Sylvicolus : Jedi Knight Level Design
My Second Level (for practice and testing) Unreleased
My previous level was expanded into this "gallery" level where I tested out new mats and 3DOs that I made. I also experimented a lot with architecture and learned more about cogging. Here you can see the same room retextured with four new mats. And the new door actually works now.
I made a bunch of new door textures and tried them out. Here's my door gallery. I don't plan on actually using them since the mats are not that great.
I had fun in the next room playing with new grill and dirt mats. I think I'll include these in the bottom of my T9 level. But I need to figure out how to make two layers of transparent mats work in 3D graphics mode.
More architecture with two floors and a working locked door, breaking glass, elevator, and camera. Took a while to get some cogs working, especially the force field. You're helping the rebels repel a band of pirates outside.
Then I made an outdoors area with a ruined castle wall. Fun but tricky cleaving.

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