Yug'rin & Zak: Part 1
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
83 / 100
November 30, 1999
80 / 100
70 / 100
70 / 100
First Impressions
Overall, I believe that this is a good level. It's nice and solid with very little in the way of errors. The two cutscenes, as well as the AI for Zak, make this level even better.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
I really enjoyed this level, and with good reason: the architecture is very nicely done. The level begins with you as Yug'rin starting just outside of the Imperial facility. Fencing surrounds you on all sides, and just outside of the fencing you can see an Imperial walker patrolling the perimeter with a nice backdrop of mountains. One of the parts that really stood out about this beginning area was the fencing: generally when I see fencing it seems to be a little on the low quality side (inconsistent bar spacing and poor texturing are the two major flaws that come to mind), but I really enjoyed the realistic look of these fences. Another high point of the level was the elevator shaft, which is textured with a nice "undeveloped" look to it so that it seems to be carved right out of the earth itself. A nice set of girders running from near the floor to the roof of the chamber also add a touch of realism as well as to help you reach the elevator itself. The detention area of the level also impressed me. This area has the original Dark Forces Detention Center feel to it: dark lighting and colors, lots of locked security doors, and of course the infamous floor symbols from the Detention center. Texturing was very good in this level: no stitching errors as well as some nice choices for coloring, especially in the elevator shaft and detention area. The elevator shaft has this cool "undeveloped" look to it in that it seems to be lacking in the nice smooth metal walls that most Imperial compounds have. Instead, it has a MAT of corroding walls and worn power cables which adds a nice touch to the level, making it seem a little more backwater and out of the way instead of being in the mainstream of things.
Dynamics / Interactivity
The enemy placement in this level was nice. There were stormtroopers placed logically throughout the level - some were stationary at guardposts, others (such as in the detention cell area) were on patrol, while still others responded after actions that I made as a character. The troopers were placed well, one of the first things that I noticed was that there seemed to be a checkpoint just inside of the main entrance tunnel to the base. It's nice to see a base guarded instead of the typical one guard outside and a whole bunch of them standing right inside the door. One of the most impressive parts of the level was the patrolling guards in the detention block area. They actually had a nice set path in which they followed as if patrolling the cellblock for problems. Another nice touch was having guards appear in areas that I've already been through as if they responded to alarms. However, the level just didn't have enough enemies to make it seem like a prison. A few more would have been nice and would have contributed to the effect of an Imperial prison compound better. About the most impressive part of the level was the AI for Zak. Once rescued from his cell, Zak will follow you around and even help you deal with the opposition, as he is equipped with a bowcaster. Though it's a little unrealistic, the bowcaster adds to the overall feel of the level: you and Zak blasting your way out of the level, Imperials hot on your heels. Zak did seem a little trigger happy, as every time we encountered an enemy he would charge them; but even that was a pretty cool sight. Items were a little sparse in this level, but because of its length there is an adequate amount of them. They are positioned well in logical places such as crates in storerooms and near security stations. There are no heavy weapons (carbonite gun, mines, etc.) in this level which, again, seems to contribute to the effect of a smaller, local jail than a large Imperial detention facility.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
For a representation of a full-fledged Imperial detention facility, this level seems slightly lacking, though only in the overall size of the level and number of opponents. I really like having to enter the base through the elevator shaft instead of through a front gate because it added a "breaking and entering" feel to the level. One of the earliest parts of the level is the elevator shaft, where you must jump on top of a moving elevator car and travel to several different floors by cutting through grates in the shaft's walls, risking death the whole way. The main thing that told me that this level was a serious detention level was the Detention center theme to the cell block area, which is done very nicely with excellent stitching and MAT choices. I didn't come across any technical problems save one: there is the infamous Hall of Mirrors effect on right hand door that is located on the floor around the entrance of the facility. Except for that, there were no errors.
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
A nice level overall. While being a tad on the short side, the quality makes up for the length - download this level and check it out.
80 / 100
70 / 100
70 / 100