Old News and Business

Monday, August 24, 1998

More SERIOUS Updates...

Okay... I have been working my butt off lately on the site, but I think it is paying off. Please, if you get a chance, check out the completely redone files page, as well as the completely redone artwork section. I have been working on both pretty hard, so check them out.

CWT Results

Well, things in the CWT didn't go quite as well as we had hoped. PA came in second place in ff guns, however. (Even though we should have had first =) ) Anyway, thanks to the guys over at CWT for setting it up.

Saturday, August 15, 1998

SERIOUS site updates... More to come

::exhausted look:: Well, I've been updating quite a bit. I have added a brand new awards section... I completely redid the menu on the left, I put in a whole different javascript, so it should work a bit more efficiently now. I also finally updated the links page, so feel free to go and check that out if you get the urge. I intend to keep moving along, updating every page in turn over the next few days. What can I say, the site certainly needs it.

Friday, August 14, 1998


I am pleased to announce the addition of our 13 and LAST member. (Gee... where have I heard that "last" member thing before?) Through a unanimous vote, PA extended its member limit to 13 and let Jihad_Master in. Jihad_Master is an infamous full force player (not to mention nf!), known throughout the zone for his unmatched skills. Not to mention being a heck of a nice guy on top of all of that. He is a welcome addition to PA, and gives us one heck of a ff lineup for future battles.

Two more battles

Last night PA battled two more clans, XTS and ABH. Please check out the battles page ( =) JM) for more details.

CWT Coming Up

I hear there is another CWT coming up, and you can expect PA to be there with bells on, ready to take on the opposition.

Thursday, August 13, 1998

PA vs. DJK

Last night PA had its first battle with the clan "DJK." Check out the battles page for more details.


As many of you know, Jihad_Master, infamous for his skill in the FF area, has expressed an interest in joining PA. All PA members please get in your votes ASAP so we can give JM an answer.

Monday, August 10, 1998

UPA vs. KoN

Tonight Sabotage and myself battled the clan KoN. Check out the battles page to see how everything turned out.

Sunday, August 9, 1998

Mav Updates! YAY!!

Hey everyone.. just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates lately. I took a break and started playing Jedi Knight again as much as I wanted to. I guess I never realized how much time being webmaster takes away from the game. Anyway... look for the updated roster page in a day or two. I'm working as fast as I can!

Saturday, August 1, 1998

Mav is home!

Yep... thats right. I'm back from vacation. I had an awesome time, but now I'm ready to start up again. I am extremely rusty at the moment, but slowly improving. Look for PA to start challenging some of the big guns now... some battles shall be set up shortly.

Burke is back from the grave, his sister is now in the grave

Well... I returned late last night to hear that Burke was dead. I almost had a heart attack. However... though everyone has been passing around the rumor, it is luckily just a load of B.S. Burke's sister decided to start a rumor that burke had died in intensive care. So, we can all rest easy now... or some of you maybe the opposite. Burke is still here and kicking ass.

New Member!

I am extremely pleased to announce the addition of our last member. Thought she has been officially with us for the past few days, nobody decided to put it in the news. =) PA_Pixilius, our latest addition, was added a couple of days ago without a single negative vote. She is easily one of the best players on the zone, and not to mention an extremely nice and honest person. She is certainly welcome among us.

Member limit reached, and Mav pours his heart out

I'm not sure if everyone has noticed or not, but our member limit of 12 has been reached. There will be no more additions to PA, unless someone unfortunately decides to leave us. This occurance has lead me to stop and think for a few minutes. When I started this clan in February, I had no idea it would ever reach this level of excellence. Not being a very good player myself, I don't know how I ended up with 11 other of the absolute best and the nicest on the zone. How I remain leader with all of this skill around is beyond me... all I can say is that all the time and effort I have put in has paid off, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. Thanks to all PA for an excellent road so far, lets keep the fire burning.

