The Emperor's Reach Part 4
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
86 / 100
November 13, 1999
90 / 100
85 / 100
85 / 100
First Impressions
The Doomed Ship was a very nice level. It's most certainly the author's best yet, and I highly recommend you download it and check it out. The interesting architecture and good lighting made it a very appealing setting.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
As I mentioned, the architecture was quite interesting and detailed. There was excellent use of sloped surfaces in nearly all areas that made things flow together, as well as look much more pleasing than the average level. There were great elevated hallways from which you could get a view of areas you'll visit later, and nice ramps that you could go under. I saw a bunch of nice pillars, and a lot of great looking beams, panels and other details that all helped make the level look great. Elevation change was used well, and gave more depth to the level. The level took place on a ten or 15 degree slant on two axes, and that made things interesting as well, though a little unrealistic. A ship in space can be tilted in any direction, and down will still be what it normally is, but, as I said, the tilt made things more interesting. There was a large number of details nearly everywhere you went, and it made me immensely happy. The architecture was superb; my compliments on an excellent job, Dave. The texturing was also very good. There was a good variety, and they looked pretty nice together. A few choices were a little bland, but the lighting helped to spice them up. Aside from a few minor stitching problems, all the textures were aligned correctly. I was especially impressed with the stitching going around a curved turn; it was perfect on the floor, and very close on the walls. The art of texturing curves correctly is known only to the more advanced authors, and it was used well here. Overall, level design was excellent.
Dynamics / Interactivity
The enemy placement was fairly admirable. The enemies, though in force overall, were spread out well and were not too incredibly difficult to kill. The Doomed Ship was a nice challenge, but not so hard that you will get annoyed and obliterate your monitor. Also, Dark Troopers were used very well; they aren't the behemoths of the Yug'rin series, but merely worthy adversaries. They too, offer a good challenge, but are still beatable. You face an array of stormtroopers, officers and commandos, plus two dark troopers to make your life more difficult. The item placement was also great. There was a nearly perfect amount of powerups; when I started getting low, boom! An armored vest! There were a fair number of shields and medkits laying around to keep you in decent shape as well. On a side note, I was pleased with the arsenal available in this mission. The seeking rails came in quite handy agains dark troopers, and the concussion rifle and rail detenator made short work against the stormies. The good weapons made it so that you could take out a couple of enemies easily in each area, making the level not unbearably difficult. Through the course of playing, I did notice a few things that didn't have the tilt like the rest of the objects. The enhancements of the Doomed Ship were excellent. There were a lot of explosions, flashing lights and such to make the level interesting. There were also elevators, forcefields, keydoors, slashgrates, and a nice cutscene after you beat the level (and series too).
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
The atmoshpere was quite good. The lighting was excellent, especially because of the nice use of colored lighting. It was used well to accent the architectural tidbits that the author created. Though there wasn't a whole lot of shadowing, there was definitely change in illumination between different areas. I especially liked creeping through dim areas, searching for stormies that lurked in the dark. The gameplay was great. Though I had some framerate problems, all of the features conspired for a good experience. You had to crawl through vents, take roundabout courses etc., to achieve your objectives, and overall it was a pretty fun level.
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
This was an excellent level, and I really enjoyed playing it. I recommend it highly because you're sure to have a good time. One additional note to the author: You spelled my name wrong in the cutscene!
90 / 100
85 / 100
85 / 100