Trail's Guide

To Jedi Knight

Level 7: Yun - The Dark Youth

Objective: Exercise the force and defeat Yun. This is a test of a true Jedi.

Reward: No star is awarded on this level. You do receive the ability to use force power "pull" once Yun is defeated. You can assign up to four of your force stars towards force powers "speed", "jump", and "pull".

Level of Difficulty: Yun isn't that hard to defeat, just keep moving. I tried for the hell of it to kill him with conventional weapons. He makes the motions of getting hurt, but doesn't seem to take damage. You will have to kill him with the lightsabre. Chung tested this for me and found it took over a 100 rail charges to do the trick. Clearly the sabre is easier.
First Duel with Yun 1) Yun is fairly easy to defeat. First off, he will do one of three things. Jump a lot, blind you, or disappear. None are done at a very high level and will only last for short periods of time.

Circle Yun 2) Keep circling Yun, and come in swinging after he has committed himself. He will be unable to block you and is easy to hit. Just strike, and continue on past him.

Defeated and at your mercy 3) It only takes a few strikes to defeat Yun, and then he will be laying at your feet, demanding your brand of justice. Unfortunately at this stage, you can't decide his fate, but you will get that option of a sorts, later in the game.

Secret Health Area 4) It was brought to my attention by Nathan House that there is a secret area with health paks in the level. Simply use activate on the panel, and it willl lower for a short time revealing the paks within.