Thursday, July 30, 1998

Let's all pray

Very sad day indeed today. Burke as you may or may not know was hit by a drunk driver tonight and is in I.C. He was expected to undergo surgery for 2 broken ribs, a punctured lung, concussion, and internal bleeding, and that was the last thing I heard. Burke is a very tough character as we all know. Let's all pray he can make a very strong, speedy recovery.

Wednesday, July 22, 1998

Better late than never

Yeah, yeah, I know you all know by now, (sorry, little behind the times) but still would like to give a big to our newest member Pix. Pix as you know is a very skilled player with a very cool attitude to boot. Definately another great addition to PA.

is another CWT, CTF NF and FF, and FF guns 1-1. Please let me know if you're interested in any of these events a.s.a.p so I can submit an application.

Saturday, July 18, 1998

Victory!!! er sort of

Long wild day for PA today. To start with, Virus and I won the FF guns tourney today (woo hoo). Well sort of, EA really beat us in the finals but did it by breakin the rules. Then they got a little too carried away with Element_God and a sycops. So God granted us with the overall victory. Maybe not the way we would have liked to win the tourney but the win isn't the only thing EA lost due to their attitudes today. Pix, who was trying out for EA saw just what she may have been getting into and decided that PA is the better choice (scratch another win for us). So to wrap up the day I have asked everyone to vote on Pix as a future PA. Hopefully we can get the final tally soon and swear in another member. Also, lets wish Krypt and Burke in NF guns and SaBotage and Yoda in NF sabs the best of luck tomorrow. Tear it up.

Thursday, July 16, 1998

-Mav out...

Well everyone, I will be gone for the next two weeks. I promise, this is the last time =) Look to PA_Purple_Haze and PA_Burke for leadership, Haze should be updating the news so make sure to keep checking back for updates. I'll see you guys when I get back... get ready to kick some major ass because I have big plans for when I get back. Until then... I need a break from the recent onslaught of page programming and tryout stuff. Bye everyone, and to my clan... good luck in the CWT's and in whatever else you decide to do in my absence. I know you guys won't have any problem keeping up with the wins! =)

Wednesday, July 15, 1998

PA_Krypt... ?

That's right, you heard right! PA has another new member, and maybe it's last. I am overjoyed to announce that Krypt, formerly of JCS, is now killing everyone while using a new name. Krypt, who is currently number 10 on Case's Ladder (Though I know she can do even better :)) has decided to join up. She is greeted with welcome arms, and a joy to have with us.

DONE recruiting???

One of PA's strongest ideals from the beginning has been to keep the clan small, so that everyone can be strong friends. Well, the original limit was set at 10, but when Krypt came along we just couldn't resist. So, there is one more player who PA will soon be voting on, MMx_Man, formerly of JAG, who though would be welcome to PA, would also push us 2 members over the limit.


PA had a couple of official matches against EJK and AH. Check out the battles page for some more details.


I'm sure many of you have heard about the CWT this weekend. While I will not be able to attend (I will be out of town the next two weeks) you can rest assured that PA will be there and ready to kick some tail in the oasis nf and ff divisions.

Monday, July 13, 1998

Out with the old, in with the BEST

Well... if this isn't a big day for PA, I don't know what was. It is now official that LionX and Falcon have been released from PA forever. LionX has betrayed us, joining other clans under an alias. We have not seen or heard from Falcon in well over a month, so we have decided to let him go as well.
On a much brighter note, PA has some new members! With the recent disbanding of the clan Royal, PA has gained some of the best gunners in the Jedi Knight world. I am extremely pleased to announce that you will now find PA_Hunter, PA_Sabotage, PA_Reaper, PA_Virus, and PA_Jawsome kicking tail all over the zone. In addition to their nearly unmatched gunning skill, these guys are some of the nicest players I've come across. After a few great games last night, (hard to believe we actually stuffed 7 players into that cargo bay level.. hehe) I realized that I am in for a real treat playing with you guys. Hold on to your seats, it is going to be a wild ride all the way to the top... So guys... lets get out there and show everyone what we can do, and whether you're up 50 to -3, or down by one or two... Always keep in mind... PA until the very end........

