The trusty weapon of the Trandoshan race. It fires a concussive blast with a maximum range of 30 meters, creating an explosion that spreads about 4 meters in diameter.
Concussion Rifle Picture
  Stormtrooper Rifle
The standard rifle used by the stormtroopers. Not as accurate as the Bryar Pistol. This is the shotgun of the weapons. This weapon has only one type of fire.
Stormtrooper Rifle Picture
  Rail Detonator
This weapon is like a missile launcher. It sends out an explosive device with two options: impact or trigger explosion. The charge of the trigger option will stick to any wall, person, object, or ship. A second press of the fire button will detonate the charge with obvious results.
The launcher itself is like a medium size riot shotgun. The small charges are loaded below the firing barrel and are cocked into the chamber by a sliding plate. The charge itself is a small canister that has a claw and a pin in the front.
Rail Detonator Picture
  Thermal Detonator
Fun to use and handy for clearing some elbow room. Not recommended for those with noodle arms. The primary fire throws the detonator with a 3 second delay. The secondary fire makes the detonator explode on impact.
Thermal Detonator Picture
This is the same rifle that was in Dark Forces with the heat sink shield and three barrel design. It is a rapid fire rifle with tracers every 10 rounds. With the option button you can fire all three barrels at once at a slower rate.
Repeater Picture
  Sequencer Charges
Heartier than the Thermals and the Dark Forces IM Mines, these are used by placing them on the ground or on doors. These have both time and proximity options.
Sequencer Charge Picture
  Bowcaster Charges
Once known as the weapon of the Wookies, the Grave Tuskens have now stolen its design and modified it for their own needs. It fires a deadly bolt with a quick pull of the trigger. If you want a deadlier blast you can hold down the trigger and charge up a multiple blast that spreads out for wide attacks.
Bowcaster Picture
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