Relics of the Empire
Mission Type:
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
79 / 100
79 / 100
87 / 100
66 / 100
First Impressions
The plot is adequate as far as originality is concerned. I can see how some people might be confused about an Imperial facility being set up on Endor after RotJ. However, the author never gave a specific date as to when it was set up. Therefore, it could have been 2 days or 2 decades after RotJ. Whether or not this was accidental is not important. It was still a good decision by the author, and saved him from possible scrutiny by reviewers like myself. As for the level on to find out more.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
Architecturally, there were some well done rooms, but a lot of it came off as average. Exterior scenes, were rather constricted and blocky. At times it didn't look natural. Walls of dense vegetation formed at right angles, and many trails were straight and rectangular. There wasn't much detail either. Yes, there is brush inside the caves and grass abundant in the beginning, but there wasn't a lot of detail on the floors and walls. It was too flat and two-dimensional. There weren't any protrusions, crevices, hills, breaks in the terrain, or anything that made me feel like I was on Endor. Now, I realize that true slopes are next to impossible in the DF engine. However, would it have been that hard to make the ground a little uneven? Fortunately, the base architecture was much better. The rooms were still boxy, but there was a lot more attention to detail. Computer panels, which were indented to give it a more realistic look, was one example of the detail used. Other examples, include shelves, chairs, animated screens, mechanical parts, and even a fully working sink. All of these helped contribute to the detail and design of the level. Texturing was pretty decent overall. The exterior scenes, like "Phantom Point", featured that jungle texture which helped add to the feel of the level. However, the author failed to do that with the architecture and overall detail. Interior texturing, at times, got repetitive, but never to the point where I was starved for something different.
Dynamics / Interactivity
Finally, the poor enemy placement that was in the author's previous two levels, "Goatha's Palace" and "Reunion", is gone. The author used only a handful of enemies, and strategically placed them so that they would ambush the player as he walked by. The exterior scenes had some intense action since you had to constantly watch your back or else the Ewoks would sneak up on you. The fact that they were hard to see and hit more then made up for their lack of long-range weaponry. Inside the base, rebels were also well placed. Almost every room had some, and many were behind walls and pillars, which enables them to get the drop on the player. Generators in the hangar areas, guard towers, and other places ensured that the player wouldn't run out of things to shoot at either. Items were rather scare, especially at the end. The armory room ensured the player would survive early on. However, during the last trek through the forests, I found myself low on health, and the Ewoks that continuously ambushed me from around every corner didn't help. Fortunately, the level isn't impossible, just challenging. Enahncements were prominent in the level. The most noticeable is the new Ewok WAX and VOC. They helped add to the realism of the level. Also, several new BM's and 3DO's can be found, which add to the design and overall detail of the level (my favorite were the BM's showing X-wing and TIE fighters battling). There is also an R2D2 WAX, which rounded off the enhancements.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
Unfortunately, this is where the level really begins to slip. The author did not do a good job in creating a realistic atmosphere throughout the entire level. Right off the bat, the level disregards the plot and decides to show you something that looks nothing like Endor. That's right, if not for the Ewoks I never would have thought that I was on Endor. The most obvious thing that was missing was the trees. There were only two trees in the entire level. If you remember RotJ, you will recall that Luke and company were practically surrounded by massive trees. This level seems rather vacant without them and reminds me more of a courtyard then a forest moon. Also, the overall feel of the level didn't come off as anything that we would see on Endor. The grass is a yellowish green, and at times appears to be floating off the ground. Furthermore, it seems that the grass was put in mainly for keeping the player in the level, then for realistic effect. What happened to the lush green grass and shrubbery that the rebels had to walk through? An AT-ST and some Ewoks does not a forest moon make. Lighting was pretty average. Outside is dark, but it was a constant shade of dark with no variation. I was expecting some more shadows as I walked through the cave parts of the level. Also, the base had only one degree of light. Again, I was expecting some more variation, but even the sewers were as brightly lit as the control rooms. It's a shame because if the author had managed to put just a bit more effort, his level would have come across as a truly great one. Gameplay was, for the most part, commendable. There is enough there that will interest the player in playing the level over. Furthermore, there aren't any bugs or fatal crashes. The level will play smoothly on almost any computer nowadays. I never experienced any slow down, so most players will enjoy a fast game.
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
Overall, I would put this level in the above-average category. Despite not establishing an atmosphere, there are a lot of good things about this level like the new features, and the challenge that it provides. It's definitely worth at least one run through, but don't expect it too much out of it afterwards.
79 / 100
87 / 100
66 / 100