Saturday, July 11, 1998


Well, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates this week. Things in the JK community have been slow. I would like to post a few bits of news. First of all, Deadly and I single-handedly defeated the "Gold Squadron" in an official battle the other night. Check the battles page for some more details. Also, a few of you may have noticed the new picture adorning the top of our page. I noticed that the animation (all 379K of it) was taking just a bit too long to download and was slowing down the rest of the page. Well, I have replaced with a new image I made, which is only 11K and a quicker download.

Monday, July 6, 1998

-Mav In

Hey everyone!! Well... I've been gone for a couple of weeks, and it's great to be back. I would like to thank Purple_Haze and Burke for doing a great job with news updates and whatnot. Instead of returning as the leader of the PA, I am returning to the clan as one of three leaders... I am not asking Haze or Burke to step down from their positions at this point. In other words, PA will no longer be a monarchy.


Well... what can I say? I couldn't be happier with our showing at the CWT yesterday. I would like to extend a firm hand to our very own Burke, who clinched the second place trophy. Other PA members also showed well. After taking EA_Reg out, Purple_Haze bought it in a very close game in the semifinals in his bracket. Yoda and Deadly were also far from a disappointment. I would like to congratulate everyone that participated. Awesome job guys!

June 30, 1998

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Well lets start with the good. There is a 1-1 nf guns tourney Sunday, July 5 at 2:00EST hosted by CWT. Going to be quite the big event I'm sure. So lets lace up the boots for some kicking. Bad news is our newest member LionX will be MIA. Even worse yet or the ugly part is it doesn't sound like he will be back anytime soon =~(. So hopefully with a little luck, Lion's dismissal will be shorter than anticipated and we will do well in the upcoming tourney.

June 21, 1998

Burke is back in town

Hey everyone, after being away for the weekend, I'm back. Yeah, life is tough when you have to kayak and then come home to computer games...hehe. Well I just got back and havn't really caught up to the scene, but Haze and I will talk later and let you guys know everything important that is going on. Uh oh...looks like Haze is at it again...

Err...I will be amazed if this entire page is actually still here by the time Mav returns...All that can, please be on ICQ at 9 eastern for a PA meeting. Yoda has requested one...(check out the msg board)

Saturday June 20, 1998

Haze's First Update

As you know our fearless leader has started his vacation leaving us all behind to keep working at the zone (life is rough). Hopefully me and Burke can handle the updates and such without nukin the page. So let me get started with...what the...I can't stop it...NO!!..GET DOWN!!!

Ok, Ok, one small explosion, give me a break it's my first update. Better make this short before something else goes wrong. There is a 1-1 saber tournament the 27th, a week from today hosted by CWT. Hopefully PA can make a showing. We should all get together and decide who will make it. I already asked D and Lion if they would be interested in representing us.

-Mav out

Well everyone... I will be gone for two weeks. Burke and Purple_Haze will be taking over leadership while I am gone. I wish you guys luck if you decide to play in any tournaments or matches, sorry I wont be able to be there. Burke/Purple should be updating the news, so make sure to keep checking back!

Friday June 19, 1998

Counter breaks 1000!!!

Hurray! 1000 visitors have come to this site. Sorry... this is a big deal to me... I have worked really hard crafting this page, and it feels good when I get comments on it. Please keep visiting, and I'll keep updating! (Burke was here hehe) I guess it is easy to put that much effort into something if you really love what you're doing it for.. I love PA!

CTF Match

Well... we didn't do as well as we would have liked to. Since we thought that the level for the match was The Arena of Dark and Light (as posted on the CWT page) and not Nar Shaddaa... we practiced Arena. We did make it to the semi-finals, however. I'm proud of Purple and Yoda for giving such a great effort in the match. Thanks guys!

Tuesday June 16, 1998

New Member!

I am very pleased to announce PA's 7th member. PA_LionX is now one of the clan. Originally known as __PhantomX__ in the zone, LionX is unbelievable with a lightsaber and not too shabby with guns. We are very pleased to have him among us.

