
Call Sign PA_Yoda
Real Name Steve
Location Michigan
Side of the force Neither
Favorite weapon(s) Concussion Rifle, Sequencer Charges
Favorite Force Level(s) 0
ICQ Number 7059359

Comments:I'm PA_Yoda. I have been a strong supporter of UPA since the start, and I am truly proud to be part of such a special and well organized clan! I am here to play and have fun; goof around a little too! :)
All the PA members know about that part of my personality.......They said I would never change, and they are probably right, but they isn't anything bad about that! I mean, what's wrong with having a wild, wacky, crazy member in the clan?? :) I know you guys just couldn't go on without the Yodster jokin around!! heheheh.....

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