The Dihnari Book
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
78 / 100
November 13, 1999
76 / 100
73 / 100
69 / 100
First Impressions
One thing I like about the plot is its originality. Don't get me wrong, the actual objective consists of searching for a book... not very thrilling. However, the way it's done is something I have not seen before. The author actually sets it up so as you play, you feel like you're also telling the story as you progress. It was really neat the way the author pulled it off too. Occasionally, he would break the game with a cutscene that shows Kyle continuing his narration. This way you never forget that you're telling a story at the same time that you play.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
While maybe not as detailed as some of the authors other works, (ala "Boc's Survival) this level does have some moments where the architecture is quite good. The room with the blue key, for example, had good use of slopes to create a really nice looking room. Cargo crates, which were added along the bottom strip, further added to the detail. There's another area where the author could have made a simple rectangular hallway. Instead, he sloped the sides of the ceiling downward to give the room a nice hexagonal shape. Furthermore, he added windows which overlooked parts of the city. This gave the impression that you were on an enclosed walkway of some kind, and that you were moving into a new part of the city. Like I said, a simple hallway would have sufficed. However, because the author made that extra step, it made the whole level that much more enjoyable. This isn't to say that the entire level had superior architecture. The main plaza, despite the fact that it had good use of slopes, didn't have enough detail in it for it's size. Some added features like lampposts, benches, and vendors would have helped. The trees and civilians were beneficial, but the whole area needed more to it. Then there were areas that consisted of little more then cubed rooms, and boring hallways that ended in right angles. The author made a valiant effort, but consistency is the key here. After seeing some the amazing architecture in parts of this level (not to mention some of his other levels) that I know he's capable of, I was a bit disappointed that he didn't go all the way. Texturing on the other hand was very well done. The author used some brand new textures which really helped the level look and feel like a city. Plus, he appropriately meshed familiar ones together to give rooms a pleasing look. The final scene in the temple was particularly well done. Overall, a great job with the textures.
Dynamics / Interactivity
I never had a problem with the placement of enemies. Stormtroopers could be found in the high traffic areas, like the plaza (patrolling I might add... not standing still) and near the secret passage. Aliens were wisely separated from imperials in, what appeared to be, high security areas. A few within the actual city wouldn't have hurt, but nothing is detracted because the author chose not to add them. In fact, my only gripe is that the level was a bit too easy, even on the hard difficulty setting. Even the high security areas had too few stormtroopers within them. A few more enemies would have helped heighten the challenge. Then again, a few less items would have accomplished the same thing. Ammo was particularly extensive. I never had to play conservative with my blaster, and the low number of enemies just made it easier. The final battle scene had enough bacta and health packs, that you needn't worry about dying. One thing that you can almost never have too much of though are Enhancements. This level has it's fair share of them too. The most obvious is the new briefing and the numerous cutscenes. Within the actual level itself, are new MAT's, which make the level look a lot more like a city (the blue tiled texture looked the best in my opinion), and new 3DO's. There are also plenty of COG's, but you'll have to play the level to see them all. Most of them are minor, but they still enhance the feel of the level.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
The author went a little heavy with colored lighting at times, but overall I was impressed with the use of light and shadow in this level. The room with the blue key has some really nice shading that makes the whole area look that much more real. The lighting inside the sewers were a bit bright, but there nothing overly terrible about it. However, good lighting isn't the only thing that makes up an atmosphere. Sadly this level has quite a few issues concerning realism and semblance. For starters, this level is much too linear for a city. There's only one way to do things, and the author leaves no areas off the beaten path that the player can explore. The whole level feels cut off from the rest of the city. You can see the city through the windows, but there doesn't seem like there's any real way to get to them. It gives the whole thing a superficial look. Then there are the realism issues. For one thing, why are there aliens in the secret temple passage? It's supposed to be secret. Also, the final temple scene had several windows which showed the starry night sky. It looks nice and all, but that means that, in order to see the sky, the whole area is visible from the outside. That's not what I'd call secret or secluded, especially in a city. How come areas that are clearly civilian in appearance are locked while the areas that looked imperial were unlocked? Shouldn't that be the other way around? Fortunately, the level did have a good plot. I would have liked to see another level continuing the story, but the way the author ends it leaves no room for another level. Gameplay wise, this level didn't have too many negative spots. I was disappointed that most of the level turned out to be a key hunt. There's only one puzzle, and it isn't real hard to figure out. That's pretty much the only thing though. Framerate was high, and the only bug was a small error with the objectives, and one or two stitching errors. If you decide to play it, I recommend a 3D acceleration card so you can enjoy the colored lighting.
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Final Thoughts
It's not a spectacular level, but it is a step in the right direction for this author. His levels are getting progressively better and better. With a little more work with the architecture and atmosphere, his levels will eventually become true keepers. As for this one... it's worth playing once, but after that it's up to you to decide what to do with it.
76 / 100
73 / 100
69 / 100