CTF Tournament this Thursday

PA will be participating in the CTF match this thursday. PA_Purple_Haze and PA_Yoda will be representing us. Check back later in the week to find out how we did!

Updated "Roster" Area

Check out the new and improved "Roster" section of the site! Let me know what you think.

Wednesday ("Hump Day"), June 10, 1998

Cement Shoes

Hey everyone. Just wanted to let everyone know where I've been lately. School has been driving me absolutely insane... and I haven't had time for much of anything at all. I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates and reassure everyone that yes, even with the lack of playing lately, I can still beat Yoda by quite a large margin.

Site Counter Breaks 901!

Hey... why not celebrate numbers like 901? Actually... I'm just excited because we finally broke 900... that means that 1000 is coming up... keep visiting!

Saturday, June 6, 1998

Match Results

Well... some good news. Our first match against SOD went very well, with a final score of 30 to 1. Check out the battles page for some more details of the match.

Thursday, June 4, 1998

Site Updates done... for now

I am pleased to announce that for the time being I am finished with my major updates of the site. It has been some hard work, and I have learned a lot in the process, and I'm glad everyone seems to appreciate what I've done. I won't stop updating, however, so don't worry. I just need a bit of a break from HTML. =)


A bit of good news today. A date has finally been announced for the Predator Assassins vs. the Stormtroopers of Death match. SOD_Fallout and myself have been working for the past few days trying to get a date set that is good for both clans. Finally we came up with a date for tonight at 7:30 EST in the zone. Check back tomorrow for the details of the match!

Friday, May 29, 1998

I need a nap...

Well, I FINALLY figured out that darn star wars scrolling applet. For those of you who have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, check out the All New Story Section! I've been working really hard on getting that darn thing working... I'm sorry to say though that it probably does not work with everyone's browser. Once again, if anyone has anything else they would like to see, please let me know!

Friday, May 29, 1998

New Updates!

Well, stage one of my site overhaul is complete. The new buttons are up and working properly, and they download a whole lot faster than the other ones. I hope everyone enjoys them, they were a serious pain to change, especially since everything is done in Paintbrush.

The message board is up! Though I must say, it hasn't been too much work, it is good to see that it is working properly. Feel free to post whatever kind of messages you choose, as long as they are not dirty.

Please, if anyone else has anything else they would like to see on this page, send me an email. I am always open to constructive criticism.

Picking Fights

I set up a fight with the Stormtroopers of Death today. Though no official date is set, both of us have agreed to a no force guns match. Look for more information soon!

I just received word a little while ago that PA_PurpleHaze and PA_Yoda waged war in the zone against a clan called DD, and won by a large margin. Congrats guys, and sorry I couldn't stay to fight!

Wednesday, May 27, 1998

Finding Strength in the Past

I am happy to inform everyone that PA_Yoda is once again with us. I'm sure many of you have heard of the "Yoda saga" that ocurred a few weeks ago. Well... Yoda has come back to prove to me and Burke that he has learned his lesson, and after a two week exile period, we have let yoda back in. It has always been a joy fighting with yoda, and I am glad that he is once again a Predator Assassin.


Over the next couple of weeks the site may be undergoing a few changes. Everything I have decided to change on the site has been done to increase appearance and download speed. I hope everyone enjoys all of my work. Please send me some comments or suggestions, I am always open to them!

Sunday, May 17, 1998

New Member!

I am pleased to announce to everyone that the PA has a brand new member. PA_Purple Haze is now one of the clan. Though Purple is not very well known and is somewhat a newcomer to the zone, he is easily one of the best players that I have ever seen. And on top of that, a nice guy too. So look out for him in the zone, he is a great player and a great addition to the Predator Assassins.

