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There they stood at the canyon, the two jedi known and respected by many: MavSG and DarkJester. The game was a stalemate. Which was no surpirze to either one, for each one knew his opponet better than himself. It was not enough to know the other’s move, but rather the counter to the counter move. Neither one had a weakness the other could expliot. Their games would be an intricate tangle of advancements and retreats. Each game demanding more and more, but in the end, there was no victor.........only respect.

Their history streaches farther back than most know. It was before ladder competition. It was before clan memberships. It was before JK could be bought off the shelf. Mav and Jester met when only the trial version was availible.

From their first gmae, Mav and Jester developed a friendship and competition that would last them through JK. After a grueling deathmatch that proved neither was stronger than the other, they combined their strength. The two togethere could not be defeated. They feed each other’s desire for perfection. They oblitereated their opponent. Soon, Mav and Jester were able to distroy all that came before them. They thought they had it all. Soon, these two guys would learn one final lesson: Respect.

Their names were Dlux and Sloter. They were part of the Margarita clan. Mav and Jester had the fortunate experience to meet these two head to head in the canyon. Mav and Jester were completely wasted. They were amazed at the talent and ability of the two victors. Instead of complaining, Mav and Jester wanted to learn. There were many games between these four guys, one on one and teams...each time something new was learned. And soon, Mav and Jester became part of the Margarita clan. Dlux and Sloter became their "undeclaired" trainers. Because of these two guys, Mav and Jester learned what it meant to respect others on the zone. No matter how good one gets at JK...there is always someone or some team that was better. Always respect the oppenent.

During the membership of Margarita Jedi Clan, Mav was made leader by the founder of the clan. He was made leader because of his devotion to the clan and his ablility. Mav did an exclent job at being leader. He was able to turn a crumbling clan around...and he was able to keep them togethere. Things were extremely well for a long time, until an internal struggle developed that was no fault of Mav. Soon it became apparent that the clan was falling and there was no way to fix it.

From the ashes of Margarita clan, a new clan was formed by one of the past members. It was called the Atomics. This clan was founded by Freeze. The concept was quite simple and was something that seemed right. The Atomics were not a clan...but rather a group or gang. A few of those in the Margs that had the tallent and personality joined Atomics...and so did Mav and Jester.

During this time, Mav and Jester were slowly advancing up the ladder. Jester had a 38 game win streak going while Mav was breaking the top ten.

Along this time, Mav and Jester received an e-mail of a new clan starting and were invited to join. The clan was WaR: WarLords, Assassins and Rouges. The idea and structure behind the clan was too inviting to pass up. So, these two left Atomics for WaR.

Mav was forced to quit the ladder due to time needed for classes at college.

WaR was a fantastic clan. It held a number of well known and respected tallented members. There was no refuting that WaR was instantly one of the best clans on the zone. During this time, Jester was able to attain the number one rung on the ladder with Mav sporting the number two. For Mav and Jester, it was an honor to wear the name of WaR. For it was respected at the zone by many other clans. WaR entered their first Clan World Tournament. They placed in the three divisions they entered, taking two golds and one silver. Everything looked to be picture perfect for these two..but that would change soon.

It was a shocking day when news came down the founder of WaR was stepping down for a few months and Jester would be leader. The clan nearly crumbled...but because of Jester the clan was kept togethere....but the damage had been done..it was only a matter of time. After a couple of months...WaR finally fell......one of the greatest groups of tallent had passed.

This was a huge blow to these two jedi....the desire to play Jk was faded. Jester relinquished his hold on the number one spot..citing reasons of not having enough time to play like a number one guy should. During this time....Mav and Jester was not seen much on the zone. Many wondered where they had disappeared to. After a month or two....they finally met again..renewed their friendship and competition with a game.....at the canyon.

It seemed only fiting for these two to make a clan. They had the experience of leading a clan. They had the respect needed to work together. They had the knowledge of the game. They were both loners. They were both wildcards.