Vader's Secret
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
86 / 100
September 15, 1999
90 / 100
80 / 100
80 / 100
First Impressions
This level is based off of Sir Gerry's earlier level, Nar Solom, however that level has been greatly improved, and an extra level has been tacked onto the end.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
Well, the architecture was really pleasing to the eye, a far cry from the author's first level, Death Star. Nar Solom has been heavily inspired from Nar Shadaa, and the architecture is possibly the equal of those classic levels. Pits, ramps, stairs, grates, true 3d areas, all make this level a wonder to behold. I think in fact, this is the best architecture I have seen in a MotS level, besides maybe Beggar's Canyon from the original ORS. The texturing was also suprisingly varied, for a city schemed level. However, there were a couple of mis-aligned textures.
Dynamics / Interactivity
There was an almost perfect array of enemies, with you constantly looking out for health packs, and a revive when I most needed it. But, the author made the fatal aliens with Imperials mistake, taking away from the realism a little bit, but not much. The author also had both the levels start with enemies shooting at you, which is a bit annoying, personally. There were a couple of new cutscenes, which were pretty well done, though at the end of one level, some enemies popped in while I escaped in a TIE. However, the player thing was still standing there, getting shot at by the storm troopers, and I died. An annoying bug that could be eliminated pretty easily. Additionally, a couple of new 3dos and a new enemy made a valuable addition to the level.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
There was a fair use of coloured lighting, helping the level along, but sound was a tad sparse for my tastes. Also, while there were sounds for conveyor belts, there wasn't a conveyor.cog attached to the conveyor, so it didn't look like it was moving. There weren't any technical problems as far as I could see, and the framerate was pretty high, but there were a couple of minor plot problems. I won't mention them specifically, because you have to be pretty observant and looking out for these things (like a reviewer).
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
The level was well worth playing and it took me well over three quarters of an hour to play from start to finish, and that was the second time I've played it! If you haven't already played this level, take this opportunity to.
90 / 100
80 / 100
80 / 100