Saturday, May 9, 1998

The Winds of Change: Wiping the Slate Clean

Well... Burke and I have decided that the UPA was not something that we were entirely proud of. Some of our members, specifically, we thought were not exactly what our clan is about. After reviewing some of the finer points of the values our clan is based on, Khyron has decided to leave. Khyron has been found waging wars on various other clans, which has given the UPA somewhat of a negative reputation in some respects. After a long discussion, it was determined that the best course of action for Khyron was to no longer be associated with the UPA. Spawn, as well, has left the Predator Assassins. Spawn has been extremely inactive for a number of weeks, not coming to practices or several of the meetings. Therefore, Burke and I have asked Spawn to resign from the PA. I would personally like to thank Spawn and Khyron for their membership in the PA, it was a pleasure and and honor playing with both of you.

New Member

Be sure to look for PA's newest member on the zone! PA_Falcon is now one of us. Falcon is new to the guns aspect of JK, but is already one of the best I've come across. We hope to be practicing enough to get him even better. Falcon is also and awesome sabers player, being ranked in the low 20's on the ladder at one time. We welcome Falcon to our clan, and hope he can become a strong member.

From PAT to PA

I am pleased to announce that PAT_DeadlyOne shall no longer bear the burden of the extra "T" attached to his name. Deadly, which was the clan's first member of the training program "PA in Training" (PAT) is now a full-blown member. Deadly has increased in skill astronomically over the past few weeks, and though is not yet up to where we would like him to be, Burke and I have seen such strong loyalty and drive in Deadly that we have decided to make him a full member. Through almost daily training sessions now, PA_DeadlyOne will be someone to look out for in the future.

New "Artwork" Section?

Look for the upcoming artwork section on the site, it should be up very shortly. (if not by the time you read this) It contains a number of pictures which I myself have worked on. I hope you enjoy them!

Thursday, May 7, 1998

Updates... The Winds of Change

Well everyone, I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I have been pretty busy with schoolwork... and the fact that the weather has been so nice has prompted me to spend more time away from the computer. Currently a lot of changes are being undergone within the clan, so please check back for frequent updates to see what is going on.

Yoda Kicked Out?

It is with sorrow that I inform everyone that based on the clan vote a couple of nights ago, PA_Yoda will soon be asked to leave our clan. Though he is currently away on vacation, he will most likely be banished as soon as he returns. Yoda recently joined another extremely honorable clan (sorry, I will not provide the name) under an alias. He did not inform the clan as to his plans, and anonymous sources say that he shrugged it off saying: "I want some action."
I would like to formally tell everyone that the actions of Yoda do not, nor ever will reflect the beliefs of the Predator Assassins. We are a clan based on L.O.Y.A.L.T.Y and anyone who does not follow this belief will soon find himself without a clan. Yoda's position in the clan does not provide him with any special privelages.

Burke...A New, Solid Leader

Due to Yoda's pending dismissal from the clan, Burke has been appointed as the new co-leader of the Predator Assassins. I'm sure many of you have heard of Burke's incredible skill. Burke is a great friend of mine and a teriffic member of the clan, and will be a great leader for the Predator Assassins.

Wednesday, April 29, 1998

New Member

I am pleased to anounce the fifth warrior to the Union of the Predator Assassins. PA_Khyron is now one of us. I would like to personally thank him for being so patient with us all over the past two or three months while we made our decision. Thought Khyron is mainly a sabers ff player, he is also killer at sabers nf and guns nf. We are pleased to have him among us!

Saturday, April 25, 1998

Full Ahead

Well everyone, I'm back. I had a great vacation, but now it is time to really get things going with the clan. After a talk with yoda, we have decided we are now going to go full effort for a while. I am on the brink of a decision to quit the ladder so that I can pay more attention to clan business. We have also decided to take up recruiting again. Anyone interested please fill out a form in the join area, or find me on the zone.

CW Match

Well, yoda and I attempted to have a match with the Champions of War last night, but due to connection problems we never finished the game. I hope we can do so soon.

