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Since the birth of the Empire, a lot has passed. Star systems swept away, nothing but more territory to satisfy the insatiable lust for power the Empire sustains. But the empire was not to be feared or hated at this time, for the systems ruled were ruled with grace.

Until the time of the Emporor. With sudden ferocity, the Emporor made sure none would dare to oppose the rule of the Empire. Recruiting rank upon rank of stormtrooper legions, the military might of the war machine grew beyond measure. Planets before left alone to govern themselves were taken by force, their governments smashed, their resources sucked dry. It was a time of horror, death and damnation.

One planet was forced to stand by and watch the rest of it's galaxy fall to the undefeatable Imperial onslaught. With sufficient might only to repel the Empires initial attempt at taking their homeland, the planet Dominius watched on as it's allies were sucked into the Imperium, knowing that soon they would be the sole planet to remain untarnished, and would then fall under the full force the Imperium would unleash upon them.

As only a smattering of free civilisations remained, the council of Dominius, known as the Guardians, decided to study the texts of their forefathers looking for guidance. After careful translation, they uncovered a power they had no idea they possesed. The power of the Force.

Training of the Council in the ways of the force began immediately. The head of the council, his name now forgotten, after seeing the potential power of the force, decided to load the planets fastest ships with the children of Dominius, and blast them into uncharted space, looking for a planet upon which they might land and live. He sent even his own son.

In each ship was loaded 3 sons or daughters of Dominius, and in the ships data files was all the information in the Dominion library about the ways of the force. Tools and equiptment were also loaded, so that wherever the children landed, they could begin a new life.

Tears were shed as parents parted from their children, news of the massive approaching Imperial fleet no overstatement. The children were loaded into deep sleep units and their ships set ready to blastoff. The master of the council was the last to speak to his son, he gave unto him a star chart so that one day, the children might return and see what terrible thing has befallen Dominius. And to take Vengance.

The ships blasted off into the stratosphere, the red glow from the rockets making the tears running down the sad faces of the elders of Dominius look like rubies of despair. When the skies turned blue for the last time, the elders made ready to die.