Star Craft Brood Wars

StarCraft is based upon the best-selling fantasy WarCraft series, in the same way that Alpha Centauri is the child of the Sid Meier Civilization series. Starcraft is all the better for the input of its illustrious predecessors, as it is a challenging space, real-time, strategy game.

There are three alien species in the game. You will get to play as each species in mission based campaigns. Obviously there are three different campaigns, one for each species. And therein lies the challenge of the game...

Three Unique Alien Species
Whether you command the nomadic Terran Marines, mysterious Protoss, or voracious Zerg, you must devise totally unique strategies to master the specialised units, abilities, and technologies of each one in turn. Command Ghost Espionage Agents, Wraith Stealth Fighters, Protoss High Templars, and Zerg Defilers as you seek to conquer the galaxy.

Multiple Theatres of Battle
Within each campaign there are missions which will include either space combat, planetary assault, or covert base infiltration or a combination of both.

Revolutionary Special Effects
Real-time light sourcing, true line of sight, and a translucency engine combine for incredible special effects and realism.

Intense Internet Competition
Challenge players world-wide with via Blizzard's gaming service. Up to eight players supported for head-to-head, allied or team play. Enhanced features include world-wide player rankings, tournaments, and challenge ladders.

Unequalled Campaign Editor
Construct individual missions or entire campaigns with unrivalled ease! Set victory conditions, customise speech and sound, and create unique heroes while building enormous single and multi player worlds complete with your own storyline.

Starcraft: Brood Wars continues the saga of galactic warfare as the Zerg, Protoss and Terrans struggle for their continued survival. This is an expansion set for StarCraft and is included in this bundle.

With the shattered Zerg hive torn apart by fierce infighting, the Protoss seek to reunite with their Dark Templar brethren and begin the rebuilding of their home world, Aiur. Terran Emperor Mengsk I, having achieved his goal of total power over the human colonies, must now turn his attention to both the rising power of the woman he betrayed-- Kerrigan, the infamous Zerg Queen of Blades-- and a conspiracy deep within his own ranks.