Monday, April 13, 1998

Maverick Out

Well guys, I'm off on vacation until next monday. I have left complete control of the clan to PA_Yoda, so look for him if you have any questions or comments this week. Don't everyone worry, I'm sure I'll maintain at least a fraction of my skill over the vacation. =)

Friday, April 10, 1998

New Members

As I have been playing a lot of games lately, several really good players have expressed an interest in our clan. This means that we should have an increase of members in the near future. All of these guys have been awesome. Hopefully we will set up some tryout dates and get the membership going, though there is certainly no rush. =)

Ladder News

Three of us, PA_Burke, PA_Yoda, and myself, PA_Maverick, have been doing some serious work in the ladder room lately. We are now all somewhere near the top. We have been winning a lot of games. Yoda now has a 31 game win streak and the highest skill on the ladder! (1986 or so) I myself have a 21 game win streak going, which is increasing every day. Burke has been trucking along as usual, never failing to impress any of us. =)
Visit the all new Case's Ladder for UPA Members section which shows how members of the ladder are doing and are ranked!

Vacation coming up!

I regret to inform all of you that I will be going away from April 14 until the 20th. This means, among other things, that I will be deciding soon who I will give clan leadership to while I am away. Though I am confident that all my clan members could do a great job, I want to be sure I make the right choice.

New "PAT" System

Well, Yoda and I have been working hard and we have finally devised a new system. Lately one player on the zone has really made an effort to be nice to all of us, and he is one of the coolest guys I've seen around. He requested membership to our clan, but it is unfortunate that he does not yet have our level of skills. Therefore we have made a new "PA in training" course. Though PAT_DeadlyOne is not a member of our clan yet, Yoda and I will continue to train him on a regular basis so that he can someday join our ranks.

Possible Name Change?

I have decided that there are way too many Mavericks on the zone. Therefore, I have decided that I will most likely change my name in the near future. Please, if anyone has a suggestion as to a new name, let me know. Thanks!

Saturday, April 4, 1998

Well guys... sorry for the lack of updates lately. It has been one heck of a week, and I haven't had too much time. Just some misc. things to report. Everyone seems to be doing spectacular on the ladder. Yoda is way up there in the mid-50's now. Unfortunately, I cant say the same thing for myself. The only matches I've seemed to find lately are against lower ranked players. Oh well... I'm happy with my 9 game win streak. =)
Some clan battles should be coming up soon, so please keep checking back. We have been challenged by a few clans, but no exact dates are set yet. I'll keep everyone posted though, dont worry.
M. Schirmer, who are you? I wish you would email me instead of signing our guestbook 5 times. I appreciate your interest in our clan, but could we try talking in person about it?
Members: Members Only section has been updated!
Oh yeah... one more thing. Burke is now 14 on the ladder.

Friday, March 27, 1998

Well... only a few things to report today.
First of all, I have decided to cancel the UPA weekly meeting this sunday because Burke and I will be unable to attend. If yoda and spawn wish to try out the new potential recruit, (ICQ# 9026967) then please do. I will get back to you guys on monday, I am going away for the weekend.
Second, I wish to formally congratulate Burke on his outstanding success on Case's Ladder. After 8 games, Burke has a record of 8 and 0 and is now ranked #22. To clear up any misconsception... many players out there have accused Burke of cheating over the past few days. THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Burke does not, has not, and will not ever cheat. I can personally attest to that.
In other news... site counter broke 300 today! =) My personal goal is to see it reach 1,000 some day... so keep visiting!!

Wednesday, March 25, 1998

Well.. quite a bit of good news today. First of all...
We got endorsed by JediKnight.net!!!! Yay!!!! This means quite a bit to me (as you might be able to tell) especially since when Yoda and I began this clan, I had no idea how to program web pages. Since then, I have been learning as much as I could, and I think that all the hard work has paid off. Thanks to all of you who helped me along the way by giving me ideas/tips as to how to be a better webmaster. =)
Here is what JediKnight.net had to say about us:
"Really cool pictures. The site is well arranged and clean. Nicely done. The UPA are looking for new members. Check it out and join. We are awarding the UPA with our endorsement, in tribute to their hard work and originality on their site."

In other news... every member of the UPA is now on the ladder. Though most of us haven't played many games yet, we have all decided we are going to do our best to get up there. We all congratulate PA_Burke on his awesome job of beating the 8th ranked guy on the ladder yesterday. Go Burke!

