The Menace Hunt
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
77 / 100
September 6, 2000
76 / 100
74 / 100
82 / 100
First Impressions
When TPM first came out there were a lot of rushed, low quality levels based on it. I hopedn that after over a year TPM levels would be an improvement. Does this level improve where earlier ones failed? Yes and no.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
The design of the levels was good in some places, plain in others. A lot of the corridors had nicely done beams with a lot of detail. Unfortunately, there were a couple places which had flat, boxy walls and this detracted from the realism of the level. I felt that some places could have used some more detail - just a few beams or pillars so they wouldn't look so flat. The lighting was generally flat and constant, with hardly any shadows or variation in shading throughout the whole series, with the exception of the last level which had excellent lighting. Some of the areas which had great architecture unfortunately didn't have the shadows and highlights to back them up. Texturing was much the same although it did contribute to the authenticity of some of the architecture (again, the corridors were a good example). The rest of the level had the usual "gray imperial ship/base" theme, definitely a theme that has had more than it's fair share of use. Although the author shouldn't really be criticized for that it would have been nice to have some variety, maybe even some brand new textures.
Dynamics / Interactivity
This level was fairly well done when it comes to dynamics. There were a few neat little extra's in it, like grates that collapsed when you walked on them. The TPM enemies also added a lot to the level, the droidekas (complete with shields) and battle droids were well modeled and animated, as well as a few more surprise characters from the movie. The final battle was great, where the atmosphere was perfect. However, there was one thing that was implemented badly and that was the last cutscene. One time a robot came and started killing me while the cutscene was running. Things like that are frustrating because it means the player has absolutely no control over what is happening. Fortunately most of the other cutscenes in this pack were relatively short and to the point.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
I thought gameplay could have used some work. Puzzles were obvious and had no challenge in them, also the enemies seemed to be randomly scattered around in groups. Parts of the level didn't make any sense either; a lot of the locations seemed just thrown together from a collection of other levels. In the first part of the levels you are onboard a starship which seems to be part tanker, part battleship as well as a few more bits and pieces. For example, there was a large room with crates on conveyor belts. A few rooms away was a tank full of water. I felt that these (and other parts of the level) didn't go well together. Often the gameplay would be interrupted by in-game cutscenes. While these help add to the atmosphere they didn't always fit in with the gameplay (like the end cutscene). The dialog was cheesy in places as well but then again, TPM the movie wasn't exactly a work of Shakespeare either. In saying all that I have to admit that the plot was pretty good, I just wish it were expressed slightly better.
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
It's worth playing this through just to see the enemies and other TPM characters. You'll probably enjoy it for quite a while but I doubt it will stay on your hard drive forever.
76 / 100
74 / 100
82 / 100