Dark Legion 4
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
77 / 100
February 28, 1999
80 / 100
70 / 100
80 / 100
First Impressions
Dark Legion IV is definitely a higher quality level than the rest of the series. I highly recommend that you download it and check it out.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
I feel that the architecture of Dark Legion IV is very good, and is much improved over the earlier missions of the series. I'd even go as far to say that it's the best I've seen from the author to date, and I think he put a decent amount of work into this level to make it look good. In Dark Legion IV, there were well-constructed pillars as well as nice recessed pipe and beam structural elements This attention to small detail makes the level much more pleasing to the eye, and thus a better quality level. There were a few sets of steps, and I felt that the elevation change added a more realistic and open feel to the ship. The steps, unfortunately, were a little too big, so a few more of a smaller size would make going up smoother for the player. The doorways throughout the level had a lip on the floor section that you step over, making it seem like a hatch on a real ship. The newly rebuilt Arc Hammer bears a striking resemblance to its successor, yet I felt that the parts that are similar are not as well done as the original Arc Hammer from Dark Force. There were a few sloped surfaces included with the archways and beams, but not very many. I think that to make this a better MotS level, the best features of the engine should be used. Without sloped surfaces, things can look very similar to a DF level, though MotS is capable of so much more. One other problem was that basically all of the rooms were rectangles, and using other varied shapes would have livened up the architecture even further. Overall, the architecture as a whole was well done. Texturing was pretty fair in Dark Legion IV. I found a pretty good variety of metal textures on the walls, and I really liked some of the light-texture usage. Some support pillars in the cargo area had blue lights on them, and they looked really cool. I found a small number of spots where textures did not line up correctly, which should have been corrected with the 3d preview during testing. I felt that a few textures were overused, especially the light gray metal one that covers the majority of the level. But overall, very nice work in the area of level design.
Dynamics / Interactivity
The level dynamics of Dark Legion IV were great. The enemy placement was pretty decent, but I thought those Dark Troopers made it a little difficult in certain areas. Their shots are so powerful that you can only survive two or three of them, and there are virtually no power ups in the vicinity of the combat area. Furthermore, the stormtroopers in the cargo area are bountiful, and vicious. Fortunately, it offers a challenge to experienced players, but some others may find it an annoyance. In one area, you go up against a division of stormies, plus a DT. But they are easily mowed down as you conveniently hop in your e-web repeating blaster cannon, which was very well placed. With the help of the e-web, the level is beatable with only a few tough spots to make you replay. Item placement was also well done, and it doesn't need too much improvement. There were some power ups, but not too many. You get a revive at the perfect time as you're starting to get pretty beat up, and suddenly, hurray!, a revive! I think the area where you fight two Dark Troopers at once could use some more shield juice, as well as the area right after the huge mass of stormies in the cargo hold. One little problem I noticed was that when you kill a certain commando, he drops the blue key. That's not so strange in itself, but the key must have repulsor lifts or something, because it floats pretty high up in the air. I didn't see any other items with this problem, so item placement was good. COG enhancement was fair. There was a tiny little cutscene in the beginning, and a really, really cool one at the end. During the level, you encounter locked, button and normal doors, elevators, slash grates, and blow-up reactor couplings, and sector thrusts that help make the level more interesting.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
I really loved the lighting in Dark Legion IV; it was excellent. There was admirable use of colored lighting which made things look truly awesome. The light level did vary from area to area, and was used to make an interesting atmosphere. Unfortunately, it was kind of dull playing the Arc Hammer again, so I lost a little interest in the level from the beginning. Something original would have been much more exciting, but it was still a decent level. Gameplay was pretty good, and I only had a minor frame rate drop, though it did crash once. Many other people reported this problem, so be sure to save it when you get to the area around the e-web.
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Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
I'd just like to take the time to commend the author on his efforts with making his Dark Troopers. They're looking really nice these days, with the exception of the head which still doesn't seem to fit with the look of the body. I'm sure the author has spent a lot of time working on texturing them and creating the AI cogs, and I think he has done a great job. Dark Legion IV has also improved in almost every aspect of the scores compared to the first three levels of the series, and the author seems to have taken some advice to heart for this project. I hope he continues to make these quality levels, because I enjoy reviewing them. Download now!
80 / 100
70 / 100
80 / 100