Saturday, March 21, 1998

Some great news today! Last night PA_Spawn and I won our first battle. The battle was against a clan called Skycon. We have been preparing for battles for a long time now, and it is good to see our efforts paying off. Though Skycon wasn't the toughest of opponents, it was a teriffic first match. For more details, check out the new Battles Page.

Friday, March 20, 1998

Sorry for the lack of updates lately.. I have been extremely busy with schoolwork, etc. and haven't had too much free time. The clan is coming along slowly, we are still receiving many requests for membership, however many are not up to our level of play and I have unfortunately had to turn them down.
Good news, however. The UPA is playing it's first battle tonight. We will be playing "Skycon" at the zone at 7:15 EST. It should be a very interesting battle, and the first of many to come. Please check back tomorrow for the results on the battle.

Tuesday, March 10, 1998

Well... not too much to report today. Things in the clan are going extremely well, and all members seem to be enjoing themselves. Yoda and I had our first match against The Shadow Assassins, which was ended abruptly after Yoda's brother decided he needed the computer. We are planning on playing them again though.
A reminder to members you should be checking back to the member's area for current announcements and our forthcoming column entitled "Words From Burke."

Friday, March 6, 1998

Well... some great news today! Yoda and I have talked it over, and we have officially made our fourth recruit. PA_Burke is now part of our ranks. Not to brag... but this guy is awesome! Definitely one of the nicest guys I've ever gone up against. (Not to mention his awesome aim!) He is helping me to become a better player as well, which I can definitely use.
Also, the UPA is now looking for opponents. If anyone is interested, please email so we can set something up. Thanks!

Thursday, March 5, 1998

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but I have been extremely busy with school, and haven't had a lot of extra time. Some good news, though. I think that we are close to our 4th recruit. Another master of the mouse, this guy really knows how to kill. His name is Burke61, just in case anyone wanted to know.
I'm sorry that's all I have to report for now... I'm working on trying to make the site a lot better, but from here on in things get complicated... If anyone has some tips, please email me!

Tuesday, February 24, 1998

Lots of good news to report today. First of all, Yoda and I have officially decided to make our first recruit. PA_Spawn is now an official member of the Union of the Predator Assassins. This kid is awesome! Few people have been able to make me run lately, and he was killing me left and right! We can certainly use Spawn's talent in the UPA.
Some new files are now available in the "files" area. Check them out, and I hope to be adding more in the future.

Saturday, February 21, 1998

The page is finally up!! I am happy to report that every single part of this web site is now 100% functional. This doesn't mean I'm not going to stop updating... dont worry. =)
Please if you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, or reports of broken links, inform me.

Friday, February 20, 1998

Some major additions to the site lately. Now, I think, everything on the page works except the links page. I'll have that up soon, though. Work on the members area has begun, and should be done soon. (sorry, only members get to know the password)
More efforts at recruiting have taken place, and we have been able to eliminate a few leads. Hopefully we will start getting some really good talent in the group in the near future. Dont forget to sign a form in the "join" area if you are interested.

Wednesday, February 18, 1998

Not too much to report today. I have done some more serious work on the site. The "files" area and the "wariors" area are now up. Also be sure to check out the other areas, many have been updated.
We have found a few potential candidates for the UPA, though nothing is official yet. We still have a lot of talking to do, and PA_Yoda and I have not made any final decisions yet. Please, if you are interested in joining, fill out a form in the "join us..." area.

Tuesday, February 17, 1998

The site is finally up! Though most of the links off to the right are not yet working, they should be up within the next day or so.
The UPA is now accepting members, so please fill out a form in the "join us..." area. (This is one of the links that does work. This is one way to grab our attention if you want to join, but your best bet is to find me (PA_Maverick7) or PA_Yoda at the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone. We are in need of some great talent, but please beware that recruiting is going to be extremely strict for the That's all for now, but thanks for stopping by!! I'll have a guestbook up sometime (?) in the near future, so please feel free to sign it. Thanks!UPA.