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Culexus, Drekken and Narayan walked down the dusty passageway. Sindair before them, barely visible through the gloom. They were walking through some secret tunnel that run into the mountain. Lamps flickered here and there, their power source was unknown to any of the three, but they gave a pleasant green light.

"This is a long tunnel Sindair." said Narayan.

"Is is not the main entrance," came the reply. "The main tunnel collapsed in the war, only a miracle or a lot of men could open it now. Ah, here we are."

The last sentence came as Sindair dissapeared around a corner, out of sight for a moment. The three boys followed reluctantly round the corner.

"My good god on Dominius..." whispered Drekken. Hundreds of towers of rock and metal stood before him, stretching for a miles into the distance. "It is a magnificent city..."

Sindair chuckled. "Heh, this is only the guardroom, I think is the equivalent in your tounge. Yes, this is where the guards for this entrance were housed. The entrance to the city is on the other side of this cave." As the three stood there in sheer disbelief, they could see the gates in the distance, tiny from here they looked. Sindair began to walk down the steps into the 'guardrooms' borders.

The others followed, after recollecting their thoughts into something resembling sanity. They caught up with sindair as he was tutting over a platform on wheels, it looked quite rickety. It had straps on it.

"Erm..." said narayan, eyes on the thing.

"Now you boys will just have to trust me for this part of the journey. We have to get to the other side of the guardroom. It would take all day at your pace, so I will have to take you at mine. If you would all be so good as to lay on the platform, I'll strap you in so you won't fall off." He smiled at the boys, waiting.

Drekken whispered; "Let's face it, if he was gonna hurt us, he could do it any time he wants to..." he went on to shrug at the other two. Culexus sighed, and went and layed on the platform. The other two followed suit, not knowing what was going to happen. Sindair went around the edge of the platform, fastening straps over the boys, and not being too gentle either.

"It is good of you to trust me, I would have expected you to have doubts, as I am sure you do, but now, let us go. He picked up a rod that was protruding from the edge of the platform facing the gates. The boys lay there, unable to move, watching him, he appeared to be silent. Unmoving

"He better not have died, I can't move." said Narayan, struggling in his straps.

"No, not yet." Came the bold reply. With a loud bellow and a flash of green light, Sindair sprinted from a standing start, running at a unbelievable pace. Buildings whooshed by the boys eyes, the G-Force of their acceleration making their eyes water. Sindair apparently went out of his way to choose the smoothest path to the gates, making sudden turns that made the boys stomachs lurch. Then he stopped. The jolt was painful. The boys realised that had they not been strapped in, they would now be nothing more than a amusing pattern on the wall. Narayan gulped.

"Er, sorry about that dead thing." he said.

"Not a problem." said Sindair, as he undid the straps and let the boys stand. "Now for the main event..." He began to walk up the steps to the gates. They were big. Very big. And they also had a big hole.

Sindair went up to the hole and laid his hand on it. "Alas, our gates were not strong enough... And the legions of the damned entered here and layed waste to all we loved. But now that is past." He began to climb through the hole. The three looked at each other solemnly, then followed him.

"Behold!" Sindair said loudly as the boys emerged from the hole. "The Great city of the Jedi!" The boys looked about them and sank to their knees. The place was MASSIVE. Beyond human belief, buildings stretched in every possible direction. Where the roof of the cave was visible, huge ION cannons waited for the command to emerge from the mountain side, on the other side of the mountains shell, and blow away anything that they wanted to. One of the cannons was now just a twisted melted lump of metal and plastic. Indeed, most of the city was in ruin, smashed by some long past war. But the thing that held the most attention, was the huge glowing orb of green energy that stood attop a vast pillar at the city centre. Even here, the boys could feel the light on their faces, despite how far away the orb was. Green flashes ran along the floor as energy from the orb flashed off in brilliant colors to unknown places.

"This is, is..." Culexus stammered.

"Impressive, yes I know." He pointed at the orb. "They tried so hard," he said, "but they could not destroy our source of power. It lives on." The green orb glowed brilliantly. Traces of red lines adorned it's surface. Like a net. "However, they did manage to trap our power. Most of it goes wasted, trapped inside by a net of evil. Just enough there to keep the planet in one piece and give me strength." He flexed his fingers thoughtfully. "The prophecies say the chosen ones touch will release the power again. You are the chosen ones, here your quest shall begin."

Hours passed as they walked towards the huge plinth with the orb on top, glowing strongly. They eventually reached the bottom of the steps, and started to climb. More hours passsed. Sindair appeared to have an endless supply of strength, after a while the boys were aonting and had to stop on sereral occasions. Eventually, they reached the top.

"Now rest. Sleep. The orb will give you pleasant and foresighted dreams. When your strength is replenished, you will be able to free the whole power of the orb, and this planet will be free again. Free to start again."

The boys slept. They all dreamed the same thing, they all told each other later. They were standing in front of the orb dressed in strange clothing, the city was spread out beneath them, gleaming anew with millions upon millions of people cheering in the street. Below them directly however, were around 30 people, all smiling and waving at the populace of the city. As they got closer, they thought they recognised them, yes! They were some of the other children of Dominius! Here, and with them in the city of the Jedi! They all tried to call the names of their friends, but then they awoke.

Sindair was sitting on the edge of the plinth looking down at the city. He stood up as he sensed that the boys had awoken. The wind blew in his dark grey hair, where it came from none of the bloys knew. His deep grey eyes looked into theirs and he said kindly; "The time has come. Step forward chosen ones! Touch the orb! Release the LIGHT!" As he said the last words he looked up to the sky, and the wind turned into a raging gale as the chosen ones tried to touch the orb. They pushed forward against the winds, dust blowing into their eyes.

Visions past entered their heads, the departure from Dominius, the explosions as their ships blew up in their escape... The tears they shed, hitting the floor again, and again, and again...

"I can't do it!" shouted Narayan, over the gale. "It's too hard!" The others nodded. the red lines on the orb were glowing intensly.

"It's a trick of the evil! Ignore the visions and touch the orb!" came Sindairs shouted reply. They struggled on. Fingers outstreched, they strived to touch the orb. Getting closer all the time, the green and red glows making it nearly impossible to see what was before them. Eventually they had to cover their eyes with one arm, and carry on walking, fingers outstretched. After what seems like a lifetime, there was a cease to the red light, and the green light exploded, outwards in a blinding flash, covering the whole city, and going on until it had reached every last part of the planets surface. Finally, it shrunk back to it's original size, glowing pure, brilliant green.