Yug'rin 3: Wanted
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
60 / 100
November 23, 1998
50 / 100
50 / 100
70 / 100
First Impressions
This is an interesting mission where you must travel through the city to escape from the Imperial menace hot on your tracks. Check out the review for the good stuff...
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
The architecture of this mission was a bit plain. There were virtually no slanted surfaces, and no details such as beams and balconies. Also, the small amount of elevation change was not by stairs or ramp at all. However, I do give credit to the buildings that you see when you walk around the city- they were pretty cool looking, even if a little boxy. The trees were also excellent. The author made them look realistic, and I thought it was a nice touch. I commend this attention to detail, but the rest of the level was a little boring. There were some support pillars in a few areas, but overall, the architecture was average. Texturing too, was average. The texture choices were a little dark and gloomy, and some were plain. Otherwise, it looked like a normal city. It could use a little expansion to make the level even more fun. Drawing from my vast store of Star Wars knowledge, I can tell you that Rodia has a lot of casinos and nightclubs. The level would have been better if it was larger, with more places to explore.
Dynamics / Interactivity
Enemy placement in this level was a little extreme at times. There were a good many masses of enemy soldiers to complicate Yug'rin's life. It wouldn't have been so bad, but there weren't enough power ups. I think the author could take out some of the stormtroopers, or at least spread them out a little. Item placement, I feel could use some work. As I mentioned, there weren't enough power ups, and once again, you start only with one hundred health, and no shields. There was plenty of ammo to strip from an abundance of fallen foes, but there weren't enough shields. The level was still beatable however, so it got average scores. On the other hand, COG enhancement excelled. There were a couple of different cut scenes, as well as TIE Bombers doing bombing runs. There was also the usual assortment of doors and elevators, not to mention when Yug'rin spoke, which made things interesting. The rain was also interesting, but it had some drawbacks. There was a GOG that makes a 'door opening' sound when you press a surface, and it sounds like the door opens when it really doesn't. Perhaps the author could make the 'locked door' sound instead; it would make more sense.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
I found the level atmosphere to be enjoyable; the level was fun and interesting. I think the Yug'rin trilogy is creative because no one has ever been a Rodian before, which I thought was an interesting idea. It was a cool city, and it had Rodian citizens as well as bandits. The Empire doesn't have a garrison on Rodia, but the fact that they could have followed Yug'rin is plausible. Gameplay had a few problems. There were massive frame rate slow downs in some places, and some of it came from the rain. (I noticed it was only raining in one part of the city too.) Other than the slowdown, gameplay was good.
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
This was a good mission. With a little expansion and adaptation, it could be really great. I'd like to see more of the city, as well as improved architecture and texturing. The COGs were cool and inventive, so they won't need much work. I would really like to see this level re-released with the above repairs, but even so, it's a fun level as it is. Download it now!
50 / 100
50 / 100
70 / 100