A long time ago....
In a galaxy far, far away...

There were no Predator Assassins...
Shesh, there weren't even computers.

So who the heck cares
about people with names
like "Palpatine" anyway?

PA was formed
in early February, 1998.

he main objective
was to have fun,
earn a little bit of
a name for ourselves,
and not have to worry
about stupid stuff
like cheating.
We realize that other
clans might have more
"creative" stories...
But when you come right down to it,
it is all just a load
of horse manure...

In the end,
it IS just a game, right?

We are here to have fun,
not write stories about
old guys named "Sith Lord"
Who the heck names their
kid "Sith Lord," anyway?